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Major proportion of Arjun tanks in service not operational

Stop wasting time with Indians let them induct this junk they would know How big betrayal they did to there country during war when this disaster will get exposed

You inducting Chinese hardware and suggesting others to induct junk?? :lol:
You inducting Chinese hardware and suggesting others to induct junk?? :lol:
Than go and learn about Chinese weapons the products you use in your daily routine doesn't show there quality these are for people who can afford them when it comes to weapons they are of same quality as of Europe but when we have people like you who just choose to be ..............................
Than go and learn about Chinese weapons the products you use in your daily routine doesn't show there quality these are for people who can afford them when it comes to weapons they are of same quality as of Europe but when we have people like you who just choose to be ..............................

Same quality as Europe? :lol:

Is this the reason they need to sell majority of their weapon with aid, loan?
If quality is same then why big country dnt want Chinese hardware but 3 times expensive European ? :lol:

Dnt joke around here.

Without loan even you will not buy their hardware.
Same quality as Europe? :lol:

Is this the reason they need to sell majority of their weapon with aid, loan?
If quality is same then why big country dnt want Chinese hardware but 3 times expensive European ? :lol:

Dnt joke around here.

Without loan even you will not buy their hardware.
They are selling there weapons without aid vast majority if they have so much junk go try to mess with them they will show you all the junk they have. I have never asked this question but what is your age ?
They are selling there weapons without aid vast majority if they have so much junk go try to mess with them they will show you all the junk they have. I have never asked this question but what is your age ?

:lol: I know your condition, they can not sell most of their weapons without loan/aid. Tell me which one you bought without their loan??
Here is the DDM style ,just T 14 launched .
The Arjun tank has been operated by 43 Armoured Regiment since over a decade; 43 is delighted with the tank. I have a very close friend who commanded that regiment and he always argued that a regiment of Arjun tanks was worth two regiments of T-72s. And this was even before the Arjun turned the corner!

After the firing trials in June 2006, 43 Armoured Regiment pronounced itself delighted with the Arjun’s firing performance. As I said above, 43 Armoured Regiment endorsed in its trial report, “The accuracy and consistency of the Arjun has been proved beyond doubt.” The brigade commander, Brigadier Chandra Mukesh, himself from 43 Armoured Regiment, endorsed that report whole-heartedly.

But the DGMF was quick to strike back. Barely three months after that report, the commanding officer of 43 Armoured Regiment, Colonel D Thakur, was confronted by then DGMF, Lt Gen DS Shekhawat. Several eyewitnesses have described to me how Colonel Thakur was upbraided by Lt Gen Shekhawat for “not conducting the trials properly”. Fortunately for Colonel Thakur, his brigade commander, Brigadier Chandra Mukesh, intervened and argued strongly that the trials had been conducted in accordance with procedure.
Broadsword: Nailing some more falsehoods about the Arjun tank... and some about the T-90!
:lol: I know your condition, they can not sell most of their weapons without loan/aid. Tell me which one you bought without their loan??
Yes Yes they have junk now please go and ask your Army to mess with them you will know What that junk can do ?
have 60-70% foreign components

Which other product,other than the Arjun is 60 % foreign ?
You are from a country where s called indigenous proucs are being consulted and designed by foreign firms

Consultancy is essential especially when you are doing it for the first time.MBB was consulted for developing the Dhruv.Mikoyan for JF 17.There is nothing wrong with it.

Which Indian weapon system was designed by a foreign firm ? Don't talk non sense

y these are for people who can afford them

Well one can not expect better from your.

One is SSN and another SSBN, just compare spaces of both the submarines, and we are not China so that we are not copying others hardware.
yr not china because yr worst. The design is a full copy of akula.

Regarding what ?
1) is there something in a working condition in yr upper chamber?
2) r u by any chance a relative or follower of arnob goswami or submarine swamy?
yr not china because yr worst. The design is a full copy of akula.

When they doesn't even have superficial similarities..lmao


Are you retarded or what ?
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No they don't. They make a product that was expected and agreed on paper, then they induct it. Upgrades come later. I don't know of any major Army that puts into service half built/reliable tanks and says, oh we will fix this later. Only in india.

T 34? F 16? Ring any bells?

I never tried to bit the trumpet over Arjun or LCA. So far this two projects has been white elephants. But that doesnt mean these two machines cant be successful in long run.

If you have read my posts & links given, a clear road map based on F16 development can be followed where product being inducted in large no with flaws & gradually improving it with each batches. I guess same shall be done with Mkii veraions of both Arjun & LCA.

By the way, at a personal level, the way you use words such as kids, idiots, enuch etc obnoxious remarks shows much about your upbringing. You have been warned earlier by Waz i remember.

As I said before , even I can post garbage & become an elite member in no time. But instead, I like to add valuables to the forum.

Note: The way you claimed F16 has never faced any problems during its inception, shows the idiocracy you posses. Instead of trolling all the way just for sake of it, do contribute with something valuable. :)

But Mr Donatello is unaware of this fact.

And yet he is Think Tank.
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