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Major Breakthrough: Pakistan and Tethyan Copper Company(TCC) have agreed over 50 per cent shares over Reko Diq

1. Nobody can make us pay a fine.

Are you Khadim Hussain Rizwi student?
Contracts are contracts, who forced Pakistan on gun point to sign contracts on lower amount?
Its your politicians corruption, even if they did these contracts for corruption, contracts are still valid.

You should think twice before signing contracts. lol

Are you Khadim Hussain Rizwi student?
Contracts are contracts, who forced Pakistan on gun point to sign contracts on lower amount?
Its your politicians corruption, even if they did these contracts for corruption, contracts are still valid.

You should think twice before signing contracts. lol

Why do people not finishing reading the thread before hitting the reply button. We've already discussed this point.
They should add a point to that agreement that 95% of the workers on the mine must be Pakistani and 75% of the Pakistanis must be Baloch. Baloch workers must hold high positions in the mine and any village and community within 100 kms of the mine must be developed at the cost of the company.
Good but just for non-technical work. If you cannot train people bcz they lack education, your product quality will fall.. I guess, Pak should ask UAE to open a factory for jewelry making near Gawadar. They can also exploit gemstones from Muslim bagh, Suleman region. Now, the best possible deal is done, exploit the output as much as possible. I hope Dubai expo is doing something solid in this matter.
Why do people not finishing reading the thread before hitting the reply button. We've already discussed this point.
I think you can edit your first page post. :)
I think it was through annoyance at the whole situation when I read this yesterday. I was a child and the economic condition of this country was that of a third world shithole and my children are nearly adults and the economic condition of this country is still of a third world shithole,

Having said that, where there is a will there is a way. As I suggested in further post we could have delayed payment by launching legal challenges. I would have based this one;

1. Govt who signed original agreement were corrupt and took kickbacks.
2. Judge who rejected the deal was appointed by a military dictator.

Any bakwas to drag matters on for longer.

However i concede that we are too incompetent to successfully play that game, we are too imcompetent to mine ourselves, we are too incompetent to strike a good deal.
Rekodig has 100s of block this is just one
Balochistan is full of minerals
Either it stays buried or you let foreign investment and competitive bidding flow
Good but just for non-technical work. If you cannot train people bcz they lack education, your product quality will fall.. I guess, Pak should ask UAE to open a factory for jewelry making near Gawadar. They can also exploit gemstones from Muslim bagh, Suleman region. Now, the best possible deal is done, exploit the output as much as possible. I hope Dubai expo is doing something solid in this matter.

I think you can edit your first page post. :)

Good idea. I've been embarrassed enough for that...lol
The mine will be a prime target for terrorist attacks.

Just a handful every few months will make it inoperable.

If the mine isn't secured properly then it demonstrates stupidity of the government/ people of Pakistan.
Oh man, one pathetic decision after another. Just terrible sale of Pakistan's extremely valuable and strategic resources to JEWS. Looks like we have Jews sitting in Islamabad.
When you moving out of Australia?
Shocking. How can Pakistan not have the expertise to do this themselves?

I would say take the fine.

100% of Nothing is Nothing, Brother, If it was a Pakistani company do you think they would have given the government 100%? Or worse, if it was crown corporation we would have been losing billions per year on top of getting nothing, so If Tethyan Copper Company (TCC) is putting up all the investments and create jobs in Balochistan, 50/50 deal is not bad at all
Rekodig has 100s of block this is just one
Balochistan is full of minerals
Either it stays buried or you let foreign investment and competitive bidding flow

They s is my exact point. The jahils here keep thinking that Pakistan has signed away all the blocks. That's not how mineral lease agreement work. They work on blocks.

This project can kickstart a mineral industry in Balochistan. But in typical Pakistani fashion we just don't understand the intricacies of the issue but rather resort to emotional responses!
Because this Jew is more Pakistani and Muslim than you are 🤣
Did you get your certificate
So here are all the problems when you try to mine your own resources. When you go to sell them:

  1. Are they free from child labor?
  2. Are they environmentally friendly?
  3. Are they FairTrade compliant?
  4. Is the right grade of purity achieved?
  5. How far are your buyers and how will you transport the end product?
  6. What happens when something breaks down? Do you have infrastructure for maintenance?
And this is assuming you have first world management and labor facilities available. I am not saying this can't be done, but seriously Nawaz, Zardari, Imran, and Bajwa do not seem like they will make this happen.
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