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Major boost to india's quest to UN. Members agree to expansion.

So lets consider after a year or so if we get permanent unsc membership what will be our duties and what will be our powers. Anyone?
So lets consider after a year or so if we get permanent unsc membership what will be our duties and what will be our powers. Anyone?

Even if you all get anything, it will be veto less seat. Same power as Tuvalu.

UNGA decision on Security Council reform
September 14, 2015

Government of India welcomes the decision by the UN General Assembly to carry forward the text presented by the President of the General Assembly on the issue of Security Council reform. This is a significant development as after more than two decades of discussions, we can now commence text-based negotiations. Adoption of this text by consensus by all UN Member States is reflective of the broad support of the international community to move forward on this issue.

We deeply appreciate the leadership of the President of the 69th Session of the General Assembly, H.E. Mr Sam Kutesa, and Chair of the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN) process, H.E. Mr Courtenay Rattray in carrying forward the IGN towards text-based negotiation process.

We look forward to early commencement of text-based negotiations with a view to securing concrete outcomes during the 70th Session of the UNGA. We call upon all Member States to constructively engage in this process so that the long pending reform of the UN Security Council can be achieved so as to equip the Council to more effectively address the global challenges.

UNGA decision on Security Council reform

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not so easy...anything less than veto is not acceptable to us and nobody would want to give us that!!
Ye thats why they(china russia usa) abstained right?just after we got independence we were offered unsc seat but nehru rejected right? I dont know the whole thing.
Ye thats why they(china russia usa) abstained right?just after we got independence we were offered unsc seat but nehru rejected right? I dont know the whole thing.

there might have been verbal, non-official conversations but never an actual offer
The Hindu : Miscellaneous / This Day That Age : dated September 28, 1955: UN seat: Nehru clarifies

that said, india getting a seat is a matter of time, its home to billion+ people afterall

but if india bunches its bid in with japan, china will veto that every single time. alone though, itll probably be ok
but if india bunches its bid in with japan, china will veto that every single time.
So What if china vetos again? Does this veto power come for some cost? I mean does a permanent unsc member have to give something to get veto power, or is veto unlimited?
Bloody hell. Unbelievable! And the Chinese tip toed around to prevent India from getting angry. Whats wrong nowadays! India destroys Chinese post, declares war, China backs down. And now this! WTH!

@Chinese Bamboo @S. Martin @buddha palm

Why brother why?

Economy brother Economy. Who benefits from the Indo-China trade imbalance?

That's great but it will take long time to get India into UNSC as a permanent member. I don't think India need a status of global power right now. We should focus on our priorities first. We can wait more 5 -7 years to become a global power.

Both should be pursued. In fact both are complementary. At 2 trillion $, India is getting traction. However, need to get to 5 tr levels. Then the real fun starts.
So What if china vetos again? Does this veto power come for some cost? I mean does a permanent unsc member have to give something to get veto power, or is veto unlimited?

veto is unlimited, they can literally veto anything before the UNSC for any reason, the representive of one of the P5 can literally say "i dont like the smell of this bill, fix it or i veto". my point was that an indian permanent seat is probably acceptable to china, but to have japan as a permanently member is absolutely not, therefore inidan may actually have an easier and fast time getting a seat if it goes it alone.
veto is unlimited, they can literally veto anything before the UNSC for any reason, the representive of one of the P5 can literally say "i dont like the smell of this bill, fix it or i veto". my point was that an indian permanent seat is probably acceptable to china, but to have japan as a permanently member is absolutely not, therefore inidan may actually have an easier and fast time getting a seat if it goes it alone.

Interesting scenario. Will hurt many PDF Pakistanis though.

On topic- I believe India is going along with the others to put the process into motion. Will shift to solo once it gets its way. Lets see.
Instead of a UNSC seat, how about focusing on actually equipping the armed forces with what they need?

Well trained, equipped, and led troops will do more for security of the nation than any ppiece of paper or seat at a table ever could.
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