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Major boost to india's quest to UN. Members agree to expansion.

At UN Meet, China Avoids Move That Could Be Seen as Anti-India

New Delhi: India's bid to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council has made big progress, with China cooperating.

The nearly 200 member countries of the United Nations have agreed that over the next year, they will negotiate the wording of a document that will call for reforming the Security Council, the top decision-making body, which has 15 members. Of these, five, including China, Russia and the US, are permanent.

For the first time, different countries have submitted written suggestions for what the resolution should state. In what was seen as an attempt to thwart India's bid, the US, China and Russia did not participate in that exercise.

China has been strongly opposing the expansion of the Security Council, but it did not insist on a vote tonight for the one-year discussion on how the reform should be framed. If Beijing had pushed for a vote, India would have been forced to get other countries on board to support the extended negotiations.

While the US and Russia have verbally backed India's membership, neither has put that down in writing.

The draft resolution calls for next year's UN agenda to discuss the "Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council."

Once the draft is agreed on, it will be put to vote at the General Assembly, where a two-thirds vote is needed to clear it.

Ahead of the UN's 70th anniversary in October, the PM has, on foreign trips and in bilaterals with the heads of other countries, strongly lobbied for support for a permanent seat on the Security Council for India.

For India, a Crucial Step Forward in Bid for UN Security Council

For India, a Crucial Step Forward in Bid for UN Security Council
So what happens now ? Voting on draft agenda ?
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good news if true

i think PM modi's strong intiative & personality has greatly influenced every member nation

plus india's economic growth / strategic potential cant be ignored in 21st century by anyone

it looks inevitable that INDIA would get a permanent place in Security council
but ( IMO) i suspect the expanded SC might include extra permanent memberse without veto power

the old ones might want to keep those power exclusive to themselves

Bloody hell. Unbelievable! And the Chinese tip toed around to prevent India from getting angry. Whats wrong nowadays! India destroys Chinese post, declares war, China backs down. And now this! WTH!

@Chinese Bamboo @S. Martin @buddha palm

Why brother why?
Chinese are not fools to risk there neck for you guys,there are no permanent friends or enemies only interests.

now lobbying starts......
Mr. Lobbying started when namo made his first foregin visit as pm of INDIA.
Chinese are not fools to risk there neck for you guys,there are no permanent friends or enemies only interests.

Mr. Lobbying started when namo made his first foregin visit as pm of INDIA.

Read my post again dumbhead. It has nothing to do with Pakistan.
Bloody hell. Unbelievable! And the Chinese tip toed around to prevent India from getting angry. Whats wrong nowadays! India destroys Chinese post, declares war, China backs down. And now this! WTH!

@Chinese Bamboo @S. Martin @buddha palm

Why brother why?
That's great but it will take long time to get India into UNSC as a permanent member. I don't think India need a status of global power right now. We should focus on our priorities first. We can wait more 5 -7 years to become a global power.
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