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Mahathir slams India's citizenship law

Even though I have been opposing CAA and NRC from Day one and criticizing my governments action on every available forum.

I don't think Mr. Mahathir bin Mohamad has any moral right whatsoever to criticize India on an Issue of refugees and Human Rights for which he himself is way to infamous across the world.

He should not forget his and His governments actions against the south Vietnamese refugees aka "The Boat People" in 1979 when he was the Deputy Minister.

These where his words back then;

Malaysia announced that it would ship immediately more than 70,000 Vietnamese refugees in camps in Malaysia back into international waters and shoot on sight [my emphasis] any boatpeople entering Malaysian waters. ‘If they try sinking their boats, they will not be rescued, they will drown’, Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Mahathir Mohamad, said. ‘Their drowning will be because they sank their own boats, not anything else.’”





Usually I read what you say as even thought you are still a pretty sickening nationalist, you are not a right wing nationalist.

But I stopped reading the second you said "Moral"
You people should be the last people on earth to use that word.
Morality is not for people who call for killing of humans over beef,
raping of women
calling for genocide in a province.

Indians talking about morals is like Hitler talking about human rights.
They just don't mix.
Doesn't his country have faith based laws. Muslims aren't allowed to leave their faith. Muslims can't marry people of other faith.
Malay Muslims receive scholarships and affirmative action despite being the majority.

Though India doesn't need this citizenship law. Since there was already an effective process to become an Indian citizen.
Usually I read what you say as even thought you are still a pretty sickening nationalist, you are not a right wing nationalist.

But I stopped reading the second you said "Moral"
You people should be the last people on earth to use that word.
Morality is not for people who call for killing of humans over beef,
raping of women
calling for genocide in a province.

Indians talking about morals is like Hitler talking about human rights.
They just don't mix.

Ain't the same standard applicable to Mr. Mahathir bin Mohamad who took a similar aggressive non humane stand against poor refugees even 4 Decades back, well before I was even born ?? That's my humble question ?? :)
Ain't the same standard applicable to Mr. Mahathir bin Mohamad who took a similar aggressive non humane stand against poor refugees even 4 Decades back, well before I was even born ?? That's my humble question ?? :)

Sure thing, Asking legit questions against a head of thing is a good thing.
Problem is when you, yourself have absolute zero moral standing and you make a moral argument against someone else.... well... your question might be legitimate but no one should pay heed to it.

It's like a bankrupt person questioning your purchases.
Sure, you maybe are not making the best purchases, but the person questioning has squandered all his money and has no moral authority to question you.
What will they do? Wear adult diapers and pick fights online.
The law is clearly biased in everyone else's eyes.

They will probably courier some adult diapers with die soon wish. LOL

Though will all seriousness, this 94 years old senile shitbag should be looking for some premium real estate to get buried.
Sure thing, Asking legit questions against a head of thing is a good thing.
Problem is when you, yourself have absolute zero moral standing and you make a moral argument against someone else.... well... your question might be legitimate but no one should pay heed to it.

It's like a bankrupt person questioning your purchases.
Sure, you maybe are not making the best purchases, but the person questioning has squandered all his money and has no moral authority to question you.

Well in that case it's VICE VERSA. And therefore Mr. Mahathir bin Mohamad questions don't even deserve a notice let alone an answer. Good day. :enjoy:
Even though I have been opposing CAA and NRC from Day one and criticizing my governments action on every available forum.

I don't think Mr. Mahathir bin Mohamad has any moral right whatsoever to criticize India on an Issue of refugees and Human Rights for which he himself is way to infamous across the world.

He should not forget his and His governments actions against the south Vietnamese refugees aka "The Boat People" in 1979 when he was the Deputy Minister.

These where his words back then;

Malaysia announced that it would ship immediately more than 70,000 Vietnamese refugees in camps in Malaysia back into international waters and shoot on sight [my emphasis] any boatpeople entering Malaysian waters. ‘If they try sinking their boats, they will not be rescued, they will drown’, Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Mahathir Mohamad, said. ‘Their drowning will be because they sank their own boats, not anything else.’”




Right so did he send back only non-Muslim refugees? Surely the issue with CAA and NRC is not that they are attempts to resolve a generalized refugee crisis but rather that they are attempts at ethnoreligious engineering?
Well in that case it's VICE VERSA. And therefore Mr. Mahathir bin Mohamad questions don't even deserve a notice let alone an answer. Good day. :enjoy:
sure, you are under no obligation to answer questions.
Just stop harassing Mahathir then.
Let him ask all the questions he wants and let the world read it :angel:

Also, this how messed up you people have become. Your government is literally a nazi government trying to ethnically cleanse Muslims and create a Hindu nation.

Imagine if Malaysia was trying to do the same thing and become a Muslim nation with no Hindus. You people would be shitting blood on the streets.
I hope these idiots do something foolish to anger the entire mooslim world.
I would love to see their kind get deported.
I wish the entire Muslim world worked like that. If they all stood together and acted in unison...just the threat of being cut off from the economic might of all the Muslim countries would be enough to bring most countries to their knees. Imagine if all the Muslim countries stopped importing from India...if the gulf countries deported Indian labor...if they cut off India from oil exports if India declared war on Pak or committed atrocities in Kashmir against Muslims.

All of that can be done now...all of that was possible decades ago...and all of that will only remain a possibility in the future but will never be acted upon...
...bcuz the Muslim countries are divided (have been for centuries)...we worry about Arab interests, Iranian interests, etc. Iqbal said it long ago...
"yuun to sayyad bhi ho mirza bhi ho afghan bhi ho
tum sabhi kuchh ho batao musalman bhi ho"

A prime example of that is(as rumored) Arab states trying to subvert Malaysian/Turkish efforts to band the Muslim countries together.
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sure, you are under no obligation to answer questions.
Just stop harassing Mahathir then.
Let him ask all the questions he wants and let the world read it :angel:

Also, this how messed up you people have become. Your government is literally a nazi government trying to ethnically cleanse Muslims and create a Hindu nation.

As if Malaysia has not done the same with poor Vietnamese refugees decades back just on the basis of their religion ?? Dude, it's not GOI criticizing Mr.Mahatir for his actions, it's the other way around. And those who live in glass houses should think before throwing stones on others. Else the chicken will come home to roost sometimes. Be rational and be ready to take criticism when you give out one. :)

Imagine if Malaysia was trying to do the same thing and become a Muslim nation with no Hindus. You people would be shitting blood on the streets.

Exactly another version of what the current Indian government is doing at present under the watchful eyes of them deputy P.M Mr.Mahatir.

I don't see any difference in Mr.MODI or Mr.MAHATIR. Both are the different sides of the same coin. Period.
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As if Malaysia has not done the same with poor Vietnamese refugees decades back just on the basis of their religion ??

Exactly another version of what the current Indian government is doing at present under the watchful eyes of them deputy P.M Mr.Mahatir.

I don't see any difference in Mr.MODI or Mr.MAHATIR. Both are the different sides of the same coin. Period.

So Malaysia made a law that promised to expel all "illegal" Vietnamese Hindus, but then when they counted, 75% of the "illegals" were actually Muslim. So then Malaysia made a new law that all "illegal" Muslims could get instant citizenship, but the Hindus would have to go back to Vietnam?
Then they built a concentration camp that could house hundreds of thousands of the Vietnamese Hindus?

Holy SHIT! Why did the world not report on this?
I as a Muslim reject what Malaysia has done to those Vietnamese Hindus!!!!!:rofl::rofl:

you Indians are only good at running scam call centers.
Low IQ indeed.
Right so did he send back only non-Muslim refugees? Surely the issue with CAA and NRC is not that they are attempts to resolve a generalized refugee crisis but rather that they are attempts at ethnoreligious engineering?

Neither CAA nor NRC deals with giving refugee. It's has to do with giving Citizenship to refugees as well as illegal immigrants. While I strongly believe and oppose the CAA-NRC combo. It has no comparison whatsoever with what Mr.Mahatir and his party said back in 1979.

Forget citizenship, they were literally trying to drive away those who seek humanitarian refuge by threatening to shoot them while India even giving refuge to over 4,0000 plus Rohingya Muslims on our soil as we speak apart from others. So both has no parallels.
Malaysia should also do their own NRC and deport all the hordes of Indian visa overstayers. Same with Singapore, but they should do it for all religions, and clean their country of Indian illegals. Surely Modi wouldn’t protest that.
Malaysia should also do their own NRC and deport all the hordes of Indian visa overstayers. Same with Singapore, but they should do it for all religions, and clean their country of Indian illegals. Surely Modi wouldn’t protest that.

Mahathir is a Muslim of Indian origin.
So Malaysia made a law that promised to expel all "illegal" Vietnamese Hindus, but then when they counted, 75% of the "illegals" were actually Muslim. So then Malaysia made a new law that all "illegal" Muslims could get instant citizenship, but the Hindus would have to go back to Vietnam?
Then they built a concentration camp that could house hundreds of thousands of the Vietnamese Hindus?

Holy SHIT! Why did the world not report on this?
I as a Muslim reject what Malaysia has done to those Vietnamese Hindus!!!!!:rofl::rofl:

you Indians are only good at running scam call centers.
Low IQ indeed.

You have zero knowledge of history of Malaysia.
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