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Mahabad: Kurdish Rebellion Against Iranian Regime Continues

Well, as long as Iran doesn't support Kurdish terrorists that's fine by us.

Same for us here, as long as you don't make trouble, it's fine.

I wouldn't be surprised if I hear Erdogan is having connections with secret MB cells inside Iran to make trouble. Not that they are a threat, but nothing is impossible with Erdogan.
I think as Iran wants we should seek friendly relations with each and every muslim country, including Iran. Iran was the first country to accept Pakistan as a state so we should return the favor.
@Irfan Baloch Hope you are enjoying it bro, as you have asked for it.

It also applies to Iran since mullah way of Islamofascism is not that different from the ISIS and Nusra.
but hey ISIS is something of a cult that is thousands of top psychopaths and genocidal maniacs and sadists combined there is simply no example in history I can relate to these pests.
this is a self feeding perpetuating rile life wahabi fatwa in its physical form. if I didnt care about some civilians there I would have recommended using biological warfare in the areas occupied by this vermin.

World War Z .. Israeli wall scene comes to mind whenever someone mentions Al Nusra , ISIS and its other brothers through out the world where these people are involved.

Same for us here, as long as you don't make trouble, it's fine.

I wouldn't be surprised if I hear Erdogan is having connections with secret MB cells inside Iran to make trouble. Not that they are a threat, but nothing is impossible with Erdogan.
but both Iran adn Turkey had some sort of agreement on Yemen and like Pakistan, Turkey also decided to stay out of Saudi led coalition of the willing NO?
this is good sign which led the UAE racist prince to rant and snarl at Pakistan and raised the Arab racist card.
I wish and pray they don't
because it is self destructive for them. we have similar issue in our south too where 3rd parties are involved in the bigger plan of carving out a new country out of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. and Indians are leading the effort although they claim to be best buddies with Iran and Afghanistan but they are part of greater Baluchistan conspiracy.

dont feed the troll
I have sent him a warning
Iran has supported PKK in the past. Last year Turkey brought out a report with evidence. We are acting with constraint because a larger conflict won't be nice for anybody but our patience has limits too.
protest or rebellion.

much difference in these two.
Iran has supported PKK in the past. Last year Turkey brought out a report with evidence. We are acting with constraint because a larger conflict won't be nice for anybody but our patience has limits too.

Please start the bigger conflict. These Iranians won't stop till they are checked.

And trust me, I was pro-Iran 20 minutes ago.
Please start the bigger conflict. These Iranians won't stop till they are checked.

And trust me, I was pro-Iran 20 minutes ago.

lol, you was pro-iran before this debate???? lol again........

sorry, my friend, it's quite funny

how powerful these iranians, turn friend into foe in just 20 minutes
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These are protests and people have right but without damaging others. Atleast People respond in Iran. in many countries no one cares.

A deputy commander of Iran's Police Force said a suspect arrested over the death of a young girl who fell off a hotel balcony in the country's predominantly Kurdish city of Mahabad a few days ago is an ordinary local man with no connection with the security forces.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency on Saturday, General Montazer-al-Mahdi said the suspect, who has been arrested and handed to the judiciary officials, has confessed to his involvement in the death of the young girl.

He said hostile media outlets began to exaggerate the incident with the aim of provoking the residents, but the timely presence of the police forces, who acted with restraint, calmed down the situation.

Asked about the protesters who on Thursday set fire to the city's Tara Hotel, where the incident occured, the commander said a number of suspects have been arrested after a group of local residents gathered in front of the hotel to protest against the hotel manager.

Nobody has been killed in the unrest and rumors about deaths in the protests are all untrue, Montazer-al-Mahdi added.
He went on to say that the young victim was escaping confrontation with her family members and the hotel manager when she tried to jump from a room's balcony to another one, but fell down and lost her life.

Tasnim News Agency - Suspect in Mahabad Incident Not a Security Officer: Iran's Police

lol, you was pro-iran before this debate???? lol again........

sorry, my friend, it's quite funny

how powerful these iranians, turn friend into foe in just 20 minutes

this is sign of a wind bag. here and there. No Vision.

sorry no offence. :)
Please start the bigger conflict. These Iranians won't stop till they are checked.

And trust me, I was pro-Iran 20 minutes ago.

So you changed your opinion about a country after you had a debate with another member. That's a symbol of thinking stability. It's better that you did it. If I was like you, I would have changed my mind about Pakistan like millions of times on this forum.

but both Iran adn Turkey had some sort of agreement on Yemen and like Pakistan, Turkey also decided to stay out of Saudi led coalition of the willing NO?
this is good sign which led the UAE racist prince to rant and snarl at Pakistan and raised the Arab racist card.
My post was more meant to show level of ignorance in the other post. I think he understood what he had said, probably out of his anger over recent fights with some Iranians.
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So you changed your opinion about a country after you had a debate with another member. That's a symbol of think stability. It's better that you did it. If I was like you, I would have changed my mind about Pakistan like millions of times on this forum.

You are an ambassador of your nation whether it be in reality or the internet. Being a Pakistani, you should already realize that we are the nation that holds the highest opinion of Iranian people. Whether that makes a difference to you or not is your prerogative. We Pakistanis growing up are taught that Iranian people are the most wise and kind people along with having best manners. So when your fellow compatriot posted pictures of poor people to laugh at, it changed my opinion. Respected Iranian members can perhaps sway my opinion back to what we are taught, but If you think about it. A normal Pakistani teenager looking at this thread in the future will come to their own conclusions whether the person is being serious or not.

I am not so naive to label one person or nationality or to generalize, but my point is that Pakistani youth that will reach thise website will form their own opinions about your people in a negative fashion. They grow up and study, and have faith in Islamic Ummah and respect their neighbors only to read that they believe they are only worthy to clean their shoes.

You think about it. I am not here to propagate.
You are an ambassador of your nation whether it be in reality or the internet. Being a Pakistani, you should already realize that we are the nation that holds the highest opinion of Iranian people. Whether that makes a difference to you or not is your prerogative. We Pakistanis growing up are taught that Iranian people are the most wise and kind people along with having best manners. So when your fellow compatriot posted pictures of poor people to laugh at, it changed my opinion. Respected Iranian members can perhaps sway my opinion back to what we are taught, but If you think about it. A normal Pakistani teenager looking at this thread in the future will come to their own conclusions whether the person is being serious or not.

I am not so naive to label one person or nationality or to generalize, but my point is that Pakistani youth that will reach thise website will form their own opinions about your people in a negative fashion. They grow up and study, and have faith in Islamic Ummah and respect their neighbors only to read that they believe they are only worthy to clean their shoes.

You think about it. I am not here to propagate.
I am sorry

Your people so dirty that you have to try and call yourselves clean to help alleviate that problems. This is what you people are in reality, you look through trash and sewage and eat it, i.e your national dish.

@Irfan Baloch , dude, this pathetic creature deserves a longtime ban, for his insults to the Pakistani nation.
You are an ambassador of your nation whether it be in reality or the internet. Being a Pakistani, you should already realize that we are the nation that holds the highest opinion of Iranian people. Whether that makes a difference to you or not is your prerogative. We Pakistanis growing up are taught that Iranian people are the most wise and kind people along with having best manners. So when your fellow compatriot posted pictures of poor people to laugh at, it changed my opinion. Respected Iranian members can perhaps sway my opinion back to what we are taught, but If you think about it. A normal Pakistani teenager looking at this thread in the future will come to their own conclusions whether the person is being serious or not.

I am not so naive to label one person or nationality or to generalize, but my point is that Pakistani youth that will reach thise website will form their own opinions about your people in a negative fashion. They grow up and study, and have faith in Islamic Ummah and respect their neighbors only to read that they believe they are only worthy to clean their shoes.

You think about it. I am not here to propagate.

First, to correct you, I'm Iranian.

Secondly, no we are not representatives of our nations. We are individuals sharing our opinions. Many Pakistanis may support Taliban, doesn't mean Pakistan supports Taliban.

I have seen too many Pakistani members insulting Iran, although I don't like it, but I try to keep my judgement on Pakistan separate from individual opinions. With all due respect, your stance is very illogical and emotional. You can't judge a a nation based on a person's opinion, heck not even based on thousands' opinion, in a country of 78 millions.

My brotherly advise to you? Keep your emotions aside when reading posts on this forum or anywhere on internet. I know it's hard not to let a person's opinion affect your judgement on a country, it was hard for me too, but it's possible.

PS: That guy is a troll, just ignore him. If you see, even Iranians reacted against his rogue behavior.
it is clear now there was a manipulation for this story. the girl had affairs with the guy. her mom discovered it and seems she preferred to suicide before she arrives at the room ...
very sad story

but nothing to do with problems of kurds in Iran
this is a private stupid story and very sad . and some people use it , manipulators always have been existing in any country.

very funny an islamist fanatic syrian cares about kurds... damned you're high:D

lool you're so full of it

Again and again we see the attempts at destabilizing regional countries.

Iran is a country of multiple ethnicities. What's the best way to destroy Iran? Same way they destroyed every other country in the region, by talking about sects & ethnicities & groups & clans until the body eats itself and all that remains are white American boots on the ground, walking comfortable among the ruins.

Iranian Kurd are as Iranian as the rest of the country. One day propagandists are talking about Kurds persecution, then another day its about Azaris, or about Arabs, or about Lors, or about Baluchis, or about Sunnis but if they combine all these "minorities', you get the complete IRAN.

This is an incident in a small town regarding an angry population demanding justice for an alleged rape of a young girl. The same anger could have happened in any other Iranian city.

Any Iranian is 100% Iranian, no matter what their "ethnicity" is. We have no patience for your European style race lines.

The current Tehran mayor (and mayor for many years, constantly getting re-elected) can be said to be Kurdish (although to me, he is just Iranian).

A Kurd from Sine is closer to a Kurd in Dersim or Efrin(near the med) than to an Iranian from Hamadan.

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