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Madrassa student arrested on blasphemy charges in Pakistan

they cant , a lot of them are a part of the madness . they look towards protecting the so called idea of religion , but not towards bettering them selfs or their country . its unfortunate that a once great nation reduced to this.
Every country has citizens who aren't the sharpest crayons in the box. It's a measure of civilization as to whether the populace and the authorities are willing to stand up to the intolerant nitwits - or whether they seek to support them. In Israel less than a handful of vandalism against Muslim property is met with condemnation, investigation, and finally arrests; in Pakistan the perpetrator of a non-crime must be whisked away before he is injured by the populace.

Under segregation and Ku Kux Klan influence parts of the U.S. had similar incidents to those of Pakistan today. The KKK was reduced to a mere itch by a combination of citizen activism (including traitors in its ranks), legal reforms, and improved law enforcement. The KKK not just enforced intolerance but was its expression by a frustrated populace. Yet the U.S. never reached this stage, when Pakistanis are eating their own...
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