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Made in Turkey A. I. (artificial intelligence) Programms - News & Discussions


Jul 26, 2011
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AI vs humans: Are the Turks ready for the future?


Whether we like it or not, artificial intelligence is gradually becoming an indispensable part of human life, and Turkey's first survey on the subject shows where Turkish people stand in this debate

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now an indispensable part of our daily lives, shaping our personal and social activities. It undertakes bureaucratic procedures for us, switches our phone on by recognizing our face, processes huge amounts of data and beats humans in chess. A humanoid robot is able to communicate with humans through its "brain," and it can also guide an unmanned aerial vehicle, protect a farmer's harvest, produce personalized medicine, paint, write articles, analyze your clinical data and provide your health information, recognize you in a big, public places like an airport among hundreds of people, and know which of your friends you like the most in social media.

Today, AI can fulfill not just tasks, but take over professions. It can sometimes serve as a doctor, lawyer, engineer, banker, insurance agent, an accountant or even become a painter, performance artist or a pianist. It can make top management decisions for a company just like a human CEO.

How does AI do all this? Through learning. It learns constantly - more quickly and more efficiently than people - it remembers, and never forgets like a human does. Thanks to these skills, AI can work wonders for humans as well as industrial and social robots. An AI-powered industrial robotic arm can foresee the movements of his blue-collar colleague next to the production line and adjust its movements without harming him.

Life is about to change

AI learns something new from everywhere it travels to, just like Sophia, the interactive robot that recently came to Istanbul. It can even talk with the same nuances that human uses. It can even refer to the cultural values of a country; for instance, Sophia said: "I love your hospitality," or "Your kebab is very nice," in Turkey.

AI-driven social robots can make friends with you, play songs or read you a book from its memory or even bring you a drink from the fridge.

While AI's seemingly unlimited skills are getting integrated into human life, the biggest question is how these skills are going to change our lives. Do you think, 20 years from now, a robot in your office will serve you a cup of tea or coffee, or like the U.S. director Spike Jonze's 2014 movie "Her," "a next-generation supercomputer at the size of a button," and the "friendly software" embedded within it will organize your life?

"How do we, Turks, feel in the face of all these advanced technological developments?" "What kind of life do you think we will have in the future?" "Are we friends or enemies with robots?" "Are we ready for the idea of a mechanical colleague/friend?" We looked for the answers to all these questions together with Adgager, a young online marketing research platform working within the scope of Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ) Arı Technokent. This resulted in Turkey's first domestic "artificial intelligence and robotics survey."


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