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Made in Pakistan

Smallest Qur’an

The smallest published Koran book measures 1.7 cm x 1.28 cm x 0.72 cm (0.66 in x 0.50 in x 0.28 in). It is published in an unabridged, bound version, in fine print Arabic and is 571 pages long. Dr Muhammad Karim Beebani at October 15, 2004 in Pakistan.

World's Biggest Football

A football made from artificial leather PV-PVC and hand-sewn by staff at Ihsan Sports of Hajipura, Sialkot, Pakistan, had a diameter of 4m (13ft 1in) when measured on 30 June 2002.

The super-sized soccer ball – an exact replica of the company’s standard football – was made from 32 separate panels that were laminated, printed then hand-stitched together. It was unveiled at the Al Faysaliah shopping mall in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, by members of the Disabled Children’s Society.
World's Biggest Football

A football made from artificial leather PV-PVC and hand-sewn by staff at Ihsan Sports of Hajipura, Sialkot, Pakistan, had a diameter of 4m (13ft 1in) when measured on 30 June 2002.

The super-sized soccer ball – an exact replica of the company’s standard football – was made from 32 separate panels that were laminated, printed then hand-stitched together. It was unveiled at the Al Faysaliah shopping mall in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, by members of the Disabled Children’s Society.
bro World's biggest or largest or any record should go in this thread


Please keep this thread for inventions or manufacturing products in Pakistan only... I think its manufactured so its ok to post here too but still other thread would be preferable
YouTube - Pakistani Helicopter Dunya Tv

First Ever Pakistan Made Helicopter
Jawoco.com Search Engine and
Xtravo Explorer Internet Web Browser

both made in Pakistan
Did you forgot this?

Pakistan First Robotic Car 2006

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