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Made in Pakistan

Rest il post later!Inshallah.

yes and please if possible try to post 1 at a time. For example short description of babur cruise missile and then pictures in one post

in next you can post Shadow UAV or anything else... keep at least one post for each topic and not 5-6 different equipments in the same post. That will be better i think :rolleyes:

Revo was an embarrassment rather than an achievement..with no economies of scale..thanx god they shut that rubbish down!

Something is better than nothing dude! I am rather proud of it..:pakistan:
Sirius Embedded/Handheld Computer and AlelphOS operating system. Circa 2004.

Built in Pakistan from absolute scratch. Every line of code written in Pakistan. This is not/was not designed to compete with an iPhone. It was designed so that a completely locally owned and controlled computing stack could be built which was easy to replicate, modify and embed in a variety of applications.


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From A brief introduction to Sirius | The Sirius Handheld Computing Platform

A brief introduction to Sirius
Sun, 03/25/2007 - 17:02 — sirius
The Sirius project began in early 2004 in Lahore, Pakistan. The goal of the project was to create an ultra low cost, easily manufacturable handheld computer with a low-overhead operating system. Sirius seeks to provide an open platform that anyone could use, customize, develop applications for and fabricate in a cottage industry, easily and cheaply.

FiveRivers Technologies based in Pakistan began development of the Sirius platform. Now that the basic architecture is complete, FiveRivers wants to promote an open community around Sirius, encouraging and inviting participation from all parts of the globe.

Sirius is a tri-processor design with dedicated I/O and Graphics processors. The handheld has a full QWERTY keyboard and rechargeable internal batteries. The current display is a backlit monochrome screen with adjustable contrast. The device comes with a cable that allows it to connect to other computers and communication devices, as well as a programming cable that allows the internal software to be updated (flashed) conveniently.

The device uses three Philips 89C51RD processors capable of operation at 40Mhz each. Additional ROM and an SD card interface have also been integrated into the design. The operating system, AlephOS, has been innovatively developed to provide access to all three processors. Application developers can write apps without having to worry about parallel programming techniques. In addition to the OS and programming APIs, developers can also make use of a hardware simulator that allows code development and debugging on a PC.

To support PC synchronization, FiveRivers created a PC Synch application that allows any files on the SD card to be read/written from a PC. AlephOS implements a FAT-16 filesystem on the SD card so the data on the card is compatible with PCs when plugged in to an MMC/SD card reader.

Application development for this device is possible in C, and FiveRivers has also built development boards that they have shared with some of the universities in Pakistan to start to create an application ecosystem around the platform.

Further development is focusing on low cost wireless communications peripherals, external display capability, OS extensions, SMS/GPRS integration, TCP/IP stack implementation and GPS integration. On the software side, some sample apps are complete, but FiveRivers is attempting to engage Universities and students to accelerate this process further.

Other than the chips themselves, everything has been designed and developed in Pakistan. This includes the layout and manufacture of the PCB, the keyboard, the internal firmware/OS, and the device housing. Great care has been taken to ensure that the device can be replicated and enhanced at a small scale, by individuals, educational institutions and other interested organizations. Any process requiring heavy NREs (Non-recurring expenses associated with production) was ruled out to make this an extremely DIY friendly platform.
Sirius Embedded/Handheld Computer and AlelphOS operating system. Circa 2004.

Many thanks for sharing this news Sir :victory:

Its an eye opening news for me :smitten:

Thanks trillion times
Your an idiot! (No offence)
No need of starting this thread,
Babur, ghauri, haaf, abadali, shaheen i nd ii, raad
All these Missiles!

Al Khalid, Saad, Al zarrar, Muhafiz, bakhtar shikan, aahan, Mouz!
These are tanks by HIT.

Not forgetting JF17s!
Your an idiot! (No offence)
No need of starting this thread,
Babur, ghauri, haaf, abadali, shaheen i nd ii, raad
All these Missiles!

Al Khalid, Saad, Al zarrar, Muhafiz, bakhtar shikan, aahan, Mouz!
These are tanks by HIT.

Not forgetting JF17s!
samagh nahi aayi mujhe :what:

no need to start this thread? and then you are contributing? well this thread is not only about defense... it is intended to cover all subjects and any development that took place in Pakistan.

I think you do know what this thread means
Take an example of post number 18
Sagar Veena , a string instrument designed for use in North Indian Classical Music, developed entirely in Pakistan over the last 40 years at the Sanjannagar Institute in Lahore by Raza Kazim.


Sagar Veena is a completely new addition to the existing variety of stringed Instruments for playing North Indian Classical Music (NICM), and a new invention in musical instruments altogether. The name is divided into two parts; “Sagar” being a Sanskrit word for ocean, while “Veena” a generic term used to classify the family of stringed instruments, or more commonly known in Western musical nomenclature as chordophones.


The current version of the Sagar Veena, having passed through seven prototypes, is a product of dynamic research and experimentation process carried out by Raza since 1970. During this period he has been receiving the cooperation of his daughter, Noor Zehra, in practically testing the potential of the instrument as a serious musician. She is currently the sole Sagar Veena player, and has been rendering performances on the Instrument on various occasions within and outside of Pakistan. In the making of the Sagar Veena and developing its craft, major contributions have come from the professional Instrument Maker Mohammed Riaz.


Visually, the Sagar Veena belongs to the two-gourd family of Veenainstruments, but in essence it is a radical departure from all existing stringed instruments of NICM, in all respects, starting from the concept behind it to the minutest details of both its design and construction. In terms of sound and acoustics, Sagar Veena has an unparalleled range of timbres and pitch registers for the musician to explore and to create music. It is also a highly resonating instrument, which provides the overall quality of sound with richness and clarity.
The objective behind the making of the Sagar Veena is to provide the artist with a rich and extensive palette of musical sounds and timbres evoking different kinds and degrees of pleasure, through which developed human sensitivities for pleasure can be expressed. The purpose is to have musical sounds which enable the contemporary artist and the listener to focus upon and dynamically interact with, and develop their own deeper internal processes of sensitivities, feelings and thoughts—their new dimensions, nuances and different shades. Also, the motivation is that the artist has sounds which enable him/her to go beyond the existing framework in which the Indian Classical Music is being done, and create new kind of music which connects with the sensitivities of the contemporary human being and raises their quality.

The underlying concept of Sagar Veena is that the artist should be able to think and create music in terms of dynamic-layered timbres and resonances, their subtle variations and the meanings they convey, which is where the main potential of music lies. These characteristics of musical sound are the main specialization of Sagar Veena, which in fact make the above objective possible. In the Sagar Veena the main players are not the tangible, measurable aspects of sound such as the pitch or the volume, but more intangible characteristics such as timbres, resonances and harmonics, and a wide range of them. The concept and the image of musical sound having such abilities is basically a product of a serious inquiry into the fundamentals of music and musical sound in Indian Classical Music, and the effects they evoke within the artist and the listener. In addition, the understanding of the kind of timbres and resonances required has come from a perception of the qualities and characteristics of sound as conveyed in emotional and intellectually rich human vocal music. That is why the sound qualities of Sagar Veena resemble that of a human voice.

The Sagar Veena has always been a dynamic endeavor, with structural modifications and conceptual changes being applied to it throughout its evolution. It introduces a completely revolutionary method for creating musical instruments of the Sub-continent; a method which incorporates new materials, lighter structural components, and a separation between its vibrating part and the resonating components, which enables the latter to resonate fully and freely without any tension imposed by the strings attached. This has never been attempted before in any stringed instrument.
Sagar Veena is an unfretted stringed instrument. Its vibrating part consists of nine playing strings and two drone chords, a wooden bridge with silver (never used before in any string instrument) transmitters orjowari, , and the sounding board. The nine playing strings are a combination of the three asthans in Indian Music, the Mandrasthan(bass), Madhasthan (mid range), and Tarasthan (highs); three strings representing each of the asthans. The resonating portion consists of two fabricated tumbas made from pieces of gourd joined together to form the desired shape and size. The geometry of the tumbas resembles that of a geodesic dome-like structure which helps them to resonate more musically compared to natural tumbas. These tumbas are connected by a hollow wooden tube in the middle.

The dimensions and sizes of the different components in terms of their length, breadth, curvature, shape, thickness and the materials used have been finalized through a tedious process of experimentation and testing over a period of thirty eight years. During this period, especially since 1995, new tools and techniques have been developed to produce the desired inventions and innovations. So that beginning from a rather simple structure, Sagar Veena has now acquired a detailed and complex design, capable of producing the sound characteristics mentioned above.


In appearance the technique of playing the Sagar Veena resembles that of the Vichitra Veena or Mohan Veena ; that is, sliding a crystal ball or some other object across the strings at one end to produce and control different combinations and variations of musical sounds, and simultaneously plucking the strings on the other end with a plectrum to get the sound. However in actual terms it involves a much more subtle control in sliding the crystal ball over the strings, giving pressures and tensions through it, and also the plectrum wherever required, along with many other factors. The technique for playing Sagar Veena has developed along with the requirements emerging from a continuous upgrading of the instrument. Although, it has now reached a stable position, it is still being developed further and chiseled to reap the full potential of the instrument.

Sanjan Nagar | Sagar Veena
samagh nahi aayi mujhe :what:

no need to start this thread? and then you are contributing? well this thread is not only about defense... it is intended to cover all subjects and any development that took place in Pakistan.

I think you do know what this thread means
Take an example of post number 18

Well i meant to say, all that HIT made is unique!
Well, lets continue, ill upload pix latter!
Raza Kazim of Sanjannagar is now also working on speaker designs which are absolutely revolutionary. The quality he has achieved in his lab is already unsurpassed. And I mean unsurpassed by systems costing $100s of thousands of dollars. He has invested probably well over $1M of his own personal money in driving this development thus far.




Mr. Raza Kazim (Son of Justice Syed Akhlaque Husain, who founded BCCI FAST/SAHICS and was also the first Judge in the history of Pakistan to oppose the abrogation of the constitution. Justice Akhlaque Husain's judgements were cited in international legal publications and his work in setting up the initial structure of the BCCI Bank is also the stuff of (legal) legend)

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

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©Brain The First IBM PC Compatible Virus (January 1986)

Brain is considered the first IBM PC compatible virus, and the program responsible for the first IBM PC compatible virus epidemic.
Businessweek magazine at the time called the virus the Pakistani flu.as it was created in Lahore, Pakistan by 19 year old Pakistani programmer, Basit Farooq Alvi, and his brother, Amjad Farooq Alvi.

The brothers claimed that they only intended to infect IBM PCs running bootleg copies of a heart-monitoring program they created. The virus included a copyright notice with the brothers’ names and phone numbers so that people whose computers were infected could contact the brothers to obtain a “vaccination.” Numerous variations of Brain followed.

Welcome to the Dungeon © 1986 Basit * Amjad (pvt) Ltd. BRAIN COMPUTER SERVICES 730 NIZAM BLOCK ALLAMA IQBAL TOWN LAHORE-PAKISTAN PHONE: 430791,443248,280530. Beware of this VIRUS.... Contact us for vaccination...

When the brothers began to receive a large number of phone calls from people in United States, United Kingdom, and elsewhere, demanding them to disinfect their machines, the brothers were stunned and tried to explain to the outraged callers that their motivation had not been malicious.

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