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Made in India Small Arms and related accessories thread

No dude, there will still be a Guddu bhaiya in Gurgaon with his Desi Katta and Dunaali ready for sale View attachment 770936.

Seriously dude ☹, keh to aise rahe ho jaise gun aam baat hai waha😔, all we can get in India is a revolver (Poor quality OFB made) for $1500. And ya license application is a serious headache.
Yes dear, guns are very common here, I have 4 AK based various caliber guns with licenses
Example of USA has proven that having more arms in general public does not make them safer but it creates more violent deaths.
If criminals are able to get their hands on guns illegally, it is no excuse to make guns available to general public. The solution is to tighten the noose on these criminals through police activity.

Look at Japan. There even the police hardly carries guns with them, but they have the lowest crime rate.
Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden too have more guns per capita but they remain the most peaceful places. Americans are different!
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