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"Made In India" Aircrafts


First flight of Marut.
Where is @Munir sir with unparalleled calibre and knowledge @Windjammer ? :omghaha:

Here is a gem from him


''India cannot even make a prop plane like Mushak..this is when we have been producing basic trainers of Indigenous design since 1948..:lol:

''India cannot even assemble planes''-this is when we have been manufacturing thousands of aircraft of Indian and Foreign design.

@IPL5 @rockstarIN Its a Pakistani thread and he can troll as much as he wants.Let us see if he would reply to these posts.
Where is @Munir sir with unparalleled calibre and knowledge @Windjammer ? :omghaha:

Here is a gem from him

View attachment 116276

''India cannot even make a prop plane like Mushak..this is when we have been producing basic trainers of Indigenous design since 1948..:lol:

''India cannot even assemble planes''-this is when we have been manufacturing thousands of aircraft of Indian and Foreign design.

@IPL5 @rockstarIN Its a Pakistani thread and he can troll as much as he wants.Let us see if he would reply to these posts.
@Munir is a joke. But this is PDF, so we can't do (without invoking the MOD hammer) anything about him. Atleast, let's keep him out of our threads.
Where is @Munir sir with unparalleled calibre and knowledge @Windjammer ? :omghaha:

Here is a gem from him

View attachment 116276

''India cannot even make a prop plane like Mushak..this is when we have been producing basic trainers of Indigenous design since 1948..:lol:

''India cannot even assemble planes''-this is when we have been manufacturing thousands of aircraft of Indian and Foreign design.

@IPL5 @rockstarIN Its a Pakistani thread and he can troll as much as he wants.Let us see if he would reply to these posts.

they can't make a bike engine and taking potshot on others... oh the irony !
@rockstarIN Man..I never expected this guy @Munir to be so ignorant..When I saw this 'gem; I laughed my head off :omghaha:

unparalleled knowledge & calibre ..:lol:

The reality is that it cannot start with the Mushaq level.( though we were making indigenous piston trainers back in the fifties and jet trainers in the sixties-Actually what is 'mushak' level ? It is just a license produced SAAB basic trainer)

I understand that many Indians like to think different cause they send a plug and play kit of less then 20 kg to Mars (The total mass of MOM is 20 kgs ?:omghaha: )

with all the help of USA, Europe (Usual butt-hurt argument,but he forgot Russia :lol: ) Indonesia, Malaysia (what non sense ?) and more but one needs to have to feet on the ground. Indians are no way near China (Chinese cheer-leading as expected )... No way near Israel.(Who even depends on India to launch their EO sats and doesn't have any orbital launch capability :lol: ) No way near Europe, USA. Russia, (all right) South Africa, Brasil ( these countries again doesn't have any orbital launch capability :lol:) and indeed no way near Pakistani abilities in this sector.(The best joke ever-Pakistani capabilities ?Having no orbital launch capability & manufacturing a 50 kg EO sat with imported sensors and sub systems..and oops forgot it...leasing damaged communication sats ? :omghaha: )

And that post was thanked by @Donatello another TTA !! :woot:

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