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Macron has forgotten parts of French history ...... conveniently

Macron was 15 years old when he started having a sexual relationship with his 42 year old teacher. She was of course married with 3 kids. When her husband and school found out - she was moved to Tania school in the same city and little Macron was transferred 170 km away from the original city.
His teacher continued one way or other to see her little Macron for 13 years until her husband had enough and divorced her. She subsequently married her boy. So then France then rewarded Macron by his adulterous behavior by electing him as the president of the country.

Today Macron wants to be the pioneer and moral guider of Islam and what it stands for. Have a think and decide for yourself - his stance has long lasting scar tissue left on France and he has conveniently forgotten the efforts made by French Muslim residents in the past. Mind you with his education years being side tracked with his sexual activity with his teacher - he probably skipped the history lessons...... Let me remind members of the history lesson he missed.....

Heroic Tale of Holocaust, With a Twist

The stories of the Holocaust have been documented, distorted, clarified and filtered through memory. Yet new stories keep coming, occasionally altering the grand, incomplete mosaic of Holocaust history.

One of them, dramatized in a French film released here last week, focuses on an unlikely savior of Jews during the Nazi occupation of France: the rector of a Paris mosque.

Muslims, it seems, rescued Jews from the Nazis.

“Les Hommes Libres” (“Free Men”) is a tale of courage not found in French textbooks. According to the story, Si Kaddour Benghabrit, the founder and rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, provided refuge and certificates of Muslim identity to a small number of Jews to allow them to evade arrest and deportation.

It was simpler than it sounds. In the early 1940s France was home to a large population of North Africans, including thousands of Sephardic Jews. The Jews spoke Arabic and shared many of the same traditions and everyday habits as the Arabs. Neither Muslims nor Jews ate pork. Both Muslim and Jewish men were circumcised. Muslim and Jewish names were often similar.

The mosque, a tiled, walled fortress the size of a city block on the Left Bank, served as a place to pray, certainly, but also as an oasis of calm where visitors were fed and clothed and could bathe, and where they could talk freely and rest in the garden.

It was possible for a Jew to pass.

“This film is an event,” said Benjamin Stora, France’s pre-eminent historian on North Africa and a consultant on the film. “Much has been written about Muslim collaboration with the Nazis. But it has not been widely known that Muslims helped Jews. There are still stories to be told, to be written.”

The film, directed by Ismaël Ferroukhi, is described as fiction inspired by real events and built around the stories of two real-life figures (along with a made-up black marketeer). The veteran French actor Michael Lonsdale plays Benghabrit, an Algerian-born religious leader and a clever political maneuverer who gave tours of the mosque to German officers and their wives even as he apparently used it to help Jews.

Mahmoud Shalaby, a Palestinian actor living in Israel, plays Salim — originally Simon — Hilali, who was Paris’s most popular Arabic-language singer, a Jew who survived the Holocaust by posing as a Muslim. (To make the assumed identity credible, Benghabrit had the name of Hilali’s grandfather engraved on a tombstone in the Muslim cemetery in the Paris suburb of Bobigny, according to French obituaries about the singer. In one tense scene in the film a German soldier intent on proving that Hilali is a Jew, takes him to the cemetery to identify it.)

The historical record remains incomplete, because documentation is sketchy. Help was provided to Jews on an ad hoc basis and was not part of any organized movement by the mosque. The number of Jews who benefited is not known. The most graphic account, never corroborated, was given by Albert Assouline, a North African Jew who escaped from a German prison camp. He claimed that more than 1,700 resistance fighters — including Jews but also a lesser number of Muslims and Christians — found refuge in the mosque’s underground caverns, and that the rector provided many Jews with certificates of Muslim identity.

In his 2006 book, “Among the Righteous,” Robert Satloff, director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, uncovered stories of Arabs who saved Jews during the Holocaust, and included a chapter on the Grand Mosque. Dalil Boubakeur, the current rector, confirmed to him that some Jews — up to 100 perhaps — were given Muslim identity papers by the mosque, without specifying a number. Mr. Boubakeur said individual Muslims brought Jews they knew to the mosque for help, and the chief imam, not Benghabrit, was the man responsible.

Mr. Boubakeur showed Mr. Satloff a copy of a typewritten 1940 Foreign Ministry document from the French Archives. It stated that the occupation authorities suspected mosque personnel of delivering false Muslim identity papers to Jews. “The imam was summoned, in a threatening manner, to put an end to all such practices,” the document said.

Mr. Satloff said in a telephone interview: “One has to separate the myth from the fact. The number of Jews protected by the mosque was probably in the dozens, not the hundreds. But it is a story that carries a powerful political message and deserves to be told.”

A 1991 television documentary “Une Résistance Oubliée: La Mosquée de Paris” (“A Forgotten Resistance: The Mosque of Paris”) by Derri Berkani , and a children’s book “The Grand Mosque of Paris: A Story of How Muslims Saved Jews During the Holocaust,” published in 2007, also explore the events.

The latest film was made in an empty palace in Morocco, with the support of the Moroccan government. The Paris mosque refused to grant permission for any filming. “We’re a place of worship,” Mr. Boubakeur said in an interview. “There are prayers five times a day. Shooting a film would have been disruptive.”

Benghabrit fell out of favor with fellow Muslims because he opposed Algerian independence and stayed loyal to France’s occupation of his native country. He died in 1954.

In doing research for the film, Mr. Ferroukhi and even Mr. Stora learned new stories. At one screening a woman asked him why the film did not mention the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern European origin who had been saved by the mosque. Mr. Stora said he explained that the mosque didn’t intervene on behalf of Ashkenazi Jews, who did not speak Arabic or know Arab culture.

She told me: ‘That’s not true. My mother was protected and saved by a certificate from the mosque,’ ” Mr. Stora said.

On Wednesday, the day of the film’s release here, hundreds of students from three racially and ethnically mixed Paris-area high schools were invited to a special screening and question-and-answer session with Mr. Ferroukhi and some of his actors.

Some asked banal questions. Where did you find the old cars? (From an antique car rental agency.) Others reacted with curiosity and disbelief, wanting to know how much of the film was based on fact, and how it could have been possible that Jews mingled easily with Muslims. Some were stunned to hear that the Nazis persecuted only the Jews, and left the Muslims alone.

Reviews here were mixed on the film, which is to be released in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Belgium. (American rights have been sold as well.) The daily Le Figaro said it “reconstitutes an atmosphere and a period marvelously.” The weekly L’Express called it “ideal for a school outing, less for an evening at the movies.”

Mr. Ferroukhi does not care. He said he was lobbying the Culture and Education Ministries to get the film shown in schools. “It pays homage to the people of our history who have been invisible,” he said. “It shows another reality, that Muslims and Jews existed in peace. We have to remember that — with pride.”

Now these nasty Muslims need to be taught a lesson by Macron?

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @PakFactor @Morpheus @masterchief_mirza @Iltutmish @PAKISTANFOREVER

Explains why macron hates Islam and Muslims so much.

Funny how macron loves and is very pro-black. macron wants Muslims to become like the blacks whereby we are mixing and breeding with whites. Not happening.

Macron is also rumoured to be gay:

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Explains why macron hates Islam and Muslims so much.

Funny how macron loves and is very pro-black. macron wants Muslims to become like the blacks whereby we are mixing and breeding with whites. Not happening.
Bro the cats out of the bag - most of the western leaders are of a similar nature. Boris is no different. It’s becoming more and more clearer. 4 years ago the US president was clearly caught talikg about grabbing the puss y - 2 weeks later he was elected. This morally french bastard is no different. Yet he wants to guide Muslims - stupid isn’t good enough of a word to describe them
Bro the cats out of the bag - most of the western leaders are of a similar nature. Boris is no different. It’s becoming more and more clearer. 4 years ago the US president was clearly caught talikg about grabbing the puss y - 2 weeks later he was elected. This morally french bastard is no different. Yet he wants to guide Muslims - stupid isn’t good enough of a word to describe them

It all makes sense. They actually hate themselves for being so debauched so they lash out at Islam because Islam is the strongest proponent of Morality and Family values in the world.
Big reason that he became French President
Its a curse of us and them both, Allah is punishing us for straying from his path, dividing his religion ,and for them all this murder and genocide and atrocities is that Allah has put them in the path of destruction , for them there is no return, for us there is still a chance ..
It all makes sense. They actually hate themselves for being so debauched so they lash out at Islam because Islam is the strongest proponent of Morality and Family values in the world.

These radical seculars, liberals, and democracy advocates are after the destruction of the traditional family system. This is the scourge of humanity which came out of the French Revolution, and its biggest advocates like Voltaire.

Everything they do is to break the old customs of human beings, blur race, disregard religion, to push boundaries of gender, erase sexual taboos, and create a whole new social project.

Islam is the last remaining traditional social system for humanity, therefore all their focus is on waging warfare on islam and Muslims.

These radical seculars, liberals, and democracy advocates are after the destruction of the traditional family system. This is the scourge of humanity which came out of the French Revolution, and its biggest advocates like Voltaire.

Everything they do is to break the old customs of human beings, blur race, disregard religion, to push boundaries of gender, erase sexual taboos, and create a whole new social project.

Islam is the last remaining traditional social system for humanity, therefore all their focus is on waging warfare on islam and Muslims.

Also, people like macron are unstable as they themselves have been victims of abuse:

Islam is the last remaining traditional social system for humanity, therefore all their focus is on waging warfare on islam and Muslims.

And the message of Tawheed is too strong. Someone who has an understand for tawheed cannot be manipulated to become a loyal slave of anyone. This is true liberation of mind, true enlightenment. But only for those who understand!

Islam challenges the world and this is the reason for their hate, they don’t know That their Propaganda is useless ask the Brits what the results in British India were as they tried to use propaganda warfare against the Muslim population!
Its a curse of us and them both, Allah is punishing us for straying from his path, dividing his religion ,and for them all this murder and genocide and atrocities is that Allah has put them in the path of destruction , for them there is no return, for us there is still a chance ..
Summary In one sentence "because of abandoning the book of ALLAH"
As a muslim , i would just share this sister letter:

*This is a message from *Mrs. Maryam Petronin* *to the French President Macron*

Mr. Macron

Peace be upon those who followed the guidance and, as for what follows... I received that you are in astonishment at how Sophie Petronin, a French woman of pure white race, Catholic Christianity, had converted to Islam after 75 years of Christianity and during 4 years of captivity among Muslims!

Let me simplify things for you Mr. Macron...

Yes, I was a prisoner of the Muslims ... but they never touched me badly and their treatment of me was all appreciation and respect. They used to offer me food and drink and influence me on themselves despite the scarcity of resources .. and they respected my privacy. No one ever subjected me to verbal or physical harassment, and they did not insult my religion, Jesus or the Virgin Peace be upon them both as you do with the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
They did not impose Islam on me, but I saw in their morals people who purify themselves with water and pray the Lord the five prayers and fast the month of Ramadan

Mr Macron...

The Muslims in Mali are poor, yes, and their country is poor. There is no Eiffel Tower and they do not know our French perfumes, but they are the cleanest of us and the purest of hearts.
Yes, they do not own luxury cars and do not inhabit tall towers, but their concern is above the clouds and their faith is more firmly than the mountains.

Mr. Macron...

Have you heard the recitation of the Qur’an in your life while they recite the Qur’an in their prayer at dawn and at night?
How beautiful it is a reading even if you do not understand what they are chanting, and your body shudders and your body shudder as you listen to them chanting the words of God, for they memorize it by heart. Then you realize in your subconscious mind that this is not a human speech but rather a heavenly melody descended from the sky and you have an intense desire to know the meaning of what They chant at dawn and at night from heavenly hymns!

Mr Macron...

Have you made one prostration in your life for God and made your forehead touch the ground and whispered to your Lord about your worries and thanked Him for His blessings as they do? Have you ever felt the closeness of God to you and your closeness to Him?

Mr Macron...

Their women are black as charcoal, but their hearts are white as milk. They wear simple clothes, but in the eyes of their men they are the most beautiful, they do not mix with foreign men, they do not disturb them, and one of them does not enter a man into her home in the absence of her husband. They do not drink alcohol, do not play gambling, and do not commit adultery!

Mr Macron...

The Muslims there believe in all the prophets, even the Prophet of God Jesus whom they love more than us.
And his mother, Mary, who I named myself after her because of their great love and veneration for her and her position.

Mr Macron...

You might ask me: How do they love Christ more than we do?
I answer you: Yes, they love the Lord Christ more than we do because our country shed the blood of the innocent in the name of Christ, their countries became desolate and their wealth was plundered, so we enjoy the goods of Muslim countries and we extract the tribute from their rulers in various ways and we impose commercial and consumer projects that do not develop on them and spread sedition among them and then sell them weapons to kill each other, but we are still We consider them terrorists when they realize that we are the terrorists, not them!
But they dealt with me and other hostages with the morals of Christ that we were learning in the churches but we do not apply in reality.

Mr Macron...

In conclusion ... I did not want to declare my Islam in Mali so that I would not be said to have converted to Islam under the sword, and I decided to declare my Islam while I was free on the land of France to convey the message of Islam to millions of French and to Europe with its Christian and atheist parts as a whole!

Mr Macron...

This is the religion of Islam that you are fighting day and night, it has stirred my heart and filled my mind...

I no longer see France with its glamorous beauty
The most beautiful of the poor, modest Mali
I even decided to come back to it again
But after inviting my family and loved ones to Islam
Because I want them to taste the sweetness of what I have tasted from the worship of the one and only God, for whom there is no god but He, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and I want them the goodness of this world and the hereafter.

I also invite you to Islam and to repeat your accounts with this great religion, which is the message of all the prophets and messengers from the time of Adam, passing through Jesus Christ, to most beloved our *Prophet Muhammad* *peace & blessings of Allah be upon him.*
And peace be upon all believes.

*{Maryam Petronin}*
Please share with others.

Big reason that he became French President
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