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Maas is in favor of renegotiating the nuclear deal with Iran

Years of German humiliation and "guilt" induction by the Jews into the new generation of German has produced guys like him. Remember even a display of German Reich memorabilia is unlawful in this nation.
That dude is a hypocrite and would have been a good National Socialist as long as Germany had upperhand/was ok, after that he would say he was forced/resistance, dirty opportunist-character, weakling, comrade-swine, traitor.
DON'T trust nice words.
Even (in many cases) anti-Islam-AFD they would tell you honest opinion and don't steal your time like that cheap Adolf Eichman imitation.
Iran need BIG BOOM (NUKES), period.
Like I said only a fool believes the US will simply return to the “original” deal.

Will never happen. US and Europe want an expanded deal they always have, they disagreed with how Trump went about it. That is all, on their core points they were in agreement.

The JCPOA was a flawed deal because US never was going to let Iran “walk” away after the deal was over. The deal was made in hopes that Supreme Leader of Iran would be dead by end of the deal and Iran lacking leadership. Then US would pressure a leaderless Iran to accept another deal. J POA was a stop gap measure, not the “real deal”.

Iran will get NOTHING by returning to the original deal.
Fortunately, Rouhani and Zarif cannot negotiate over Iranian ballistic missiles. Iran's nuclear program was under the control and administration of the government, while Iranian missiles for the most part are under the control and administration of the IRGC, not the government. Hence, Rouhani and Zarif cannot negotiate over the missiles without the IRGC.

However, if they do negotiate over the missiles, then that will imply that Rouhani always enjoyed the support of the IRGC and the Supreme Leader, meaning that you should "beshashi be kolle regime" in that case.
Iran nuclear program was exactly under the same administration that iran missile program is.
Iran nuclear program was exactly under the same administration that iran missile program is.
Nope. Iran's nuclear program is under the supervision of the Iranian Atomic Agency which is a government-controlled organization. Iran's missile program is mostly under the control of the IRGC. These are well-known facts. I don't know why you are challenging them. lol
Nope. Iran's nuclear program is under the supervision of the Iranian Atomic Agency which is a government-controlled organization. Iran's missile program is mostly under the control of the IRGC. These are well-known facts. I don't know why you are challenging them. lol
تصمیم در مورد برنامه هسته ای در شورای عالی امنیت ملی گرفته شد نه در سازمان انرژی هسته ای .
تعجب میکنم چرا مردم این را فراموش میکنن
تصمیم در مورد برنامه هسته ای در شورای عالی امنیت ملی گرفته شد نه در سازمان انرژی هسته ای .
تعجب میکنم چرا مردم این را فراموش میکنن
تصمیم در مورد همه سیاست های مهم و امنیتی کشور اونجا گرفته می شه، اما برنامه هسته ای زیر نظر آژانس اتمی ایران هست و برنامه موشکی دست سپاه

برای همین هم می گم اگه این بار کوتاه بیان باید به سر تا پای رژیم شاشید. چون نشون می ده کرم از همشون بوده بر عکس اون چیزی که می خوان بگن یک جریان خاصی این بار این داستان برجام رو کلید زده​
اول اینکه این حرف ماس نیست و بهش گفتن فعلا تو اینارو بگو‌
جزو بازی بزرگتر اونهاست

ثانیا وضعیت اینقدر ها هم بد نیست و با وجود اعتقاد من به فریب هر دوطرف، زمینه های مشترک دو طرفه هم وجود داره
فریب جزو سیاسته

حرفهای ماس همون حرفهای فابین هاینتز ه که معتدله

مسوولیت مستقیم هر برجامی با شخص رهبریه
ارزش روحانی در حد قیمت مرغه

خامنه ای هم اگرچه انقلابیه ولی بیگانه با دیپلماتها هم نیست

حرص نخورین
اگه چیز زیادی گیرمون نیومده خاطرتون جمع چیز زیادی هم ندادیم​
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البته یک سری حتما شعر میگن
که اقا علی زمان رو مجبور به پذیرش برجام کردن
مردم اماده ولایت علی نبودن
قضیه سقیفه و صفین تکرار شد
ما تا در خیمه یزید رسیدیم و مردم و اصلاح طلبا نگذاشتن
بگذاریم خامنه ای بازیشو بکنه‌
با یه ابقیق و جده غرق در غرور نشیم و با یه ترور خورد نشیم
Hahaha, please, do not believe anything this asshole Maas says.
I know she shouldn't be taken seriously, but she is so blatantly infuriating that at least some sort of official and strongly worded response is justified against her.
Additionally it looks like she might be experiencing some sort of menopause too...
Hahaha, please, do not believe anything this asshole Maas says.

I know she shouldn't be taken seriously, but she is so blatantly infuriating that at least some sort of official and strongly worded response is justified against her.
Additionally it looks like she might be experiencing some sort of menopause too...

He's one of those pathetic shape-shifting snakes you'll find in the EU who will try his best to find that one reason to appease his master. Perhaps andropause/menopause is the only justification for us to move on, lol
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