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M-12 - Sialkot - Kharian Motorway

Purposed Map of M-12
NHA likely to award Sialkot-Kharian Motorway contract to FWO, SMC

After getting a go-ahead from Public Private Partnership Authority (PPPA), the National Highway Authority is going to finally award Sialkot-Kharian Motorway contract to M/S FWO and SMC.

The executive board meeting of NHA is scheduled to be held on Tuesday to take a final decision in this regard after which a Letter of Intent (LOI) would be extended to the contractor.

The NHA had received three bids from construction firms to build Sialkot-Kharian Motorway on Public Private Partnership mode.

The bids had been submitted as a joint venture of Frontier Works Organisation (FWO) and SMC Private Limited and a joint venture of Matracon Pakistan Private Limited and Techno Private Limited while the Zahir Khan and Brothers (ZKB) Private Limited had also submitted its proposal.

At the first stage, the technical evaluation was done and all three contestants were declared technically suitable for the project. However, the evaluation of financial proposals of the aforementioned firms was underway to reach a final decision.

On Monday, Federal Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar chaired the 12th meeting of the Board of Directors of Public-Private Partnership Authority (PPPA) here in Islamabad.

NHA Executive Board meets today to finalise Concession Agreement of project

Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Secretary Planning, Secretary Finance, Secretary Communications, Chairman NHA, CEO PPP Authority, and Director General (Debt) Finance Division were also present in the meeting. The meeting considered the transaction structure for the Sialkot–Kharian Motorway project.

MoC/NHA informed the meeting that the transaction structure as proposed by the winning proponent and as approved by the NHA was in accordance with the structure earlier approved by the board and the Viability Gap Funding (VGF) was within the limits already approved.

I hope they look into M9 Karachi-Hyderabad motorway for upgrade to two additional lanes, needs widening and more law enforcement as motorway etiquettes not followed by trucks/traffic. Its the most heavily used motorway of Pakistan and doesnt have a boundary wall in several locations.
Since it was originally KHI-HYD Super Highway its not a true motorway at same level as the rest motorways in Punjab, part of it are like a highway without a boundary wall so have to be very alert when driving.
I hope they look into M9 Karachi-Hyderabad motorway for upgrade to two additional lanes, needs widening and more law enforcement as motorway etiquettes not followed by trucks/traffic. Its the most heavily used motorway of Pakistan and doesnt have a boundary wall in several locations.
Since it was originally KHI-HYD Super Highway its not a true motorway at same level as the rest motorways in Punjab, part of it are like a highway without a boundary wall so have to be very alert when driving.

Hyd-Karachi need new motorway route. Not sure if FWO will allow. Current one is anything but motorway.
Hyd-Karachi need new motorway route. Not sure if FWO will allow. Current one is anything but motorway.
Yes originally it was another route but PPP bogged it down for several years and due to complications from influentials, land acquisition was made too expensive, during PML(N) tenure federal gov speeded it up but they had to compromise by modifying the superhighway to a motorway. So now we are stuck with a inadequate motorway and the budgeting didn't include the police force. But I think they can still improve it by adding two lanes both sides and might be correct as there are no side barriers on several stretches of this motorway. Since it should be making good revenue as it has really high traffic if done honestly can be improved by leaps.
Contract awarded for construction of Sialkot-Kharian Motorway M-12 project

The National Highways Authority (NHA) awarded the contract for the 69-kilometre Sialkot-Kharian Motorway (M-12) project to a partnership of Frontier Works Organization (FWO) and SMC Private Limited on Tuesday, according to news sources.

The meeting was presided over by Chairman NHA Khurram Agha, and it was agreed that the Letter of Intent (LOI) will be given as soon as possible. Three construction companies submitted bids, and all three were found appropriate for the job. Following careful evaluation, the FWO and SMC joint venture was determined to be the best fit.

The project will cost PKR 27.32 billion and FWO will get PKR 1 billion subsidies from the government annually for 8 years through Viability Gap Funding (VGF).

The said (M-12) motorway will include a 60km main motorway and a 9km link expressway. It will pass through several populated areas of Gujrat including Peru Shah, Jalalpur Jattan, Gulyana, and Daulat Nagar. The project will end near Kotli Bajar where the link highway will be used to connect it to G.T Road.


Sialkot - Kharian Motorway (M-12) | 69 KM​

Khuda kay wastay my request to the government, stop illegal construction or the encroachment on agricultural land around the area.

Already the area around Shehbazpur bridge on Chenab is getting ruined by the agri plots being sold to commercial enterprises, and a petrol pump being made after every 5 steps.
Khuda kay wastay my request to the government, stop illegal construction or the encroachment on agricultural land around the area.

Already the area around Shehbazpur bridge on Chenab is getting ruined by the agri plots being sold to commercial enterprises, and a petrol pump being made after every 5 steps.
Damn, imagine wasting fertile land like that. Some donkeys running the country honestly.
Damn, imagine wasting fertile land like that. Some donkeys running the country honestly.

There should honestly be a ban on conversion of agricultural land to commercial.

We are staring the face of food shortages in the next 5 years.

With the volatile nature of the world food supply chain already exposed, we would be stupid not to do that.

This is just another reason why you need a stable government and elections at this time.

As I said in another thread, and without making this thread too political, all government affairs, policy decisions, future planning is at a standstill and everyone is working on a day to day basis.
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