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LUMS: Afghanistan Scholarship Program - Shameful - the could have gone to poor Bihari Pakistanis

You did man. You have taken active part in fuelling the Afghan war. All neighbouring countries have contributed in this unfortunate proxy war against each another. The Northern Alliance is India's pet dog because these child molesters received all forms of support from India. The Northern Alliance and the Taliban are the other side of the same coin. Don't romanticize the Northern Alliance. The Northern Alliance has a bloody past such as the killing of thousands of innocent Afghans belonging to various rival ethnic groups, burning of homes, committing acts of ethnic cleansing, human rights violations, bacha bazi etc. The Northern Alliance is a club of war lords and war criminals. The list of gruesome crimes goes on and on. India has supported such a regime along with the US. The only reason why the US shut its eyes knowingly is because of the anti-Taliban stance of the Northern Alliance. The Americans deemed the Northern Alliance as an anti-Taliban asset. Don't deny it now. It's an open fact.

India and Iran funded Northern Alliance out of pure envy and greed. Selfish selfish people.
India and Iran funded Northern Alliance out of pure envy and greed. Selfish selfish people.

It's general knowledge. We made the disastrous mistake of supporting the other group. We're all guilty. Like the saying goes, is hamam me sab nange he.
It's general knowledge. We made the disastrous mistake of supporting the other group. We're all guilty. Like the saying goes, is hamam me sab nange he.

I don't know what Afghans expected to happen had US and ISI did not get involved. They would still be under Soviet rule with Northern Alliance gestapo roaming the streets.

Maybe Pakistan should have allowed this and Soviets could have offered a lot more to the region with Pak and Iran alliance. How long till India would backstab Pakistan and isolate them? The same scenario would have panned out. Pak would most likely be in full civil war by now by full on infiltration by Afg/India/Iran/Russia from all corners. Would be fighting a losing war with no US support. What a hellish scenario.
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Wtff? There are many poor people in Paksitan before we have to import biharis for LUMS. Anyway helping next generation of Afghans is good thing IMO. Maybe the more educated they are, less they will hate Pakistan. Don't you think?

Are you even punjabi? Because if I had to replace Afghans then one can find many deserving poor people from all over punjab or infact all over Pakistan instead.

WHAT IS BIHARI PAKISTANI?? As far as I know Bihar is in India...and there are no Pakistani in Bihar....only foreigners are a couple million illegal Banladeshis. So the people you are referring to are either are just Pakistani...

Hmm to me seem like OP is bihari. Afghan and muhajirs have special relations in Pakistan.

OP please -- show me once I've called Afghans the equivalent of Daal Khors, Dark Skinned, Smelly -- once !!

And it took until now for you to condemn the racism against Pakistanis ??!

Continue living in your fantasy world.

Show me one article on any Afghan news agency which condemns the hatred against Pakistanis -- show me one!

Have the courage to fess up to this racism and hatred in Afghan society!

So yes we you know think history is irrelevant.

And again avoiding the issue -- I try to adhere to copyright laws you ignoramus!

Come on some guts!!!

You have raised a very important issue Afghani hatred towards Pakistani people. I have encountered this hatred after I befriended some Afghani drivers in my company. Some have opened up to me after they came to know that I was Indian. During one long drive one of them told me that he was born in Islamabad but he hated Pakistani people because what his family had to endure in Pakistan. Lots of hardship, discrimination in jobs, limited education opportunities etc.

His life was not any bed of roses in America because he constantly asked me for money. He had a family of eight he had to support. From what I gather most of the Afghani refugees in America are on state welfare. His was no exception because his family members lacked education. But he was hard working and was always available to drive me around and for long drive assignments. He was honest and always repaid my loans. Only drawback was I had to endure Pashto music.

P.S. Funny that the company we were working was owned by a Pakistani.:woot:
It's general knowledge. We made the disastrous mistake of supporting the other group. We're all guilty. Like the saying goes, is hamam me sab nange he.

It is news to me that India supported the Northern alliance with arms and ammunition during soviet backed Najibullah regime.
P.S. Funny that the company we were working was owned by a Pakistani.:woot:

PS: I also employ Afghans :-) [in our Pakistani offices] -- we don't discriminate based on national origin or for a matter of fact any other reason such as religion, sexual orientation -- I would bet they hate Pakistani people too (maybe me too). Oh and all of my Afghan staff are from humble origins but have advanced degrees from Pakistani Universities.

Yes, I'm part of the problem -- lol
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Who is funding scholarships? As LUMS is private institute, i am sure she is not doing it from her own pocket.....
That is because those Biharis stranded in Bangladesh are not Pakistanis.. it is the reward they much get for being loyal to Pakistan during the 1971 war.. but more importantly.. for having darker coloured skin then the two P majority in Pakistan.
Who is funding scholarships? As LUMS is private institute, i am sure she is not doing it from her own pocket.....

The scholarships are jointly funded by the Afghan government - Ghani sab wanted Pakistan to match 6 dollars for every dollar the Afghan government contributed.

It in an earlier video I posted.
That is because those Biharis stranded in Bangladesh are not Pakistanis.. it is the reward they much get for being loyal to Pakistan during the 1971 war.. but more importantly.. for having darker coloured skin then the two P majority in Pakistan.

Most already migrated soon after 71, plus Indian muslims kept coming even decades later just to increase mqm vote bank. One can say ANP did similar thing in case of Afghans. So only sindhi, punjabi and baloch vote bank have decreased over the years.

PS: I also employ Afghans :-) [in our Pakistani offices] -- we don't discriminate based on national origin or for a matter of fact any other reason such as religion, sexual orientation -- I would bet they hate Pakistani people too (maybe me too). Oh and all of my Afghan staff are from humble origins but have advanced degrees from Pakistani Universities.

Yes, I'm part of the problem -- lol

Bhai you are traitor to this country, I advice you to fire them and hire native people.
PS: I also employ Afghans :-) [in our Pakistani offices] -- we don't discriminate based on national origin or for a matter of fact any other reason such as religion, sexual orientation -- I would bet they hate Pakistani people too (maybe me too). Oh and all of my Afghan staff are from humble origins but have advanced degrees from Pakistani Universities.

Yes, I'm part of the problem -- lol

I knew that you are a decent guy and see the human element in people. :tup:
I've seen threads on this topic endup like a garbage with lots of trolls,chit chats and racist posts but why would anyone care for them so this thread will be ruined like all others.
Pakistanis in Bangladesh now have to let go their past because i am 101% sure that no one is gonna take them back!!
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