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Loud explosion heard in Rawalpindi

They are a step above psychotic serial killers - I read they plant bombs in children's toys, the beheadings, the kicking around of heads, mutilating and eating human body parts - the list goes on

Sad.. and i guess this includes the "good" taliban as well ? :disagree:
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Arabic: إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎)

All those behind these cowardly act will BURN IN HELL.....
Loud explosion heard in Rawalpindi - DAWN.COM

RAWALPINDI: An explosion took on Wednesday near the Mandi Mor area of Rawalpindi, DawnNews reported.

Police and rescue teams rushed to the site of the incident.

According to sources, the explosion took place in a hotel near sabzi mandi of the Pirwadhai area.

Many people were feared to be injured in the incident.

Noise was Celebrating the festival of terrorism.PML_N
I don't think it is possible, the terrorists will always find a way through. Or they will simply make the bomb within the city itself. It's easy to stop terrorists if they all come from across the border. (Well not easy, but doable.) But if they live in your own country, and such a large number of them, among the population, it is impossible to stop every bomb. They only have to get lucky once. It would be far easier to kill the terrorists than stop their activities at checkposts.

I understand from where this is all coming from, since its a popular notion among Indians that Pakistani's as a nation are terrorists.

As for your post yes it is impossible to stop every bomb but it is certainly not impossible to reduce their numbers by taking certain measures like the one which i stated above.

Our security apparatus even though after taking repeated hits have not taken any concrete measures to beef up their security which is pathetic.
TTP condemns Islamabad blast, says attack at public places 'haram'

April 09, 2014, 2:05 pm
PESHAWAR- Banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has condemned the bomb blast in Islamabad fruit market that killed 24 people as well as the attack on a train in Sibi today.

In a statement, the TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid said that attacking innocent civilians was illegal and prohibited, adding that the Taliban condemn blasts that target public places. Hidden elements shouldn’t be ignored in such acts, he added.

Shahidullah Shahid said the oppressed people of Balochistan and Sindh were their brothers but targeting innocent people is also a crime. He said foreign hands should not be ignored in such attacks because they want to punish the people for their love to Islam. He said after failing to suppress a militant organization, these forces launch attacks to defame the organization. He said in the past as well these hidden hands carried out blasts in Lahore, Peshawar and other cities to bring a bad name to the TTP.

Shahidullah Shahid said the ceasefire announced by the TTP has been recognized by the media and asked the people to realize who was behind such heinous crimes.
TTP condemns Islamabad blast, says attack at public places 'haram'
Islamabad Blast a set back to peace process: Prof Ibrahim

April 09, 2014, 12:55 pm

ISLAMABAD- Jamaat-e-Islami’s Prof. Ibrahim, who is a member of Taliban-proposed negotiating committee, condemned today’s incident of terrorism that caused loss of precious lives and injured many in Islamabad.

Talking to a private TV channel Prof. Ibrahim described the blast as a “handiwork of anti-peace elements.” Professor Ibrahim said the terrorist attack was a bid by miscreants to derail the process of dialogue between the government and Taliban. “We vehemently condemn this blast, it’s handiwork of those bent upon derailing the peace process in an attempt to sabotage the dialogue process which I hope will not be affected,” the Taliban intermediary said. He demanded proper investigation of the deadly attack to expose the perpetrators of the crime.
Islamabad Blast a set back to peace process: Prof Ibrahim
RIP........ hope the loudness is enough to wakeup those who are sleeping and support terrorism,there is no good terrorist.
I understand from where this is all coming from, since its a popular notion among Indians that Pakistani's as a nation are terrorists.

Huh? I did not say that. The only premise in my post is that there is a large number of terrorists in Pakistan, living withing the country. You don't disagree with that, do you?

As long as that premise holds true, there is only so much that can be done to stop men and materials from being transported or even made in the cities.

Even if 0.1% of Pakistanis are terrorists, that is enough to render measures such as security checkposts ineffective. Killing the whole movement and ideology is the only solution.
I think you don't know about international politics... Their primary aim was to kill the culprits involved in 9/11 attack and make U.S.A safest country .. Objective achieved... Secondary aim was to put foots near China. Objective achieved.
If they want to destroy Afghanistan, then this is half hour task for them.
They attacked Afghanistan to kill Osama (aim not achieved ):D attacked Iraq for WMD (aim not achieved ):D should I go on?:partay:

Haad ho gai hai , Tum pakistani log kuch karte kyu nahi ? Aab tho mere khyaal se koi ilaaka nahi hoga jidhar bomb phatna baki ho? aab tak tho pure pakistan ko road pe aake Gov. se demand karna chiye ki in saab sare terroristo ko maaro ya sarkar band.
Our neighbor have nothing to do in this incident...they are also victim of terrorism I.e Mumbai attack... Terrorist reached there from our land.. Correct me if I am wrong. Even Bali incident, terrorist was found here.... We should not not close our eyes and hide weakness by blame gaming to others...
RIP to the dead.....

Good thing that you are not PK PM
It would have been developed in no time then
In topic
Peace talks are sure going great aren't they
Our heartfelt condolences go out to the victims’ families. We sincerely hope that their loved ones will find the strength to deal with this tragedy. We also wish a quick and speedy recovery to those who are injured. Incidents like these prove that certain terrorist elements remain focused on sabotaging our peace efforts in the region. Unfortunately for them, our nations refuse to let these acts of terror break our shared will and desire to succeed against terrorism. The seriousness of the situation requires our nations to stand united against those who threaten the safety of our nations. We fully support Pakistani government’s efforts to negate the threat of violence, and wish to see peace prevail throughout the country.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
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