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lot of changes for muslims in Germany in the future...?


Apr 2, 2017
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The three candidates from the CDU to replace chancelor Merkel as leader of the CDU, Merz, Kramp-Karenbauer and Spahn talked on a podiums discussion in front of their Party in Düsseldorf Germany.
All three made notes to muslims in Germany and things that will change after Merkel step down.... one of the three will most likely become the new CDU chief and with this postion most likely the next candidat of the CDU for chancelor... even if currently weak the CDU is still by far the strongest party in Germany and without CDU no new government... and the party with the most votes gets the position of the chancelor..a old democratic rule... so most likely one of the three has a good chance to replace also Merkel as chancelor... so their note adressed to muslims have some weight.

1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.

oh and at the end they had a bad news for the Germans too... the retirement age in Germany will continue to increase... from 67 now (if you are born after 1964) to an open age... in some nations they retire with 50 and we have to work almost 20years longer... nice...not

The three candidates from the CDU to replace chancelor Merkel as leader of the CDU, Merz, Kramp-Karenbauer and Spahn talked on a podiums discussion in front of their Party in Düsseldorf Germany.
All three made notes to muslims in Germany and things that will change after Merkel step down.... one of the three will most likely become the new CDU chief and with this postion most likely the next candidat of the CDU for chancelor... even if currently weak the CDU is still by far the strongest party in Germany and without CDU no new government... and the party with the most votes gets the position of the chancelor..a old democratic rule... so most likely one of the three has a good chance to replace also Merkel as chancelor... so their note adressed to muslims have some weight.

1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.

oh and at the end they had a bad news for the Germans too... the retirement age in Germany will continue to increase... from 67 now (if you are born after 1964) to an open age... in some nations they retire with 50 and we have to work almost 20years longer... nice...not

These are really good changes. About foreign funding, I would say German govt should accept it but through its own channel and not directly to mosque.
These are really good changes. About foreign funding, I would say German govt should accept it but through its own channel and not directly to mosque.

no ...they should stop this foreign founding, this way the german muslims get effected to much from ideas we dont like here...and honestly most germans muslims dont like what foreigner pray in Germany ...
you know the phrase... who pay the music order what get played...
If tollerant western muslims want a tollerant mosque open to other..they have to found it themself... if they recive it from the outside they get everything but no tollerant open mosque...
no ...they should stop this foreign founding, this way the german muslims get effected to much from ideas we dont like here...and honestly most germans muslims dont like what foreigner pray in Germany ...
you know the phrase... who pay the music order what get played...
If tollerant western muslims want a tollerant mosque open to other..they have to found it themself... if they recive it from the outside they get everything but no tollerant open mosque...
That's why I said if the funding comes through the German govt, it will not have other agendas attached to it so it will be ok. But if foreign funding directly goes to the Masjid then it has cons attached to it.

Wow! You actually agree with it? What if the German federal law conflicts with Sharia law? Do you think the people there will accept national laws then?
I totally agree. If there is some law which goes against the religious freedom of German Muslims then they have the legal and democratic right to protest and lobby to get it changed. I want them to be integrated and do not accept any foreign ideologies that can harm them or other fellow Germans.

no ...they should stop this foreign founding, this way the german muslims get effected to much from ideas we dont like here...and honestly most germans muslims dont like what foreigner pray in Germany ...
you know the phrase... who pay the music order what get played...
If tollerant western muslims want a tollerant mosque open to other..they have to found it themself... if they recive it from the outside they get everything but no tollerant open mosque...
@george does German govt fund churches ?
This is so embarrassing for Westerners and Indians now.

Every now and then some thread is opened about some dumb politician claiming "No Sharia now. Only our national laws".....

How do you plan to achieve this? :rofl:

Sharia, especially in the Muslim minority communities, is a personal code of conduct based on Islam. It has nothing to do with national laws in lands where Muslims are a minority. How do you stop someone from say not drinking alcohol or not engaging in premarital sex? Would you FORCE them to? :lol: Wasn't there a case where French authorities were mad at this Muslim school girl because she wore "long-skirt" and wasn't showing her legs (hence publically stating her religion). French were ridiculed worldwide and even U.S comedy late night shows picked up on this news and laughed on gutless Frenchies getting threatened by long skirts.

Please stop this embarrassing ignorance now. It has been decades and you are still posting as if it was 2005.
Thats not so bad and i trust german system. Germans are very good people. I trust they know how to run their country. Any muslim havving problems there should move to uk or back home

I fear germans instead of anti muslim they might make anti turkish laws ;) they seem to be very afraid of turks
How do you plan to achieve this?

Uniform Civil code

No religious law can be higher than the Constitution of the nation

So far as I know Sharia laws exist only in Iran, KSA & Sudan.
I always thought Sharia applied to criminal law

No, that's one aspect of it and one of the components of Sharia that is only allowed to be implemented by a government. Not your random person on the street.

So far as I know Sharia laws exist only in Iran, KSA & Sudan.

Sharia doesn't exist anywhere. Those countries pick and choose which aspects of it they want to follow.
Uniform Civil code

No religious law can be higher than the Constitution of the nation

So far as I know Sharia laws exist only in Iran, KSA & Sudan.


Shows how clueless you are about both issues

The Sharia Law

And actual influence and spread of Sharia law.

Here's a small hint for you: READ

In the West, sharia law is often associated with corporal punishment, such as beheadings carried out by Islamist extremists and the likes of the Islamic State. But in fact, only a few countries, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, enact sharia in this form.

Most Muslim countries have a mix of religious and civil laws, which invite other, and less draconian, forms of sharia. In these instances, sharia law feeds into a complex web of legal, political, and administrative measures. Blending with state power, it imposes Islamic practices on the public, such as fasting during Ramadan. It also demonizes those who do not practice and punishes speech or acts deemed offensive to Islam.

In its widely seen practice, sharia, therefore, is not a black cloak or the ax of the executioner, but rather an impermeable veil that envelops the entire society. Many pious Muslims individually choose to abide by some or all tenets of sharia law, which guides their religiosity. But, as a political force, sharia draws its power from governmental and societal pressure mechanisms. Together, they coerce citizens to adhere to the conservative spectrum of Islam.


Here's another shocker for you basics

"A recent study found that more than 442 Shariah-based ordinances have been passed throughout Indonesia since 1999, when Jakarta gave provinces and districts substantial powers to make their own laws. These include regulations concerning female attire, the mixing of the sexes, and alcohol"


Now imagine, if the most "moderate," "liberal" and "secular" Muslim states like Indonesia and Turkey have Sharia/Islam playing such dominant and influential role in social norms, politics, and culture with Sharia permeating throughout the society----how much more powerful the impact and influence of Shariah would be in the lives of billions of Muslims living in Muslim states with Islam as the official state religion, and Sharia mentioned as the primary source of legislation??

What you don't understand is that democracy in Muslim world is based in Islam and comes out of Islam, and not secular liberalism like in West, Japan, and even india (or other weak cultures who got washed away by Westernization and lost their traditional essence)

Bottom line: No government can "ban" Shariah since its woven into the very practice and cultural ethos of Islam. Hence it exists everywhere to one degree or the other---whereever the Muslims reside. Chechyna, Dagestan, and other Muslim-majority regions in Russia are almost de-facto Islamic Republics with Sharia-inspired laws, deeply Islamic culture, and public imposition of Islamic values at large......with the mix of Russia civil laws offcourse

Watch this Russia Today's video about life and culture in Chechyna and decide for yourself


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