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Lost diamonds of sub continent


Apr 28, 2014
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United Kingdom
1. Koh i noor
Weight: 21.1204 g
Color: Finest white
: Kollur Mine, Andhra Pardesh
Current owner Part of the British Crown Jewels

2. Noor ul Ain
Weight: Around 12 g
Color: Pale Pink
Origin: Golkonda, Hydrebad

Current owner: Iranian Crown Jewel

3. Daria i noor
Weight: 36.4 g
Color: Pale pink
Origin: Kollur Mine, Andhra Pradesh

Current owner: Central Bank of Iran, Tehran,Iran

4. Hope Diamond

Weight: 9.104 g
Color: Fancy Dark Grayish Blue (GIA)
Origin Kollur mine, Guntur District, Andhra pradesh

Current owner: Smithsonian Institution

There are many others sub continent era diamonds like Akbar shah, Archduke Joseph, Beau Sancy but enough for now and God willingly I will update the thread later.


  • Koh i noor.jpg
    Koh i noor.jpg
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  • Noor-ol-Ain.png
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  • Darya e Noor.png
    Darya e Noor.png
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  • Hope diamond.jpg
    Hope diamond.jpg
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1. Koh i noor
Weight: 21.1204 g
Color: Finest white
: Kollur Mine, Andhra Pardesh
Current owner Part of the British Crown Jewels

2. Noor ul Ain
Weight: Around 12 g
Color: Pale Pink
Origin: Golkonda, Hydrebad

Current owner: Iranian Crown Jewel

3. Daria i noor
Weight: 36.4 g
Color: Pale pink
Origin: Kollur Mine, Andhra Pradesh

Current owner: Central Bank of Iran, Tehran,Iran

4. Hope Diamond

Weight: 9.104 g
Color: Fancy Dark Grayish Blue (GIA)
Origin Kollur mine, Guntur District, Andhra pradesh

Current owner: Smithsonian Institution

There are many others sub continent era diamonds like Akbar shah, Archduke Joseph, Beau Sancy but enough for now and God willingly I will update the thread later.
The Golkonda Mines still many more precious stones lay in it. But many got taken during the British rule.
The Golkonda Mines still many more precious stones lay in it. But many got taken during the British rule.
It may have... but there are a lot others already taken by others powers not just british.
see 'list of famous diamonds' on wiki..
Dono know much about History of India Before 1947 :)
even idk... especially regarding this matter... by chance one year ago i was just checking koh i noor... and found out that there were many other diamonds taken.. so decided that one day would post it, besides facebook. Today i finally put it to be discussed/spread etc

@engineer saad @itachiii @SrNair

Literally got furious when I came to know. I believe local inherit the land and sources (even kashmiris :P). So i would like if india would take these back but of course india can't go against entire europe :D
even idk... especially regarding this matter... by chance one year ago i was just checking koh i noor... and found out that there were many other diamonds taken.. so decided that one day would post it, besides facebook. Today i finally put it to be discussed/spread etc

@engineer saad @itachiii @SrNair

Literally got furious when I came to know. I believe local inherit the land and sources (even kashmiris :P). So i would like if india would take these back but of course india can't go against entire europe :D
Rajnikanth has become old. It's difficult to conquer the world now.
some stones are lucky and some not.. any one who posses koh i noor, it's empire is lucked to be doomed.
All the subcontinent had to give back then were stones, since its rulers and intelligentsia clearly had nothing in the way of technology or sciences to provide.
any one who posses koh i noor
i don't buy as it took 3 hundered years for mughals to decline.. plus british decline due to world wars
Till industrial revolution subcontinent and ottoman and chinese were ahead.In 1700, iron production using coal, rapidly increased iron production per day... Thus industry, machines, guns, etc number and production rates incraesed rapidly in europe... thus age of industrial revolution and imperialism.... many nations like aztec, mayans, native americans, indians got subjugated, prosecuted and made slave... only non EU nation got along was japanese.... rest got pinned down
All the subcontinent had to give back then were stones, since its rulers and intelligentsia clearly had nothing in the way of technology or sciences to provide.

Apparently the Portuguese had set up a metal printing press in Goa by 1550s.....and later more and more Europeans came to the court of the Mughals with their versions....Jahangir, for example, in the 17th century was asked by one of such Europeans, why don't you commission a printing press to print all of your work/literature? (by that time they had proven that Arabic/Persian script could be very well produced in printed form.) Apparently, Jahangir replied, that if i commission a printing press, who is going to employ my workers?
These diamonds are nothing but worthless stones when compared to what foreigners looted us off. The Knowledge, the very pride we had in our culture and self respect.


Yes indeed. They destroyed our medicine and brought in alopathic medicine. For two. Hundred years there was no Progress in Hikmat.

My great grand father was a Hakeem. As the story goes once a british doctor asked him to prescribe medicine for an ailment.

What he prescribed had the similar ingredients in their natural form that the english medicine had.

But now they can claim that india has taken over their computer related industry.
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The Golkonda Mines still many more precious stones lay in it. But many got taken during the British rule.

The diamonds are owned by the British.

Indian don't have any right to claim it. They are not yours in the first place.

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