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Longewala 'lies' - Nailed


have you ever been to border between Pakistan and India. If so which town/place and for how long.

Thank you

No dude, I haven't been to the border so far. I've been to Jaisalmer though. Why do you ask?
Pakistan has far far better training and men and moral.
Indian logistics is better! how do you come to this conclusion?
In past India had weaponry but they failed to cross any lines.... today Pakistan is far far advance in its missile and air/craft design.

Batman ji, Can i resort to logic while discussing with you? Need permission.

Hope you can give a logical answer why Pakistan is better in LOGISTICS, WEAPONRY and TRAINING. :)
Training : India on basis of patriotism and Pakistan on basis of religion. Now you say which one becomes more disciplined?
Logistics : India better coz of infusion of money
Weaponry : India better for Same logic

Pakistan has far far better training and men and moral.
Indian logistics is better! how do you come to this conclusion?
In past India had weaponry but they failed to cross any lines.... today Pakistan is far far advance in its missile and air/craft design.


In Pakistan Indian army discussion,

a Pakistani should never ever bring up atom bomb, because it is simply a stink bomb that destroys discussion on military strategy.

Oh meray simply simple bahi,

Any use of bumb by Pakistan will destroy our bread basket for next century if not more.

Why because these bumbs will be used in Sindh valley (in fertile lands of Punjab and Sindh).

Now would you nuke your own house to "protect it"

These are ill advised machoism examples that should be better left to the teenagers of gali mohalla.

Thank you
No dude, I haven't been to the border so far. I've been to Jaisalmer though. Why do you ask?

Reason I ask that so many Indians AND Pakistanis come on the defense forums, boasting and releasing hot air, while living in areas that are 100s if not 1000s of miles away.

without having an iota of on the ground knowledge about the lands where such wars are fought, lost and won.

It is time to go beyond simple and $tupid statements like my $ick is bigger than yours. It is juvenile at best.

War is hell for those whose families, mother father, brothers and sisters have to live through it.

If I don't have a direct family connection to the lands and battle grounds then I have no forking thing to lose except some chocolate and video game time.

I hope you understand.
In Pakistan Indian army discussion,

a Pakistani should never ever bring up atom bomb, because it is simply a stink bomb that destroys discussion on military strategy.

Oh meray simply simple bahi,

Any use of bumb by Pakistan will destroy our bread basket for next century if not more.

Why because these bumbs will be used in Sindh valley (in fertile lands of Punjab and Sindh).

Now would you nuke your own house to "protect it"

These are ill advised machoism examples that should be better left to the teenagers of gali mohalla.

Thank you
Yaar. Pakistani aisa bhi sochte hain? Interesting. And I only came across people who act as if they roam around with Nukes in their pocket. Always talking bout nukes as if its a sutli bomb of Diwali. :D
Reason I ask that so many Indians AND Pakistanis come on the defense forums, boasting and releasing hot air, while living in areas that are 100s if not 1000s of miles away.

without having an iota of on the ground knowledge about the lands where such wars are fought, lost and won.

It is time to go beyond simple and $tupid statements like my $ick is bigger than yours. It is juvenile at best.

War is hell for those whose families, mother father, brothers and sisters have to live through it.

If I don't have a direct family connection to the lands and battle grounds then I have no forking thing to lose except some chocolate and video game time.

I hope you understand.

Agree a 100%. Most of the discussions in forums like these are just for a daily dose of Ego-boost:confused:
In Pakistan Indian army discussion,

a Pakistani should never ever bring up atom bomb, because it is simply a stink bomb that destroys discussion on military strategy.

Oh meray simply simple bahi,

Any use of bumb by Pakistan will destroy our bread basket for next century if not more.

Why because these bumbs will be used in Sindh valley (in fertile lands of Punjab and Sindh).

Now would you nuke your own house to "protect it"

These are ill advised machoism examples that should be better left to the teenagers of gali mohalla.

Thank you

Than if you do not want to talk about smart weapons, than there can also be no discussion based on mere numbers.
It is well reported more than half of Indian weapons are defective, and there accuracy is poor, there gunners can't hit the target even if they got 10 chance, there missiles are complete fail, same goes with their aircrafts... half of them are not air worthy.
Indian logistics may had lot of vehicles but they are slow.... moral level almost to ground level.
BTW, Indian nuclear tests are always next to Sindh and there always failed to curtail radiation, it is already effecting the life on both sides and no Indian soldier is willing to get posted in dessert, any more.
Training : India on basis of patriotism and Pakistan on basis of religion. Now you say which one becomes more disciplined?
Logistics : India better coz of infusion of money
Weaponry : India better for Same logic

Agreed with #2 and 3.

On #1, you speaketh like village Mullath. :lol:

Oh bhai meray,

Both Indian and Pakistani army soldiers use bit of religion Sat Sari Akal, the Allaho akbar cries.

But that doesn't mean one soldier is any less patriotic than the other.

Please quit living with stereotypes.

Thank you
Kasam se yaar. You dont act like an Elite member.

You dont even know that it was India who won in 2011. Does it means that India is better than Pakistan now on basis of some Cambridge drill? :pleasantry:ELITE MEMBER. :big_boss:

Agreed with #2 and 3.

On #1, you speaketh like village Mullath. :lol:

Oh bhai meray,

Both Indian and Pakistani army soldiers use bit of religion Sat Sari Akal, the Allaho akbar cries.

But that doesn't mean one soldier is any less patriotic than the other.

Please quit living with stereotypes.

Thank you
Arre yaar. I am only repeating certian sentiments of Pakistanis I came across. Now even you know I was only being sarcastic. :P
Batman ji, Can i resort to logic while discussing with you? Need permission.

Hope you can give a logical answer why Pakistan is better in LOGISTICS, WEAPONRY and TRAINING. :)

You can list which of Indian weapon is better? Rest is a proven fact, i do not need to prove any thing.
Again, you are welcome to bring forth, comparative examples.
Than if you do not want to talk about smart weapons, than there can also be no discussion based on mere numbers.
It is well reported more than half of Indian weapons are defective, and there accuracy is poor, there gunners can't hit the target even if they got 10 chance, there missiles are complete fail, same goes with their aircrafts... half of them are not air worthy.
Indian logistics may had lot of vehicles but they are slow.... moral level almost to ground level.
BTW, Indian nuclear tests are always next to Sindh and there always failed to curtail radiation, it is already effecting the life on both sides and no Indian soldier is willing to get posted in dessert, any more.

Don't go by wikipedia when it comes to India's weapon numbers - haathi ke daath kaane ke aur dikaane ke aur hote hain - as for the reports about shortage of ammo and defective guns - take note that those started coming out when GOI thought of cutting down the defense budget - so again don't go by propaganda articles meant to increase budget's, and I know this happens for a fact because I have been witness to it many times.
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