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Long march to Bagram Air base

The purpose of the proposed Long marches by various sections of the Pakistan society has always been a march to Islamabad, the underlying notion has always been not to overthrow the government but to let them know that the days of following US dictates are over and action must be taken keeping Pakistan first.

A more symbolic gesture would be a march of millions from Pakistan to cross the border and lay siege to Bagram Air base, the base from where the US projects most of its power from on to Pakistan.

This will be a very overt and a people's movement rather the GOP or army. We need to consider this since the cure to Pakistan's problems lies with seeing Pakistan as a free nation with full democratic powers. Bagram Air base, for now, is preventing it.

Dissent and Protest all the way!

What you propose is suicide on a massive scale. I would not worry about the Americans harming people in such a march. You complain about violations of Pakistani territory. What reaction do you believe the Afghan National Police and Afghan military would have to such a massive border incursion by a bunch of Pakistanis who may, however unwittingly, bring with them Taliban or al-Qaeda? How far do you think the marchers would get before running low on food and water? How far do you thing the marchers would get before being victimized by lawless elements on either side of the border?

This is a very, very bad idea.
What you propose is suicide on a massive scale. I would not worry about the Americans harming people in such a march. You complain about violations of Pakistani territory. What reaction do you believe the Afghan National Police and Afghan military would have to such a massive border incursion by a bunch of Pakistanis who may, however unwittingly, bring with them Taliban or al-Qaeda? How far do you think the marchers would get before running low on food and water? How far do you thing the marchers would get before being victimized by lawless elements on either side of the border?

This is a very, very bad idea.


That is a terrible reality and I want no one to be in the fool's notion that they may not die. Forget the Afghans, may they'll support us being quite sick of you people as well, but there is a chance, in fact very close to certainty, that the US will be willing to open fire on the protesting civilians. Forget the fact that this bunch of Long marchers have done 2 major protests, and one is scheduled day after tomorrow and no violence has ever happened. But new world, new America, it should shoot at them.

It will be vociferously justified, it will be okay, it will be deemed necessary. Its a new world, new America, its good for the troops. I know that because Americans have not stopped at just us, their own citizens are probably fairing a lot worse. We can and moan and dream about laying an American Air Force base to siege but in America they'd be termed as traitors, forget the fact that America was a nation founded by people once deemed as traitors too.

But that was old America, old world, now its necessary. So its necessary for Pakistanis to bow down to American force projection, its necessary to give up, its necessary to be readily afraid of death today as opposed to slow death later.

Yes we may die fighting America and let there be no mistake there won't be anything honorable about that death too. So don't join in for any glory, or any honor. Join in if you are just fed up and don't care about that. Join in if you don't give two hoots for the new America or the new world. Join in, if you think dishonorable death is much better than a dishonorable life.

"That one chance, that one chance to say... " Get out of heeh!
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Sometimes i feel as Asim is one of our heros from the midle ages fighting for freedom :lol:
Sometimes i feel as Asim is one of our heros from the midle ages fighting for freedom :lol:

Yes, as long as he himself is willing to be at the FRONT of the march he is proposing. Being an armchair warrior is easy!
Yes, as long as he himself is willing to be at the FRONT of the march he is proposing. Being an armchair warrior is easy!

I've never advocated initiating any sort of violence and keep hath hola, in responding to any either. So warrior of any sort, probably not. But I'd gladly be an A-class pain in the , whenever needed.

I would definitely part-take in the march - be it to Islamabad or to Bagram.
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