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Long Lasting Japanese-Turkish Relations!

LMAO no one can stop one sided love affairs

It is not one love affair. Turkey and Japan have the same problem which is Chinese expansionism. Read George Friedman. He says Turkey and Japan will naturally come together with time. Your biggest nightmare will become reality. HAHA

What does turan army even mean?You mean an army with mixture of caucasoid and mongoloid?


First steps for establishing TURAN ARMY. The army of Genghis Khan. The army of the Golden Horde. The eternal TURAN army.
Obviously Tukrish Japanese brothership is annoying China. The truth is Turan and Japanese brothership is something good to counter Chinese expansionism. Turan army is already established. Hopefully it will be one of the strongest armies in the world combined with Japanese army.

With all due respect and lets put the Chinese in here aside. What brotherhood?
Lets be realistic, we have good relations for historic reasons, see Japan.
But otherwise as much as I for example adore the Japanese, we dont have much of a brotherhood.

Also read a bit about the "Turan" army you're always talking about which is nothing more then some commong education for Gendarmerie. Turkish officials even complained about how the media twisted that cooperation. There is no Turan army.
And also please before you make a fool out of yourself, ask yourself what the Japanese or whatever country thinks about that kind of cooperation. You sound a bit like a teenager who's helplessly in love with a girl, you're bragging how how much you have in common and how cool you are but in fact the girl is barely paying attention to you.
With all due respect and lets put the Chinese in here aside. What brotherhood?
Lets be realistic, we have good relations for historic reasons, see Japan.
But otherwise as much as I for example adore the Japanese, we dont have much of a brotherhood.

You don't know nothing about Japanese/Turkish interst. I don't expect much from a illiterate like you any way. I clearly referenced to the book from George Friedman. He is much more educated than you ever will be. If you want to learn read his book the next 100 years. He explains in detail why Japan and Turkey will come closer. I already explained a little about Chinese expansionism and common interest.. Clearly you don't have the capacity to understand.

Also read a bit about the "Turan" army you're always talking about which is nothing more then some commong education for Gendarmerie. Turkish officials even complained about how the media twisted that cooperation. There is no Turan army.
And also please before you make a fool out of yourself, ask yourself what the Japanese or whatever country thinks about that kind of cooperation. You sound a bit like a teenager who's helplessly in love with a girl, you're bragging how how much you have in common and how cool you are but in fact the girl is barely paying attention to you.
Do you think Turan army will be build in one night? Are you that niave or just trolling? I said clearly first steps to build Turan army. I don't like your tone. I think you try to sound smart by downplaying and misquoting what I said. That doesn't make you smart. That just makes you look stupid.

Chinese expansionism is a threat that will bring Japan and Turkey closer together. Just imagine Turkey 10 years ago. Would you think Turkey grow that fast if somebody told you? Just imagine what will happen in 20 or 30 years from now. Everything will compound. Any way I have a feeling I only waste time on you any way.
@atawolf, is that the book you're talking about?

Bonus: kizartma
@atawolf, is that the book you're talking about?

Bonus: kizartma

Try to read it :D You clearly haven't. You will understand me then. Japanese and Turkey will grow together over time.
The point of a book is that you actually read it. I did. I know what Friedman is talking about but don't take everything he's saying for granted.

Now it seems like you obviously know the book would you like to explain what exactly makes you believe that "Turan" will come or that Japan and Turkey will intensify their cooperation or even grow together?
The point of a book is that you actually read it. I did. I know what Friedman is talking about but don't take everything he's saying for granted.

Now it seems like you obviously know the book would you like to explain what exactly makes you believe that "Turan" will come or that Japan and Turkey will intensify their cooperation or even grow together?

If you actually read the book, you wouldn't ask that question. I think you only ready first few chapters. I read the books twice bro.

First thing. Japan and Turkey will face the same problem. Both are powers that want to be geopolitcally independent. Turkey is taking steps towards this. It doesn't want to be dependent on the west militarily and economically. About the military factor I don't have to tell you since you are a member of this forum about the economic part also not. Japan is facing the same problem. It lost the second world war and has been subjugated. If Turkey and Japan follow this path of growth, they eventually will come closer and closer together. The book gives much more reasons but I don't want to explain the whole book here.
I dont want to derail this thread but you're talking about growing together and joint armies. I know that Friedman believes that Russia and China will disintegrate and and in the future those Turkish countries might really be independent (unlike nowadays), we might be able to have real close relations with those countries for the first time but thats very hypotetical to me.
In my opinion; Japan, South Korea and Pakistan are the countries that Turkey should cooperate further.

@atawolf, is that the book you're talking about?

Bonus: kizartma

Damn, what kind of things you people are eating there :)

Kızartma of what?
Are you implying that you don't like my mother's kızartma? ;-)
It was delicious.

And I agree with Japan and Korea. Btw Koreans and Japanese don't get along very well.
I didn't say Turkey and Japan will have joint army. Neither does Friedman say. He does however say that Turkey and Japan will come very close military allies. Just read the book :)
Are you implying that you don't like my mother's kızartma? ;-)
It was delicious.

No, it just looks much different than my mother's :D

Is that meatball on the edge of the plate? :)

And I agree with Japan and Korea. Btw Koreans and Japanese don't get along very well.

It isn't our problem :whistle:
No, it just looks much different than my mother's :D

Is that meatball on the edge of the plate? :)

Deno will kick our ***** but how is it different? Patates, patlıcan, köfte, some kabak sometimes and yoghurt with sarımsak in it on it and in top tomato-peperoni sauce. That's how we roll in Manisa.
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