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London riots: Violence erupts for third day


Mar 24, 2011
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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

Violence has broken out for a third consecutive day in London, with riot police deployed and firefighters tackling blazes across the capital.

Cars were set on fire in Lewisham and a bus and shop were set ablaze in Peckham. A large furniture shop in Croydon is also well alight.

In Hackney, police sealed off an area after police car windows were smashed.

The prime minister is returning early from holiday to chair a meeting of the government's emergency committee Cobra.

David Cameron, who is on holiday in Italy, was due to board a flight on Monday night ahead of a meeting with Home Secretary Theresa May and Acting Metropolitan Police Commissioner Tim Godwin.

Trouble flared earlier after a man was stopped in Hackney and searched by police but nothing was found.

There were also fears trouble may spread further afield as police in riot gear were deployed in Birmingham city centre after scores of youths rampaged through the shopping area, smashing windows.

The fresh violence prompted Mr Godwin to called on parents to contact their children and urged the public to clear London's streets.

Up to 200 police officers in riot gear are in the Hackney area and are clashing with youths, who have tried to set fire to vehicles.

Groups of people began attacking the police in Hackney at about 16:20 BST, throwing rocks and a bin at officers.

Police cars were also smashed by youths armed with wooden poles and metal bars.

Looters also smashed their way into shops, including a JD Sports store, before being dispersed by police.

Planks of wood taken from a lorry were then hurled towards lines of riot officers.

Violence has broken out in Peckham, south London, where a shop and a bus have been set on fire.

In nearby Lewisham, a number of vehicles and a trail of bins on fire.

At least 215 people have been arrested and 25 charged following the riots across London over the last two days.

In Birmingham City Centre looters have attacked several shops, smashing windows and stealing items.

An eyewitness said windows have been smashed in McDonalds and Jessops near Birmingham Cathedral and a sign has been thrown through a gym window.

London's mayor Boris Johnson is cutting short his holiday to return to the city.

Home Secretary Theresa May also returned early from holiday, to meet Metropolitan Police (Met) chiefs to discuss their response to the violence.

Mrs May condemned the riots as "sheer criminality" and said those responsible would "face the consequences of their actions".

The trouble follows two nights of violence over the weekend which started after police shot a man dead in Tottenham.

Mrs May said: "The riots in Tottenham on Saturday night and the subsequent disturbances in other parts of London are totally unacceptable."

A peaceful protest in Tottenham on Saturday over the fatal shooting by police of Mark Duggan, 29, was followed by violence which spread into Sunday.

A candlelit vigil was due to be held at The High Cross in Tottenham on Monday evening.

Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stephen Kavanagh said there were "significant resources" on the streets, with a third more officers on duty than on Sunday.

He said: "What we can see is that the Metropolitan Police are getting police officers there in numbers.

"When we have large numbers of criminals intent on that type of violence, we can only do that, get lots of officers there quickly and try to protect local businesses and local people."

He also admitted relations with the family of the man shot dead by police could have been handled better.

Mr Kavanagh said: "I want to apologise to the Duggan family because I think both the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) and the Metropolitan Police could have managed that family's needs more effectively."
If it happens in China or Russia, those people are called "peaceful protesters" but if it happens in the UK, those same people will be called "rioters and hooligans" and police can do whatever it wishes and be justified. I wonder what happens to "human rights" here, when more than 160 people are brutally arrested and beaten up by the local authority during their massive crackdown on the "protesters".
If it happens in China or Russia, those people are called "peaceful protesters" but if it happens in the UK, those same people will be called "rioters and hooligans" and police can do whatever it wishes and be justified. I wonder what happens to "human rights" here, when more than 160 people are brutally arrested and beaten up by the local authority during their massive crackdown on the "protesters".

Very well said.
If it happens in China or Russia, those people are called "peaceful protesters" but if it happens in the UK, those same people will be called "rioters and hooligans" and police can do whatever it wishes and be justified. I wonder what happens to "human rights" here, when more than 160 people are brutally arrested and beaten up by the local authority during their massive crackdown on the "protesters".

In China, people don't have liberty to go against permanent Communist government. So, No Chance of Violence. If it will happen, you know what Communist will do? They will be killed. So, don't give wrong info.

U.K. is not like China. People have right to protest for anything. They do and sometime they get out of control and police takes action. It happens 1/1000 times. few years back, It even happened during EPL too. This time, Few people were doing some burglary,looting and destroying government asset. Hence, They were called "rioters" nothing wrong in that. Go and live in U.K. and then talk. U.K. would be one of the last country to come in "Human Right Violation". One of the most Vibrant and Liberal country since centuries. Millions of people from 100's of ethnic group and countries living together with 100% peace and harmony.
In China, people don't have liberty to go against permanent Communist government. So, No Chance of Violence. If it will happen, you know what Communist will do. So, don't give wrong info.

U.K. is not like China. People have right to protest for anything. They do and sometime they get out of control and police takes action. It happens 1/1000 times. few years back, It even happened during EPL too. U.K. would be one of the last country to come in "Human Right Violation". One of the most Vibrant and Liberal country since centuries.

It sounds you like you love the UK a little too much. Did you forget your history?

Can you tell me why there are no "peaceful protesters" in countries like UK and US when they are so 'liberal' and 'vibrant' while in countries like China all protesters are "peaceful protesters" despite the fact that they violently flip over cars, burn buildings, torch people alive, stone people to death, etc.

And I am quite surprised at how ignorant and in the dark you are despite living in a "democratic" country like India with "free press" and what not to not know that there are over 10s of thousands of protests happening every year in China. People in China can protest about anything they want, anything except for over throwing the government or causing social instability.
It sounds you like you love the UK a little too much. Did you forget your history?

No, I remember History and geography very well. looks like you don't remember before 1947. Do read more history or should I explain ??. Yes, I appreciate U.K. Even with so much of ethnic groups, there ain't any violence.

Can you tell me why there are no "peaceful protesters" in countries like UK and US when they are so 'liberal' and 'vibrant'
Who told you that ? Communist Government ?? Come on man, Even a Kid would say "This is not a true". All protest are peaceful in Europe, US. There are some cases of small violence, Looting in U.K and Police takes actions against such act and they are labelled as "Rioters". Nothing is wrong in that. It happens once in 1,000 times. There is daily 100 of small protest, Hardly heard any violence even small. They are Liberal with 100% Freedom. leave it, you won't understand how Democracy, Free Speech,Media works.

while in countries like China all protesters are "peaceful protesters" despite they fact that they burn cars, stone people to death, etc.

In China, if 10,000 people protest, Then they would be killed by Military Tank by Communist government. At least this much every knows in the world.
He cannot help it. Remember, India has been completely ruled by the Britain for centuries. These people called Indians have no national pride. They see westerner, especially those in US and UK as idols and they worship them like such as it is clearly obvious for anyone to see.

I also remember opium wars and Chinese surrender. It's called history. Besides, they have all the hot women. Nothing good in Asia. My slave mind cannot help it.
He cannot help it. Remember, India has been completely ruled by the Britain for centuries. These people called Indians have no national pride. They see westerner, especially those in US and UK as idols and they worship them like such as it is clearly obvious for anyone to see.

You are Insulting your best friend Pakistan and Bangladesh also. Do you know that ? you are on PDF. Pakistan was also under British Col. Even US, Europe, Africa, Latin America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, 50% Asia was also ?? What's point ??

We have much more national pride than you. Do you know the word "Japanese" and 40's era now you feel proud of being big trade with Japanese. Stop making Racist comment since no one gives any importance to Chinese. This is almost 10th time, You said such things with 0 Knowledge. Ironically, Mods have still not taken any action.
You are Insulting your best friend Pakistan and Bangladesh also. Do you know that ? you are on PDF. Pakistan was also under British Col. Even US, Europe, Africa, Latin America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, 50% Asia was also ?? What's point ??

We have much more national pride than you. Do you know the word "Japanese" and now you feel proud of being big trade with Japanese. Stop making Racist comment since no one gives any importance to Chinese. This is almost 10th time, You said such things with 0 Knowledge. Ironically, Mods have still not taken any action.

Pakistan and Bangladesh are unlike India because,

1. They are not proud of their country being colonized, while Indians show off their English skills and praise the British political system and dream about being just like the British.

2. They do not try to intimate their colonizers like Indians (Bollywood films try their best to make Indians look as Caucasian as possible and almost all Indians love Bollywood)

Indians having a slave mindset is not unclear for the world to see, but please do not drag in your neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh for they do not think like you -- in fact, they don't even like India.
I also remember opium wars and Chinese surrender. It's called history. Besides, they have all the hot women. Nothing good in Asia. My slave mind cannot help it.

Ive been watching you jumping from thread to thread. You dont talk about the thread. You just keep going off topic.If you want to talk about opium wars start a thread about it. Now back to London riots. Hopefully this will encourage british troops to come back home to sort out domestic affairs.
@ChinaVietnam Galaxy loves to kiss his master's behind every now and then, and he just can't help himself with tail between his legs.

its very common with those types of trolls....who come here withier indian flags and troll
i really don't understand they have against india.
its very common with those types of trolls....who come here withier indian flags and troll
i really don't understand they have against india.

Have you got anything to say about the London riots?
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