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London 2012: China's Ye Shiwen staggered the world – even Ryan Lochte


Nov 4, 2011
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London 2012: China's Ye Shiwen staggered the world – even Ryan Lochte


The 16-year-old prodigy and her compatriot Sun Yang symbolise China's singular approach to talent-spotting

The morning after the night before there was only one name on everybody's lips. It was not Ryan Lochte or Michael Phelps. In fact it was exactly the same person those two had been talking about themselves: Ye Shiwen. The 16-year-old, born and raised in Hangzhou out on the east coast of China, became the first swimmer to break a world record at these Olympics when she knocked more than a second off the time that won Steph Rice gold back in Beijing in 2008. And Rice had the advantage of swimming in a polyurethane suit, of the kind long since banned by the sport's governing body, Fina. It was not just Ye's speed, or her age, that was so staggering – it was the manner of her victory.

After 300m of fly, back and breaststroke, Ye was eight-tenths of a second behind USA's world champion, Elizabeth Beisel. And then, with 100m to go, something extraordinary happened. She swam her first 50m of freestyle in 29.25sec, and her second in 28.93. Those are just numbers, and mean little to those who do not study the sport. To put them in context, consider this: Ye was faster in the final 50m of her own 400m IM than Lochte was in his.

"Yeah, we were talking about that at dinner," Lochte said. "It is pretty impressive. She's fast. If she was there with me, she might have beat me." There's no might about it. Ye was 0.17 quicker over the final 50m of freestyle than the man many reckon to be the greatest all-round swimmer in the world. Beisel, Lochte's training partner, had no chance. She was two seconds slower over the final 50m.

It is the first time in history such a thing has happened. But it will not be the last. Ominously, Ye is certain she can get better still, and seeing as she is only 16, who can doubt her? "There's much room for improvement," she said. "It's true for breaststroke I am lagging behind but I think my freestyle result is also not that good. Usually I'm very bad at turning. This is one of my worst basic skills, but turning is a very important skill, therefore I was practising my turns before the competition." She says she is even better at the 200m IM, the event in which she won gold at the world championships in Shanghai last year, when she was 15.

Ye's team-mate Li Xuanxu took bronze and she is only 17 herself. She too came home in under 30 seconds, with a time of 29.77. The next best split was almost a second slower.

Then there was Sun Yang, 20, and also from Hangzhou. The world knew a little more about him, after he beat the longest-standing record in swimming at the world championships last year, taking 0.42 off the 1500m time set by the great Grant Hackett back in 2001.

Sun won the 800m in Shanghai, too. In London he has already won gold and set a new Olympic record in the 400m freestyle, beating South Korea's world and Olympic champion Park Tae-hwan. And on Sunday morning he was the fastest-qualifier in the heats of the 200m freestyle, pipping Lochte. It is entirely possible that Sun will sweep all the freestyle distances from 200m to 1500m.

China's success has prompted, with tedious predictability, dark mutterings about exactly how they are achieving it. Over the course of the 1990s they had 40 swimmers banned after positive doping tests. The sceptics – or perhaps cynics – would say that the doubts about Ye, Li and Sun are the inevitable consequence of that history.

There is, of course, no evidence to support such thoughts other than the talent and speed of the athletes themselves. Surely the success of this young generation stems from a legacy of a very different kind – that of the Beijing Olympics. China has sent 49 swimmers to these Games, and 27 of them were born after 1990. On the women's side, there are eight who were born in 1995 or after. The country's success in the Aquatics Centre surely owes a lot to the investment in the sport made before the 2008 Games.

Their medals could also owe something to the unique talent identification system China uses to stream children into different sports. In his excellent 2003 profile of Yao Ming for the New Yorker, Pete Hessler, talks about how Chinese basketball players are selected strictly on the basis of their height and genealogy. "We go to the schools and look at the children's height, and then we check their parents' height," Hessler was told by one high school coach. "The method of early recruitment is a product of China's inability to provide every public school with coaches and sports facilities," Hessler wrote. "The system has proved effective in low-participation, routine-based sports like gymnastics and diving." And also, it seems, swimming.

Ye says she started swimming in 2003 because her "teacher spotted she had big hands". In swimming, where physique determines so much, the rather-rudimentary method of recruiting young athletes on the basis of their physical characteristics rather than their talent or inclination for the sport, appears to work well. It is coupled, of course, to an infamously fierce training programme, to the point where Ye was asked whether she resented being treated like a robot. "Of course not," she replied. "I think we have very good training, very scientific-based training, that's why we all have progressed."

misleading.. ryan lochte beaten her nearly 4 sconds. in the pool with the men she would be 1 full lap behind. some brainwashed morons would blindly think she's cheating with that kind of selective reporting..:rolleyes:

I bet if a white person (especially from a western country) did it, no one would question her. But if a non-white person does it, it's treated as cheating. According to westerners, only they are allowed to do incredible things. Bunch of f***thy racists these westerners. I hope we can win more gold medals in swimming just to see the west cry, b**ch and moan about our success.
Jeez, I bet all these yellow press have never followed any major swimming events during the past few years. and some ignorant coaches too, I can't believe they have so little knowledge in something they are supposed to coach, they seriously need to go get some training for themselves first.

Even with this amazing final 50 split of 28.93 sec, Ye Shiwen is not the fastest girl. Rebecca Adlington achieved a final 50 split of 28.91 sec in the 800m freestyle final in Shanghai last year, that is even 0.02 sec faster than Ye. What, just because Rebecca is a British girl, so nobody questioned her of doping? Was any of those clown journalists ever interested in comparing Rebecca's final catch to any of the guys? She definitely is faster than Ryan Lochte. Talking about double standard.
Apparently the west is jealous of the rise of China. So many articles in western media discrediting our girl Ye Shiwen without proof.

So what? Their words mean nothing unless they have proof.

They are just betraying their mindset that believes a woman cannot be better than a man.

It is true, men "generally" have a better physique and capability for swimming. But "general trends" are irrelevant when it comes to individuals. Anomalies occur all the time, especially in the Olympics where the athletes are all multiple standard deviations above the norm in terms of their athletic ability.

Anyway, ALL medal winners get drug tested. Multiple times. So they will be disappointed when it turns out that she is completely clean.
Before you pass judgement on Ye Shiwen, take a breath. Ingest some context. The 16-year-old Chinese phenomenon has astounded and confounded in the London pool but gold plus [potential] gold doesn't necessarily add up to a drug cheat.

Almost the second after she touched first in the women's 400m IM in a world record time of 4 minutes, 28.43 seconds, the Chinese whispers spread like the plague around the Olympic Aquatic Centre. Stephanie Rice's 4:29.45 had been erased but it was the manner of the win, rather than just the raw numbers, that had observers rubbing their eyes in stark disbelief. Then it was the raw numbers.

BBC presenter Clare Balding wasted little time as the swimmers climbed out of the pool, asking co-presenter and former top-level swimmer Mark Foster: "How many questions will there be over somebody who can swim so much faster than she has ever swum before?" She has been castigated by some for the line of investigation, while others praised her for simply asking what everyone else was thinking.

Ye started the final leg of the race well behind American Elizabeth Beisel. By the 50m turn of the freestyle, Ye had taken the lead and, by the end, had streeted her like a greyhound bounding after a fox terrier. When Beisel took off her goggles, she looked like a fighter waking up from a slumber after being caught with a sucker-punch. Where the hell did that come from?

The reason seemed obvious to some, perhaps even to a few of the other swimmers, who were scanning the venue with raised eyebrows. The immense improvement in times, the supreme power and the complete domination of an elite field could lead to only one conclusion - the Chinese were up to their old tricks. The fact a former squadmate in China, Li Zhesi, tested positive for EPO in March didn't aid Ye's cause.

John Leonard, the executive director of the World Swimming Coaches Association, bought into the argument. He told London’s The Guardian her performance in the final was "suspicious".

"We want to be very careful about calling it doping," said Leonard, who is also the executive director of the USA Swimming Coaches Association.

"The one thing I will say is that history in our sport will tell you that every time we see something, and I will put quotation marks around this, 'unbelievable', history shows us that it turns out later on there was doping involved. That last 100m was reminiscent of some old East German swimmers, for people who have been around a while. It was reminiscent of the 400m individual medley by a young Irish woman [Michelle de Bruin] in Atlanta."

We're all best served by a step back at this point. Tarring Ye with the doping brush by association isn't even close to fair. If this was an Australian athlete, we'd be mortified by the mere suggestion and celebrating the athletic vigour of our bronzed youth. It wasn't an insinuation Rice had to deal with when she clocked her world record in 2008, which was at the time an absurdly fast result.

Earlier that year, Rice shaved a startling six seconds off her personal best time to hit 4.31.46 at the Australian trials. American Katie Hoff reclaimed the mark a few months late before Rice countered at the Beijing Games, reducing it to below 4.30 for the first time. In contrast, people seized on the fact Ye reduced her PB by five seconds to claim the new mark of 4.28.43 as genuine grounds for suspicion.

The sexiest line has been Ye's apples-to-apples comparison with American men's star Ryan Lochte, who humbled Michael Phelps in his gold-medal 400 IM swim on the first night of competition. The Chinese teen clocked 28.93 for her final 50m freestyle leg, compared to Lochte's 29.10.

Leonard told The Guardian: "No coach that I spoke to could ever recall seeing anything remotely like that in a world level competition. Where someone could out-split one of the fastest male swimmers in the world, and beat the woman ahead of her by three-and-a-half body lengths. All those things, I think, legitimately call that swim into question."

It was a barnstormer of a swim.* 'Faster than Lochte' headlines flashed around the world and, suddenly, a 16-year-old girl was quicker than a* full-grown US superman. It's juicy and accurate, to a point. But surgically removing one stat from a 400m swimming race and seizing upon it has warped perceptions and conclusion.

That freestyle leg was dazzling but Ye isn't faster than Lochte. Not even close. Lochte's winning time in the men's 400m IM was 4.05.18, compared to Ye's 4.28.43. That's a difference of 23.25 seconds. And Lochte's lead-off relay sprint for the US men's team was 47.89, a number to which Ye couldn't get close despite being a gun freestyler.

The manner in which the races were swum adds another layer. Lochte had the race in hand by the time he turned on the freestyle leg. His other three strokes were good enough to give him a gold-medal lead and there was no clear and present danger ranging up on either side.

Ye had to hit the burners to motor past Beisel. She turned more than a body length behind and had to push with everything she had to catch the American. By the time she did that, it must have been clear a world record was within reach and she drove it home with Black Caviar authority. In any case, four other male swimmers did beat Ye's freestyle split.

To the wider sporting world, Ye is only now becoming a notable name. Yet to swimming diehards, she has been one of the rising stars for some years, even if her surge of form in London has caught most people by surprise. Beisel and Rice had been the favourites for gold.

Ye won the 200m IM at the Asian Games in 2010 (2.09.37) and the 400m IM (4.33.79), all at age 14. At the time, she was listed at 160cm tall. Now, the official Olympic site lists her 12 cm loftier at 172cm. That sort of difference in height, length of stroke and size of hand leads to warp-speed improvement.

Ye was picked for the Chinese swimming program because of her hands. Her finger-painting brush strokes at kindergarten must have been an inch wide. Whatever it was, her teacher noticed she had hands like buckets and she was soon using them to paddle up and down the pool.

If America - a nation of 300 million - can produced a Michael Phelps and Australia an Ian Thorpe, is it really so bizarre to think China - with a population of 1.3 billion and a state sporting program run with military precision - could have found his female equivalent?
Ye swam in the heats of the 200 IM on Monday, clocking 2.08.90 to win going away. It was the same time she set in the last World Championships, when she edged Australia's Alicia Coutts into gold. No red flags were raised on that occasion but one year later, Ye must compete under a cloud of doubt.

That time edged lower in the semi-finals on night three, when she set a new Olympic record of 2.08.39. It was all too easy.
The world record for the 200m IM is 2.06.15, set at the infamous 2009 world titles by Ariana Kukors, wearing one of the now-outlawed techsuits. The way Ye is swimming, that record won't make it out of this week alive. And when it tumbles, expect the teenager to have to defend herself all over again rather than be celebrated as the next pin-up of the sport.

Don't be too quick to question Chinese success
misleading.. ryan lochte beaten her nearly 4 sconds. in the pool with the men she would be 1 full lap behind. some brainwashed morons would blindly think she's cheating with that kind of selective reporting..:rolleyes:

actually ryan lochte beat not 4 seconds. i watched the wrong one..LOL..funny how they keep talking how this girl beaten the fastest man in the world..blabla on the news..:lol:

That freestyle leg was dazzling but Ye isn't faster than Lochte. It's not even close. Lochte's winning time in the men's 400m IM was 4.05.18, compared to Ye's 4.28.43. That's a difference of 23.25 seconds. And Lochte's lead-off relay sprint for the US men's team was 47.89, a number to which Ye couldn't get close despite being a gun freestyler.
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