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LOL Indian media releases the "secret audio clip" from the "surgical strike"

that's so fake...two indian Punjabi speaking who can't even pronounce "P"...they pronounce "p" as "f" which is one of the major difference between Indian Punjabi and Pakistani Punjabi..

They're not Punjabis. Punjabis don't sound like that regardless of which side of the Punjab they're from. This is not even a dialect of Punjabi.
Whattttttttttttttttttttttt :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
I know they are so lowwww but can't believe they will go to this level. I think they were in hurry while producing this sh*t. Its not even their Bollywood standard.

after listening this top secret tape ...........

There more enough proof to nail Pakistan in cross border terrorism, not just audio clips. People like you in Pakistan still live in 16th Century. Indian and American investigation authorities easily hack your phone calls now. They also hack GPS which can confirm from where the terrorists originated. World has technologically evolved a lot while Pakistan still live in stone age. Pity you... You can only live in denial.
You laugh at Indian media and the whole world laughing at Pakistan !
I am sure you heard your media paid actors laughing
There more enough proof to nail Pakistan in cross border terrorism, not just audio clips. People like you in Pakistan still live in 16th Century. Indian and American investigation authorities easily hack your phone calls now. They also hack GPS which can confirm from where the terrorists originated. World has technologically evolved a lot while Pakistan still live in stone age. Pity you... You can only live in denial.

Please release all the proof you got and if its like that top secret conversation released by your army i am 1000% sure IA will win oscar for comedy this year!and your idiot chief in his speech can label Pakistan a terrorist nation and isolate pakistan infront of hollywood!
There more enough proof to nail Pakistan in cross border terrorism, not just audio clips. People like you in Pakistan still live in 16th Century. Indian and American investigation authorities easily hack your phone calls now. They also hack GPS which can confirm from where the terrorists originated. World has technologically evolved a lot while Pakistan still live in stone age. Pity you... You can only live in denial.
If we are living in stone age then how come our hackers made indian commercial airplanes listen to dil dil Pakistan lol
And you mentioned something about GPS few days back one of Pakistani Hackers hacked in to indian police GPS data base . And indians can only catch pigeons lol
Indians have also recently released the video as well.

"Janab" and "Fatay"...

They cant even hire guys with proper pronunciation of Pakistani style but funny part is that Indians believed even this one to be true.
In a daily life in Pakistan we didn't use the Urdu Indian film use to depict in Hindi films specially the word janab and Lucknow style of language.
Well, I was not expecting such low quality from the most ranking Bollywood. Just listen to the accent and one can understand easily what it is all about and reminds of halool & jalool from Geo news. Seems like someone was in hurry, has to come-up with an evidence to continue the Sir-Ji-Kal Strike spell of ruling party upon the people that may not wake up. Indeed, this is the most interesting leak so-far in this so-called strike series. As we use to say "Rangeen Punjabi".

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