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Lockheed's stealth C-130 successor revealed

EW may blind but also reveal in other ways. Being 'low radar observable' does not reveal but actually descends deeper into the clutter rejection threshold. The analogy is the difference between a shield versus camouflage. We may not be able to identify the shield holder but we can see the shield and its movement. In contrast, a well camouflaged soldier is usually ignored by any searcher.

Overkill? Yes. That is the goal. No threat? That is the goal as well. One's offense and defense capabilities are such that no threat can arise or decreases in severity. Why is that bad?

The Russians spent billions on equipment trying to compete with you guys in harsh economic times...and we all know what happened there.. The US is much better off today compared to the USSR back then.. still.. doesnt the current WORLDWIDE economic crisis demand a little frugality?
I can see a limited number of these being used by special operations squadrons. But as a whole realisticly becuase of thier probable cost. I don't see them being used for transporting supplies and equipment. Especially off of short dirt runways which is one of the crucial needed requirments the C-130 performs. But for special operations use I have often wondered why there wasn't a stealth option in this area.
Methinks there is a bug in the forum's software that is throwing posts out of response orders.

There was a problem with the server clock so that newer posts appeared older than what was already posted. Think it is fixed now.
They still couldn't decide as to exactly what are they going to replace the C-130 with. It is about time that they do. The C-130 is getting old.

Me hopes it's stealthy :woot:
They still couldn't decide as to exactly what are they going to replace the C-130 with. It is about time that they do. The C-130 is getting old.

Me hopes it's stealthy :woot:

It is a very rugged and very reliable plane....with short turn around times........why dispose it off?
All these Stealth Equipment will be outdated very fast. Some geek will have an Epiphany one day and come up with a thing to counter it then it will all be wasted money on stealth. The design however looks very very cool.
It is a very rugged and very reliable plane....with short turn around times........why dispose it off?

I know the C-130 has a good record.

But hey: it always helps to go for something new and better :tup:
I know the C-130 has a good record.

But hey: it always helps to go for something new and better :tup:

C130s land and take off in harsh conditions...and if you are not making them do so...you are wasting their ability.........from Alaska Snow to Middle-East deserts...they make the run....

If you replace it with something Stealthy.....like the concept shown here....then you are putting yourself in a financial and maintenance mess with the stealth skin etc.....just like F-22 are maintenance heavy machines......like the predecessors....B-2...F-117 etc......for missions that require stealth......there are few of those missions and like the Osama raid.....i am sure US already has a stealth cargo plane....just like we found out about the Stealth Black Hawk....that too only when it crashed....
All these Stealth Equipment will be outdated very fast. Some geek will have an Epiphany one day and come up with a thing to counter it then it will all be wasted money on stealth. The design however looks very very cool.
Good thing you are not a member of the military establishment. For your information, that is how weapons development works: Somebody come up with something, after some time, somebody will come up with something better or to beat it. Then the cycle starts all over again. If you consider this cycle a waste of money, your country deserve to be conquered.
This is what actual terrorist thinking is!!!

If some one do not want to become a part of weapons race then destroy it!!!

Typical american :angry:

But the arms race is so much fun! Eliminate the arms race? Who can think of such a thing :angry:
Good thing you are not a member of the military establishment. For your information, that is how weapons development works: Somebody come up with something, after some time, somebody will come up with something better or to beat it. Then the cycle starts all over again. If you consider this cycle a waste of money, your country deserve to be conquered.

My point is there is so much money thrown into those. Too much in fact.
Good thing you are not a member of the military establishment. For your information, that is how weapons development works: Somebody come up with something, after some time, somebody will come up with something better or to beat it. Then the cycle starts all over again. If you consider this cycle a waste of money, your country deserve to be conquered.

Dude no need to bash him so hard I really think that he is comming up with very nice point buddy one can come up with any stealth design design but truth is that it is actually very difficult to evade radars especially the ground ones. So I think that US should go for these planes but only in a limited number.
My point is there is so much money thrown into those. Too much in fact.

Still, it is their money :lol:

I am sure you lot would want to buy some of the final products with all the oil wealth :devil:

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------

Dude no need to bash him so hard I really think that he is comming up with very nice point buddy one can come up with any stealth design design but truth is that it is actually very difficult to evade radars especially the ground ones. So I think that US should go for these planes but only in a limited number.

Stealth transport aircraft should be good for Special Forces. But not the whole military. It would certainly be a waste of money.
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