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I was just looking at the tameer-e-school funding progress and wondering," Yeh saray expatriates jo Imran key soldier honey ka dawa kartay hain kahan chalay gay?" Not a single one, to date, has openly come forward to help kaptan in making KPK a better place.
I was just looking at the tameer-e-school funding progress and wondering," Yeh saray expatriates jo Imran key soldier honey ka dawa kartay hain kahan chalay gay?" Not a single one, to date, has openly come forward to help kaptan in making KPK a better place.

This is called donor fatigue.
This is called donor fatigue.
Its has more to do with hypocrisy than fatigue. These were the same expatriates which were sharing pictures of Peshawar becoming HongKong and pleading millions of dollars to KPK's development post elections and do "great efforts" for PTI on social media, but pockets are always too narrow to support their leader's cause.
Its has more to do with hypocrisy than fatigue. These were the same expatriates which were sharing pictures of Peshawar becoming HongKong and pleading millions of dollars to KPK's development post elections and do "great efforts" for PTI on social media, but pockets are always too narrow to support their leader's cause.

I would disagree. Expats funded a large portion of PTI's election campaign last year.
I would disagree. Expats funded a large portion of PTI's election campaign last year.
Well if they did then they should have done so more after PTI was able to form a government. But apparently they didn't.
Well if they did then they should have done so more after PTI was able to form a government. But apparently they didn't.

I think they were led to believe that the "tsunami" would occur at the Federal level. The disappointment may be quite obvious that it turned out to be false.
30 million Rs were raised at the point of inauguration of the tameer-e-school campaign...


donate :(

Rehman khan has owned a school... all those who can should also.... :pakistan:
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