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Local governments inflated China’s GDP by $900 billion last year

$ 9 bn is just an example listed by the author,Indian GDP growth was inflated over 40% percent in just one year.such examples can be hundreds if not thousands.

$ 900 Bn is also an Example?

When It is fault of somebody it is just one of many and when it is of Chinese it just a rare mistake?
If you dont believe with my reason then thats fine.

But obviously by ignoring this reason as another possibility - which in fact is the highly probable possibility - it indicated how narrow minded you are, and this is very likely caused by wrong education that you have had and low IQ quality. :lol:

Pl do not display your IQ & your level of education again and again. You have exposed yourself enough you quality finder in IQ. I pardoned you twice since you are saying that I am narrow minded!!!!!!! You are a looser. Go to school and learn basic maths. Learn to read the contain of article before writing your pathetic comment. Most important of all, learn to hide your idiocy. Best luck!!!!
China government revenue is nearly $ 2.4 trillion while India government revenue is only $220 billion.
95 Chinese companies in Fortune500 while only 8 from India.
China exports is 10 times of India.
China car sales is 10 times of India.
China shipbuilding is 30 times of India.
China steel prodution is 12 times of India.
China banking business more than 10 times of India.
China foreign exchange reserve is 12 times of India.
China rating is AA while India only BBB-.

But China GDP released only 4.5 times of India.
So who's GDP is inaccurate?

All fake figures. can you pl tell me your GDP growth after deducting those $ 900 bn?
If our stats are inaccurate you can bet Indian stats are 10 times worse. The level of corruption in India is like nowhere else.

Yes agreed that we have corrupt politician but we get an opportunity to change those people every five years. Our judiciary have send many of them in Jail. But the problem with you guys is that you can not change them Nor even you can tell them corrupt nor you can protest. They are building infrastructure by exploiting you. You Chinese are slave of communist party. Your country is passing through the Golden period so far as youe economy is concern. Money generated in your economy should percolate to your people to increase their leaving standard. Human right and freedom of individual should also increase which is not happening in china. In India we are able to generate very rapidly the world's biggest middle class out of Poor class. Days are no away when we shall transform our poor class into middle class and middle class into uper middle class. Our economy shall be No 1 by 2035.
Explain to me how can you fake your export, import and foreign exchange reserve since other coutries can track your numbers
Explain to me how can you fake your car and ship sales since many global companies have there own numbers too

In the same manner in which GDP was inflated by $ 900 bn.

I can tell you if local authorities are faking numbers they will just make it look smaller not bigger because that could make you hand over less revenues to the centre government,no local government would stupid enough to make their GDP look bigger if they can't hand over enough revenues to centre government,that would be suicide

You know china have death penalty,do you?

We do not say this your government says this.

You know china have death penalty,do you?

Yes we know the Human right record of china.
In the same manner in which GDP was inflated by $ 900 bn..

LOL,are you kidding me? Since when that provincial government stats have become official stats of the central government.?

Did you even watch my post in 63?
900BUSD, may be big for other countries, but not big for China or US, only 45% of China's year fiscal revenue
In the same manner in which GDP was inflated by $ 900 bn.

We do not say this your government says this.

You know china have death penalty,do you?

Yes we know the Human right record of china.

I don't care.As long as they give death to minister for corruption .
I don't care.As long as they give death to minister for corruption .

Not only to corrupt but small criminals who do not deserve punishment more than few month to finish the Quota of death penalty.
Your Communist party Leaders are most corrupt. May I know how many of them are hanged?
Not only to corrupt but small criminals who do not deserve punishment more than few month to finish the Quota of death penalty.
Your Communist party Leaders are most corrupt. May I know how many of them are hanged?

If you give death penalty to every corrupt politician in India and China, then none will remain. And that is a fact, kid.
If you give death penalty to every corrupt politician in India and China, then none will remain. And that is a fact, kid.

obviously BS made-up crap equals fact to you, nothing is 100%, don't use generalized exaggeration and make it "fact".

It's laughable, try harder next time when spreading propaganda. At least make-up some "fact" more believable

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