Sorry but your take on Indian media is awfully misinformed.
As I already said, Indian media strives for sensationalism. They will stand by the side who gives them the
most sensational news. There is no question of "freedom" because they are free to take whatever side they
like - as such they choose to go by the side which will make their news sell more copies.
Due to this reason, Indians find Indian media reports just as annoying as Pakistanis/Chinese would find
them at some point of time. But I wouldn't say they are run by extremists (what sort of a stupid comment
is that??), but rather by sensationalists.
Pakistani media at the other hand forever remains a mouthpiece of military and/or government...something
that Indian media would be very very occasionally. Therefore Pak media is not free, Indian media is.
It's not possible to keep Indian media tied down with a leash for long, you can do that only once per a year
or so. Pak media is always tied down.
Hope you get the picture.