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Lobbying firm hired to target CPEC in European Parliament

CPEC is here to stay no matter what the foreign powers do, its very clear the Indians are butt hurt, they dont want to see Pakistan progress, Indians want to treat Pakistan slave attitude which they are doing but its not working.
look whose talking.. such shaheens. who take no time. in declaring that they ruled over Hindus for 800 years (plain wrong).. its better that you start living in the reality.. waaay away from ghq's aid seeking model

Oh We Pashtuns Don't Have To Talk We Actually Did Rule:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don't Worry About My Reality Talk About Yours

No, its even worse.

No It Is Much Better


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wow indians are really bothered by CPEC

we need to hire our own lobby firm
The last time India took refugees from Pakistan , the land they came from broke off from Pakistan.

Be careful what you wish for.
daraya nai kar yaar! please supa powa say durrr lagta hai!
Will make no difference at all.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time ".
Abraham Lincoln

These so called Baloch Leaders have no support in Balochistan. If you visit Quetta or even Dera Bugti or Kohlu you ll see how situation has improved dramatically since army operation. Loads of collateral damage but there is no resistance on ground , most of the hardcore militants have been killed , rest have laid down there arms. People often forget that total population of Baloch people is only 6 Million. So its easy to crush any insurgency.
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