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LIVE | Shah Mehmood and DG ISPR press conference

Press conference is great. It shows the reach of ISI. Will it achieve anything ? No it won't. So the question arises what we should do ? I have said this before I would repeat it again, and thank GOD just heard Lt General (R) Mustafa and Major General Ijaz Awan saying exactly the same thing. And that is it's time to burn India, enough is enough for every attack in Pakistan, India should face three in return. Our primary focus should be city of Mumbai, because when Bollywood feels the pain the world really pays attention.

We should target operatives in Afghanistan first. Make jalabad no go area for them
The accent of those men in audio clips was more of a Pakistani than Indian hence proper source is required.
Yes, that was also my observation initially. But, I have talked to many Indians and some of them had their accent similar to Pakistanis. Even those in Bangladesh who can speak Hindi and Urdu showed similarity is speaking and accent.
Yes, that was also my observation initially. But, I have talked to many Indians and some of them had their accent similar to Pakistanis. Even those in Bangladesh who can speak Hindi and Urdu showed similarity is speaking and accent.
Yaar why I am stressing for some sort of source because we have it that is why we were able to produce this stuff today. I hope in the official dossier, that is all mentioned.
Don't officials have any idea how dossiers look like and how to represent them? [emoji849]

Why are they even made this dossier if that's going to be reject within a second, lol.
As expected dawn has not mentioned anything about this press conference as I type. Already more than 1 hour since the press conference started. Had it been any crappy statement by opposition or anti pti, they don't spare a second to make headlines at their website main page

You didn't get my point. This dossier will be rejected by international observers with in a second
The last one in which they were talking about 80 lakhs and a flat clearly seems to be indian
Now everyone can see what Trump has done for Pakistan. Republican governments in US has always been beneficial to Pakistan. Look at the number of terrorist attacks in Obama administration compared to earlier Bush administration to later Trump administration. Good luck Pakistan in coming Biden administration.

Yes, that was also my observation initially. But, I have talked to many Indians and some of them had their accent similar to Pakistanis. Even those in Bangladesh who can speak Hindi and Urdu showed similarity is speaking and accent.

Looks like a locally hired agent to convey the instructions. RAW is not stupid enough to allow Indian handler to directly talk to the terrorist.
He hasn't dOne anything, tge credit goes to tge intelligence agencies and the border fencing dine by our army
If you think so, let's see how biden administration will be for Pakistan. What explains flare up in 2008 onwards? Earlier Bush administration there weren't many attacks. May be I am reading it wrong, you should know better.
If you think so, let's see how biden administration will be for Pakistan. What explains flare up in 2008 onwards? Earlier Bush administration there weren't many attacks. May be I am reading it wrong, you should know better.
I agree with you, another factor can also be trumps urge to bring American soldiers back due to which he might have prevented that would have agitated us
Looks like a locally hired agent to convey the instructions. RAW is not stupid enough to allow Indian handler to directly talk to the terrorist.
Intelligence agencies are not what movies show them to be. You won't believe that they can make some very stupid mistakes too at times. But yes, generally, due to their competency and the work they do, they excel at their job.

As for your point... IMO it is not related to stupidity...sometimes, getting directly in contact is more suitable and appropriate than creating intermediataries.
Like I said Yesterday Pakistan is gonna get more aggressive with India from now on. As it stands the world wont do anything to India and we will have no choice but to hit India where it hurts them.
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