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LIVE: Protest in London against India's Kashmir crackdown

MODI IS A TERRORIST | Zulfi Bukhari aggressive speech outside Indian high commission London
London officials confirms 15000 people protesting in front of Indian High Commission
London officials confirms 15000 people protesting in front of Indian High Commission against Indian brutality in Indian Occupied Kashmir
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Sikhs and Muslims united against RSS fascism.
Kashmir freedom is inevitable
Rumours that bjp supporters didnt do a counter rally are false.

I was there and there were a good 50+ of them most were families with kids and grandparents. They all just stood there with big indian flags and pics of modi kutta and placards saying "terrorists out" refering3to us ofcourse.

They were silent and scared but very arrogant the emotions on our side were very high a lot of anger was being projected towards them and police was doing everything in their favour to protect them police used smoke bombs against us.

Eventually the saffeon bandits left quite early as the chances of the police line being broken increased. They left a lot of litter behind too scumbags.

Around 15k protesters is what i also estimated yesterday

And some Fascists got beaten up too
Not true mate
Watched the saffron bandits from their arrival till their quick get away not long after.
No fights broke out between the 2 groups despite many attempts by some to break the police lines

it is big the camera angles isnt the greatest you cant see how far back it is and indians are very low numbers lol

It was very difficult for all media crews to carry out filming and photography including myself. Everyone was prowling around the masses of people all you could get was pucs of peoples heads so not helpful at all mate.
Camera crews were just left to conduct interviews of people thst was realky the only easy part

its not that big as IK said.. anyway, if it last like for 2-4 days that would be better.

There is another one tommorow 17th but it will only be a fraction of yesterdays turn out.
Protests are happening pretty much daily at the embassy now
Well done Pakistanis and Kashmiris of London and their allies. A solid slap across the face of Hindutva that it won't soon forget.
My family members attended, i was unable to go due to work. There were thousands of people there from all over the UK. A real pity there isn't any drone footage. Unfortunately the Pakistani community in the UK is not politically organised. At the very least PTI UK could have treated it like a damned jalsa and got a drone or two.
I take it the coronavirus has ended these protests for the time being
Brits are soon going to be under siege on their own island.

Accha hai.

Accha hi hoga.
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