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Liu Xiaobo wrong man for Nobel Peace Prize, say laureates

Martian already admitted that he was originally a Chinese from Taiwan.

Now i want to see your true color.

Sorry. Never see that "statement". And also a question:Why is he is using American flg's on both homeland and "living now"?
My true color? By point to fact that any one that has different opinion must be "traitor","unpatrotic" or just "brain wash by the west".
Know the meaning of "Banana"? :D Well atleast back to the 90's,those was in use. But I suppost none of chinese here seen so far are over 25...
If china is without problem,why do you live in Canada?

I think Martin had the right idea, just ignore him instead of trying to figure out what his motivations for playing this little game is.

Hah. The sad point of chinese now days. The education system keep making drones without any sense of independent thought. After accounting on someone that has different idea, only way is to ignore him or "give him a high hat"(as the old Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution did back then).
Funny thing is that by not seen the problem, just mean you having been to China for quite some time. Or just having a nice family,which mean you don't have to worry about living.

A Chinese-American view of the world.

For the record, I am a Chinese-American of Taiwan origin. I have indeed pledged "allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the country for which it stands" on countless occasions.

If an invader, regardless of origin, attacks the continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii then I will bear arms to fight the invader.

However, if the United States drafts me to fight a war of choice against my fellow Chinese in Asia then my answer is "no." I would choose to be a conscientious objector. Quite frankly, I'm not going to pull the trigger on that gun, even if you threaten to waterboard me.

That's it folks. I'm a simple man to understand.


"spin666" is a:

1) Tibetan (i.e. not Han)

2) Indian

3) a troll

4) a Tibetan-Indian troll
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A Chinese-American view of the world.

For the record, I am a Chinese-American of Taiwan origin. I have indeed pledged "allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the country for which it stands" on countless occasions.

If an invader, regardless of origin, attacks the continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii then I will bear arms to fight the invader.

However, if the United States drafts me to fight a war of choice against my fellow Chinese in Asia then my answer is "no." I would choose to be a conscientious objector. Quite frankly, I'm not going to pull the trigger on that gun, even if you threaten to waterboard me.

That's it folks. I'm a simple man to understand.


"spin666" is a:

1) Tibetan (i.e. not Han)

2) Indian

3) a troll

4) a Tibetan-Indian troll

-Sorry about your statement. Because I'm new.
-You statement by not going to a war "for" your country,is freedom of speech. Which in this case made You sound like one that has no idea of your loyalty. If you been american as your flag show,then you have the right to choose,who to fight. But you just now support that China can't/shouldn't have Freedom of Speech(this topic). Which is against the basic of american versio of Freedom.

Which mean you have to choose.
First talk like someone who has some form of basic idea of you Loyalty,then accuses me been a troll.

Just a point:
Tibetan is part of chinese. Been point that somehow been a tibetan is not chinese. You just commitet treason
And even it's not the point. I give you this much. My ID do read Han as race.
-Sorry about your statement. Because I'm new.
-You statement by not going to a war "for" your country,is freedom of speech. Which in this case made You sound like one that has no idea of your loyalty. If you been american as your flag show,then you have the right to choose,who to fight. But you just now support that China can't/shouldn't have Freedom of Speech(this topic). Which is against the basic of american versio of Freedom.

Which mean you have to choose.
First talk like someone who has some form of basic idea of you Loyalty,then accuses me been a troll.

Just a point:
Tibetan is part of chinese. Been point that somehow been a tibetan is not chinese. You just commitet treason
And even it's not the point. I give you this much. My ID do read Han as race.

I know who you are! Are you Liu's son?
-Sorry about your statement. Because I'm new.
-You statement by not going to a war "for" your country,is freedom of speech. Which in this case made You sound like one that has no idea of your loyalty. If you been american as your flag show,then you have the right to choose,who to fight. But you just now support that China can't/shouldn't have Freedom of Speech(this topic). Which is against the basic of american versio of Freedom.

Which mean you have to choose.
First talk like someone who has some form of basic idea of you Loyalty,then accuses me been a troll.

Just a point:
Tibetan is part of chinese. Been point that somehow been a tibetan is not chinese. You just commitet treason
And even it's not the point. I give you this much. My ID do read Han as race.

are one of your parents japanese or white? only explaination.
Well,how very "unchinese" of you two. Logic and Education,so very important....
But in case I wrong about "Honor"'s comment. Then NO.

By the way:as you are using 总装备部's patch,are u actualy a member? If your in lightweapontech then we may have saw each other :D It's the none secret part ofc
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