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List of Pakistan's leftist "Patriotic dissenters"

Patriotic dissenter talking to his fellow countrymen:




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Patriotic dissenters to neighbours next door who are islamophobes, talks about murdering your countrymen, and spreading fake news:

These are the neo-Liberal globalists. They look after the interests of IMF, big global banks, companies and NGOs. They want to keep Pakistan at the mercy of the west forever. By nature, they support pro-Indian and pro-Israeli policies, promoting LGBT and atheism. Some of them were under the payroll of Soviet KGB till the collapse of the Soviet empire. Following the collapse, they jumped ship and made London-Washington their new qibla. No, it will be a mistake to call these people 'leftists'. They are more dangerous. Traditionally, most Pakistani leftists are Maoists pro-Peking which these people are not.

you hit the bullseye.

god sake itni bequff quam be like Russia send out thugs to deal with these ppl make it look like an accident it is easy Pakistan nobody cares if they died. except for London interest. a petty drug dealer here in England can send ppl to enemies houses to deal with them, this too from the jail cell.
you hit the bullseye.

god sake itni bequff quam be like Russia send out thugs to deal with these ppl make it look like an accident it is easy Pakistan nobody cares if they died. except for London interest. a petty drug dealer here in England can send ppl to enemies houses to deal with them, this too from the jail cell.
Isn't it interesting how this former KGB assets overnight turned their Qibla to Washington/London ? Beware of people who came back from London. These Londoni are the worst kind of insects which are eating Pakistan day by day. True Maoists/Pro -Peking leftists are not that bad. They live a very simple down to earth life like ordinary people.
Isn't it interesting how this former KGB assets overnight turned their Qibla to Washington/London ? Beware of people who came back from London. These Londoni are the worst kind of insects which are eating Pakistan day by day.

London is the capital of traitors and banks.
Who do they represent? What portion of society follows them? Who supports them?

More importantly, was such a list vetted before compilation through Twitter?

I don’t believe the term “traitor” applies to either right or left - because based upon the generally hypocritical standards employed by most PDF members to gauge patriotism based on the public proclamation of mob religious beliefs or toeing the establishment line - many of them would happily watch with glee as I and my family get tortured or executed.

Unfortunate - but most of these characters who represent a significant section of our society know its true. That’s how our society raises us due to its own rearing in a culture of extreme self preservation which abhors independent thinking.

The problem with this approach is that many more horrors are achieved under its guise and many holy cows are created. Leading to men who massacred our societal fabric or led us to economic ruin, all under the guise of patriotism.

That being said..

The problem with allowing all independent thought is that it can go either way and it is not guaranteed that most independent thought will be intelligent thought or constructive thought.

What you have then is the list compiled here who on a case by case basis may be very intelligent people or not, but may not be contributing as constructively to the preservation of the state. This can either be by leading themselves down a path of an idea, or being encouraged down the path by external forces and/or or actively being on the payroll of external influences.
The last category is when you get former ambassador and folks like PTM.

This leaves the opposite actors in a state to either eliminate these people but face the consequences, or let justice play out either through natural sequence pushed through or by outright charade - which also can have blowbacks.

Because unlike the rightwingers in Pakistan whose sword has taken tens of thousands of lives both in open conflict and religious bigotry by brainwashing thousands, the Pakistani leftist does not have the blind motivation of religion and hence must rely on self preservation not just in leadership but in its lower ranks.

And unlike religion, this motivation needs greater input of funds and external security to survive. That our many enemies and frenemies are willing to provide.

Finally, a small input also comes from those needing some identification - similar to those being brainwashed by hate preachers at local mosques or online, we have the leftist brainwashed running aurat marches or retweeting PTM because it is considered “modern” to be anti-state or anti-establishment regardless of whether you understand the subject matter or not.

The pakistani “liberal” or “leftist” is still a tiny minority compared to the right and as India is testament to - a majority needs a minority to persecute and blame to stay focused, or it finds another source of divide to call a minority and starts again. So once these liberals, however dangerous or not in their own way disappear - the right will search for the next target like the moderates until they become the left and on and on until we have nothing more than clones in the street, much like India is heading towards slowly.

Thankfully, there are still many intelligent and constructive people in the state who realize the usefulness of the yin for the yang and the need for these spikes of critical thought. They quietly manipulate the delicate strings and balance to ensure that both forces cancel each other out while ensuring the progression of the society and state with key factors such as education.

These people are part of the establishment, the civil society and religious leadership. They are those that do their best to stick to the cause of “Sirat e mustaqeem” even as they take blows from both sides. Losses are high too, either to being swayed to either side or by elimination by them.
Yet they are what holds Pakistan together whenever its Shia-Sunni, Pathan-Punjabi or Sindhi-Mohajir, mera jism or tu hai kya, liberal or extreme and so on.

And the day this class disappears, is the day Pakistan is lost.

nice analysis and many pearls of wisdom embedded. But have you considered some fundamental things before castigating (your words are mild but more damaging than the jumper upper that seem to make up pdf):

* a number of these people fundamentally disagree with the establishment's notion of country for the army and so end up becoming like amb.Haqqani?
* that you are unable to and/or unwilling to jettison 'religious leadership' from that troika pulling the strings of the society? btw that was a very clever thing you did avoiding the term 'nation' and instead use 'society'. But as you can see the failure of that construct is right there - what business does your military establishment have pulling teh strings of the society?
* the downfall of Pakistan has been due mostly to that single issue - the inability to distinguish between society and religion, religion and state, religions and Islam, Islam and Muslim, dissent and treason, rights and limits, military and militia.... in fact while the rest of world fails to distinguish jihad from terrorism Pakistan fails to distinguish terrorism from Jihad.

Building excuses such as your 'minor' leftists get funding from abroad etc just should not be used by the likes of you as it waters down many things you say that I wish people will try to comprehend.
Attach is the comprehensive list of Pakistan's leftist "Patriotic dissenters" - Thanks to @Umar8528

- Najam Sethi - Bina Shah - Imtiaz Alam - Ammar Rashid - Nida Kirmani - Salma Jafar - Aima Khosa - Mariana Babar - Sanna Ejaz - Meena Gabeena

- Kamran shafi - Bilal Farooqi - Umar Cheema - Ahmad Noorani - Yasser Latif Hamdani - Salman Rashid (Potty mouth senile baba) - Sabir Nazar - Khushal Khan (Afrasiyab son) - Zaffar Abbas - Nasir Abbas - Reema Omer - Hasan Zaidi - Waseem Abbasi

my only issue with this labeling business is pretty soon you end up with nobody
Look no further than Stalin purges in the old Soviet Union

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