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List of Pakistan's leftist "Patriotic dissenters"


It is very clear what he is trying to imply here --- Ex-PM Yousuf Raza Gilani even implied sometime back that it was "some people in Pindi" who gave "visa" to OBL. And what Nawaz Sharif said about 26/11 was equally baffling. With mainstream politicians not toeing the state narrative and trying to implicate their own nation, military and agencies is worrying to say the least.

The real question however is, why everyone from Russia to USA and from India to Iran has the "God given right" to meddle in Afghanistan's internal matters(even invade) in order to protect their national interests; but Pakistan, according to these leftists, must forgo its national interest.
@Sine Nomine @Desert Fox
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It is very clear what he is trying to imply here --- Ex-PM Yousuf Raza Gilani even implied sometime back that it was "some people in Pindi" who gave "visa" to OBL. And what Nawaz Sharif said about 26/11 was equally baffling. With mainstream politicians not toeing the state narrative and trying to implicate their own nation, military and agencies is worrying to say the least.

The real question however is, why everyone from Russia to USA and from India to Iran has the "God given right" to meddle in Afghanistan's internal matters(even invade) in order to protect their national interests; but Pakistan, according to these leftists, must forgo its national interest.
@Sine Nomine @Desert Fox
Our state has no national defined security policy and not even one time in history we have tried anyone for High Treason politicans know that state has no balls to do so.
P.S:-See this tweet and guess mental health of this mofo.He is talking about a state which is under foreign control.
Nadeem F Piracha writes for Hilal magazine. Putting name of Muhammad Hanif with Tarek Fateh is outright unfair. I see some of them are partisans others are fair people.
First of all "Patriotic Dissenters" is a misnomer for these scum. They should be called AntiNational/Anti-Patriotic Dissenters.

Secondly, ISI in k barey me sirf tweet karne jogi/layak reh gai hai. ISI has also failed thus far to take advantage of Hindutwa's mad furor that has engulfed India to deliver Pakistan a 1971 that dismembers India into at least 12 pieces. ISI and our state machinery has gotten good and the armed forces have gotten excellent at repelling the unconventional warfare but do not really have a good understanding of how to take that same tactics and wage a successful 5th gen war upon the enemy, on their own.

And I believe it won't be possible until Pakistan has too many snakes that tell all of the positions of our mujahideen in Kashmir for example or the positions of our Regulars and SF in Kargil to the enemy or write letters to US Congress to block much needed F16 sales to Pakistan.

Or snakes who start a new star plus randi rona after every few weeks/months just so Pakistan is never able to enjoy peace of mind as a nation. Part of India's(other powers too) idea of Demoralise, Demoralize, Destroy unconventional being waged on Pakistan and other muslim nations.

Yar Hussain Haqqani ka to kuch karo. He is writing policy paper after policy paper on how to take down Pakistan for good. And many others like him.
Attach is the comprehensive list of Pakistan's leftist "Patriotic dissenters" - Thanks to @Umar8528

- Najam Sethi - Bina Shah - Imtiaz Alam - Ammar Rashid - Nida Kirmani - Salma Jafar - Aima Khosa - Mariana Babar - Sanna Ejaz - Meena Gabeena

- Kamran shafi - Bilal Farooqi - Umar Cheema - Ahmad Noorani - Yasser Latif Hamdani - Salman Rashid (Potty mouth senile baba) - Sabir Nazar - Khushal Khan (Afrasiyab son) - Zaffar Abbas - Nasir Abbas - Reema Omer - Hasan Zaidi - Waseem Abbasi

There is a way to deal with such people depending upon their level of criminality. Learning from US Establishment, Pakistan can use same tactics.

Level 1: People compromised national security or involved in act of terrorism. Arrest them or neutralize them (anywhere in the world). (CIA tactic)

Level 2: People with Anti-state activities, hate speech, but doesn’t constitute terrorism. Use FIA and dig through their life’s dealings, any mistake, add charges and imprisonments for life. (FBI tactics)

Level 3: TV pundits, shady politician. Isolate them, malign them, make sure they run out of airtime and business or paycheck. (White house / Jew media tactic).
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These are the neo-Liberal globalists. They look after the interests of IMF, big global banks, companies and NGOs. They want to keep Pakistan at the mercy of the west forever. By nature, they support pro-Indian and pro-Israeli policies, promoting LGBT and atheism. Some of them were under the payroll of Soviet KGB till the collapse of the Soviet empire. Following the collapse, they jumped ship and made London-Washington their new qibla. No, it will be a mistake to call these people 'leftists'. They are more dangerous. Traditionally, most Pakistani leftists are Maoists pro-Peking which these people are not.
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Attach is the comprehensive list of Pakistan's leftist "Patriotic dissenters" - Thanks to @Umar8528

- Najam Sethi - Bina Shah - Imtiaz Alam - Ammar Rashid - Nida Kirmani - Salma Jafar - Aima Khosa - Mariana Babar - Sanna Ejaz - Meena Gabeena

- Kamran shafi - Bilal Farooqi - Umar Cheema - Ahmad Noorani - Yasser Latif Hamdani - Salman Rashid (Potty mouth senile baba) - Sabir Nazar - Khushal Khan (Afrasiyab son) - Zaffar Abbas - Nasir Abbas - Reema Omer - Hasan Zaidi - Waseem Abbasi

This is seminal work. Good to know where the problem lies.

Leftists have a space in society. If you harass your own leftists and then hope for right wingers to fall and leftist governments to come to power in other countries, that's just lame.

In Pakistan, the major force against right-wing extremism is NOT leftist radicals but the majority of moderates. Pakistan doesn't have a RSS type problem (i.e. Pakistan has never elected --- that too by a landslide --- a right-wing party or organization.) The State does not hold right-wing views --- and it hasn't for decades despite both military rule and parliamentary democracy under three different parties in the center.

We have no use for these clowns who essentially parrot whatever is "woke" and part of Western narratives. They're the type who would love to meet Malala --- a victim of Taliban violence --- but not innocent victims of drone violence with equally horrific injuries. F*ck them.
In a true democracy, you welcome dissent, and while differences of opinion can be contentious they are accepted as valid nonetheless. They are protected by our constitution.

Cracking down on dissent and not allowing political space, and denying rights is what tore the country asunder in 71’ and has caused worsened strife internally since.

If we were living in the 60s, the likes of Fatima Jinnah and others would be listed here instead. And while OP’s list contains some unsavoury characters, history will reveal the truth of the patriots and traitors.

I don’t want to defend most people on that list, but IMO the greatest traitors (by sheer scale) to curse our nation have all been dictators and their ilk. In my book, Zia ul Haq is a traitor, far less Faiz Ahmad Faiz. History allows this clarity of thought.

I know I’ll probably be attacked for saying this, but frankly I no longer care to blunt and take the edge off the truth as I see it.
Pakistani Pathan nationalist asking US to invade Pakistan isn't shocking. Must of them are also delusionals about Afghanistan ground realities and support afghani nationalist pashtuns like Ghani.

Don't equate Fatima Jinnah with these chawals. It would be very kind of you.

Why not? She was being called a foreign agent when she was clearly not, if that applies to anyone now, and it does, then the equating stands.

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