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Life :(

All your worst moments have something to do with school lol?
With exception of Jeypore and Ratus Ratus's post of him going out with a girl but having bad garlic breath (man that must've sucked, I feel for ya :lol:)

My worst moments, I don't know, my scary moments are when I turn on the TV, see a shitload of bodies or people panicing or fire burning, then I see it's my own country and people because a suicide attack just happened or whatever, my heart skips a beat seriously it's not funny.

My own moments in life, hmm, I can't remember, i'm sure there are a few where I still have bad memories over, I remember one day when we got a phone call from Pakistan from our family, and I picked up the phone, my cousin was on the line and he told me to give it to my father, so I did, then my dad picked up and they talked, my dad seemed shocked and I watched how the conversation went on, after they were done, my dads eyes were red, he was quiet and didn't really know what to do, we usually never tell bad news coming from Pakistan or our home town to our mother because she is the most sensitive and emotional type in our house.
My mother in the meanwhile kep asking with fear in her voice, what happened and so fort, then my dad explained to her that my mothers sister died and left like 4 children behind, and after that, I heard a loud scream and my mom kept crying and crying and after a little while, she fainted.
I mean, I can take alot, seriously, but to see my own mother cry, it's heart breaking, it has happened several times.
And you know, the bad parts is some family members died because of bad treatment in hospitals or contaminated needles or equipment being used on patients, it's a f*cking shame.

Ohwell, life sometimes sucks.
Alright! it happened this evening when I was going to sleep.I jumped over my bed and started reading a book as usual( before I go to sleep).I turned side and beheld a long ,magnificent pale green Lizard lying beside me:cry:
Intimidated!!...I was benumbed..I managed over a loud scream...And finally ran out of my room....This was the worst moment of life....
Lo bhala yeh kya baat hui???:undecided:...Lizard ji..feel at home...make yourself comfortable...on top of my bed:cry:
I changed my bedsheet...pillow covers..yes all of them...and I'm trying to sleep since then but cant.....:cry:
Poor lizard. Ever think what your scream did to its ears?

Who ran the fastest, you or the lizard? :lol:
whomever invented calculus ought to be shot - why cant we just have simple math!

Mathematics is not bad. It just requires practice as Ali has stated. Early on in my younger days in college, I had come across a saying of Albert Einstein which really kept me going through mathematics and it was this:

Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.

So when put into proper perspective, you can see its not all bad (but then I have taken a ton of mathematics and still recall days when I absolutely loved it or hated it).
whomever invented calculus ought to be shot - why cant we just have simple math!

That would also mean that every time an apple falls on our head, we wouldn't know why it fell on our head. And it would be impossible for India and Pakistan to fire missiles at each other - OK, maybe we could fire it, we just wouldn't know where it would fall.

Newton invented calculus and discovered laws of gravity :-)
Bhang day - one holi ( hondu festival) i was invited to friends place. got drunk woke up after 43 hours but had no clue what happened during those 43 hours. I was stoned to death. And irony was after holi festival i was sleeping in my clean cloth i had no clue.
and first thing i did was to gulp in - 2 ltr of water and grab a few walnut brownies. Another tough day in office.
All your worst moments have something to do with school lol?
With exception of Jeypore and Ratus Ratus's post of him going out with a girl but having bad garlic breath (man that must've sucked, I feel for ya :lol:)

My worst moments, I don't know, my scary moments are when I turn on the TV, see a shitload of bodies or people panicing or fire burning, then I see it's my own country and people because a suicide attack just happened or whatever, my heart skips a beat seriously it's not funny.

My own moments in life, hmm, I can't remember, i'm sure there are a few where I still have bad memories over, I remember one day when we got a phone call from Pakistan from our family, and I picked up the phone, my cousin was on the line and he told me to give it to my father, so I did, then my dad picked up and they talked, my dad seemed shocked and I watched how the conversation went on, after they were done, my dads eyes were red, he was quiet and didn't really know what to do, we usually never tell bad news coming from Pakistan or our home town to our mother because she is the most sensitive and emotional type in our house.
My mother in the meanwhile kep asking with fear in her voice, what happened and so fort, then my dad explained to her that my mothers sister died and left like 4 children behind, and after that, I heard a loud scream and my mom kept crying and crying and after a little while, she fainted.
I mean, I can take alot, seriously, but to see my own mother cry, it's heart breaking, it has happened several times.
And you know, the bad parts is some family members died because of bad treatment in hospitals or contaminated needles or equipment being used on patients, it's a f*cking shame.

Ohwell, life sometimes sucks.

Thank you for sharing that... :tup:
read it carefully.I didnt scream.and don't worry about the lizard,its dead:cool:

Sorry about the scream, misunderstood what you wrote.:cool:

Now as for the lizard, since you are such a good eliminator :guns:, any chance of a bit of help with a bit of elimination work on my property next summer.

It is not the lizards that are a problem but these little guys.

(Eastern Brown Snake)

Unfortunately they are a bit more aggressive than a green lizard.:agree:
Bhang day - one holi ( hondu festival) i was invited to friends place. got drunk woke up after 43 hours but had no clue what happened during those 43 hours. I was stoned to death. And irony was after holi festival i was sleeping in my clean cloth i had no clue.
and first thing i did was to gulp in - 2 ltr of water and grab a few walnut brownies. Another tough day in office.

Sounds more like a Dining In Night at the Officers Mess..:agree:

There were great so was the head ache after.
My worst memory ever, watching a few people hug and celebrate after hearing about 911.I do not want to fuel hatred by providing details specifying where I was and the nationality of those that were driven to sheer ecstasy by the news.
Thankfully, I didnt had to face anything like the "worst moment".. But once I was involved in a similar sort of situation..and that was embarassing..

But It wasnt me who had the honour :cool:
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