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Life in Australia as an Immigrant

Yeah we all know how efficient that is? When did Indian government start giving child support/youth support anyways?

It is there boss, you were not aware, but damn very low..

One guy

who studies in Govt. run school to graduation --- just calculate the cost for the same from the parents.

One guy who study in private school til graduation---what will be the cost? runs in lakhs right?

Sometime we dont appreciate or just not acknowledge these..coz always looking at outside.
Australia is like any other country. You have decent people and you have idiots.

Don't form your opinion of Australia from posters on this forum. Many of them are Indians hiding behind double Australian flag to peddle their anti-Muslim, anti-Arab or anti-Pakistan bigotry.

The Australian media is absolutely crap, but the ordinary people are fine.
Second option is contributor parent visa, once again if you are single and have no kids, you need to have an income of at least A$35,000 (again no big deal,almost everyone working full time does) for the past two years/ or about A$50,000 (if you are married with two kids) and lodge a bond of A$14,000(for 2 parents) and A$10,000(for 1 parent) to the Centerlink. Waiting period is around 1.5-2 years. Most people go for this option.

That is incorrect. The charge is $40,000 per parent (Visa class 143).

Parent Visa Charges

(Looks like the RAW training manual needs to be updated ;) )
Australia is like any other country. You have decent people and you have idiots.

Don't form your opinion of Australia from posters on this forum. Many of them are Indians hiding behind double Australian flag to peddle their anti-Muslim, anti-Arab or anti-Pakistan bigotry.

The Australian media is absolutely crap, but the ordinary people are fine.

The only two double Australian flags here - xdrive and Aussie4ever. Both Indians eh? :D
Ok now that's steep... Is this like refundable?

No, it is a insurance/prepayment for likely medical expenses incurred by elderly parents. This scheme was instituted precisely because so many immigrants were bringing in their parents.
The only two double Australian flags here - xdrive and Aussie4ever. Both Indians eh? :D

No need to get into specifics. What I can tell you is that you won't find many non-Indian Aussies who know, much less care, about Pakistan v/s India issues. And you will find even fewer who will support India over China (outside the usual Murdoch media, that is).
No need to get into specifics. What I can tell you is that you won't find many non-Indian Aussies who know, much less care, about Pakistan v/s India issues. And you will find even fewer who will support India over China (outside the usual Murdoch media, that is).

You've convinced me! xdrive and Aussie4ever are false flaggers.
Whatever makes think tank's boat float :disagree: .

Any country would give the same squat to the problems of a different country. The only exception is Pakistanis who would carry the Chinese flag along with their everywhere, uninvited. As far as anti Islam propaganda is concerned then Indians do not need to preach western countries about it, they are/were already predetermined to do it, before any Indian could preach them so. If Indians are adding their bit to it then Pakistanis like you living overseas are not saint either.
Whatever makes think tank's boat float :disagree: .

Any country would give the same squat to the problems of a different country. The only exception is Pakistanis who would carry the Chinese flag along with their everywhere, uninvited. As far as anti Islam propaganda is concerned then Indians do not need to preach western countries about it, they are/were already predetermined to do it, before any Indian could preach them so. If Indians are adding their bit to it then Pakistanis like you living overseas are not saint either.

Typical Indian comprehension problems. In the first sentence you agree with me, and then go on about 'preaching to western countries'. We are talking about Indians posting on this forum, not 'preaching to western countries'.

The fact is that most Australians don't give a damn about issues between India/Pakistan, and they certainly would never defend India over China. Only on this forum do you see 'Aussies' doing that.
Whatever makes think tank's boat float :disagree: .

Any country would give the same squat to the problems of a different country. The only exception is Pakistanis who would carry the Chinese flag along with their everywhere, uninvited. As far as anti Islam propaganda is concerned then Indians do not need to preach western countries about it, they are/were already predetermined to do it, before any Indian could preach them so. If Indians are adding their bit to it then Pakistanis like you living overseas are not saint either.

Its all so obvious. Yet so difficult for some people to comprehend it seems.

The Westerners have their own perceptions of Muslims and Islam based on their own issues. Some people just need to fan their hysteria all the time.
Here we see the Australian media carrying these comments.

The Prime Minister said it was intellectually indefensible to sell uranium to China, but not India.

Australian Workers Union national secretary Paul Howes said Australia should not compromise jobs for the sake of a “dead letter treaty” that included North Korea and Iran among its signatories.

“If we can sell uranium to the world's largest dictatorship, in China, if we can sell uranium to Russia, why can't we we sell uranium to the worlds largest democracy in India?” he said.

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Probably these comments were also made by "Indians". Or may be it is just another example of hallucination.

If "they certainly would never defend India over China", they may as well not do the reverse.

Only the "more Chinese than the Chinese" have a need to transpose their views on others. They claim to speak on behalf of everyone, not realizing how stupid it sounds most of the time.
You have to be specific and there is no harm to call them out who are false flag posters, call them out and rip their *** off. The point i was trying to make is that with alleged false flag accusations you are trying to vent of your other obvious frustration on Indians.

If your point is about the trends here at PDF then its has nothing to do with the question in principle asked i.e. life as an immigrant in Australia.
Its for sure that you are going to have hard time while applying for visa and get approved.They are clamping down immigration and I heard that pakistani citizens are considered in high risk zone.(not particularly in Australia)

Do not go around spreading false rumor or hearsay. Pakistani citizens are treated on par with other Asians.
The only two double Australian flags here - xdrive and Aussie4ever. Both Indians eh? :D


He accused that Malaysian guy of being an Indian.

He accused Cardsharp and Chinese Dragon of being Indian apoligists.

He accuses Ahmad (afghan member) of being an Indian , whose user name back then was Unity .

it just goes on................
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