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Libya-war sales demo to India

Supposing Argentina had declared that it owned the Falkland islands after all and UK had gone to war against Argentina again. Supposing that EFT were used in this conflict flying from friendly bases in South America. Supposing also that EFT management/RAF gave a similar presentation on the efficacy of its missiles against Argentinian targets. Would that have been better? or more palatable? Since in that case it would be Christians and not Muslims at the target end? What a meaningless line of thinking.

These are just products. The buyer has to be convinced that this product is worth buying and not the other one on offer. It is for the seller to convince him. The IAF has to be very sure that they are buying the best option, otherwise, they are not doing justice either to the national security for which they are responsible or to the Indian taxpayer whose money is being spent.

Making this a pan Muslim issue means nothing.
Exactly All wars are one way or the other have a economic angle to it As They Say "War Is The Biggest Buissness"
No wonder American took back seat and Europeans played from the front...
BTW the missile is awesome..However similar performance will be there in HELINA when developed..
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