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Libya, Rwanda and hypocrissy


May 29, 2009
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New Zealand
I am angry and my apologies to the mods for posting in such a mood.

I am sick of the hypocrisy of politicians and the people posting who after an amazingly surgical response in Lybia are crying oh its a crusade invasion, its all for the oil its another Iraq, its all a RAW/MOSAD/CIA/pick your enemy conspiracy.

Learn a little history read some thing that doesn't come from goggling "harp CIA Illuminati" or out of a halfwit that calls him self a Mufti on the basis of being the richest man in the village.

Rwanda was a little unimportant place that before you go Oh it was ignored because it was Muslim it was mainly catholic. No one took reports of a massacre there seriously.

In fact reports that mentioned the term genocide were censured, officers that tried to emphasis the importance of what was happening were told to respect the "political situation"

While the Un did nothing other than supply a hand full of porly equipped "peace keepers" 1,000,000 to 800,000 people were murdered between 250,000 and 500,000 women and girls were raped, not once but by gangs.

Listen to the recordings of Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines
telling how one should eliminate the cockroaches.

Think of General Dallaire with no air cover no mandate and limited support while the cries of those being raped and slaughtered echoed from beyond the compound.

If you have stood watch while innocents are slaughtered, if you have held your post while a child is raped, then gladly i welcome you to tell me to F off and say that the UN should do nothing in Lybia.
What's ironic is all my fellow Muslims complaining that it is an attack on a Muslim country.

Where was the concern for Muslims when this monster was bombing Muslim civilians? If the Muslim world had stepped in to control this mad dog, the West would not have been involved.

What is also laughable is all these countries claiming the West is after Libyan oil. These BRIC and other hypocrites didn't mind what their favorite dictator did, as long as the oil kept flowing. And then people accuse the US of propping up dictators in the Middle East.
You are absolutely right Vassnti and on top of that I am very annoyed with the hubris of people in countries which leaders do not give a flying f'ck about people being slaughtered having the hubris to not only complain about the invention in Libya BUT AT THE SAME TIME accusing the West of hypocrisy when it comes to Bahrain (which is a completely different szenario) and basically demanding an intervention there as well.

The nerve some people have is unbelievable... You get the impression that just to take a stab at the West/the US they are not only changing their opinion and principle with the wind but would sell their own grandmother..
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