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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

Ah Allied Force with their civilian libyan protection movement and guess what their targets are the same civilians. Next you will hear a few thousand troops move into libya in the name of civilian evacuation and protection and there another occupation.

1st/2nd gulf war
10 years later 9/11 drama.
2001/02 afghanistan/iraq 10 years gone by now libya and trend setters every 8/10 years they've this worm to dig in some where.
If the west is successful, Libya will be a place like Iraq with intensified tribal violence. Libyan people will pay the price themselves. Just like Iraq, there won't be any peace left.

If the west fails, well, Libya will still be a place severely damaged by the bombs from the west. Libyan people will still have to pay the price themselves.
Qatar to take part in military operation against Libya

Qatari Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs Shaikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al Thani said Qatar would take part in the military operation being carried out against Libya. He also added in an interview with Al Jazeera following Paris summit yesterday that the aim of the Qatari decision is to stop mass killing of citizens in Libya.

"Qatar will take part in the military operation out of belief in the need for Arab states to contribute for the situation has become unbearable in Libya," he said describing the situation as a declared war and urging to stop it very quickly.

"Qatar's stance has been obvious from the start and is based on rejection of any harm to the Libyan people and stopping bloodbath in Libya," he added.

The Qatari Prime Minister asserted that the Arab League had not demanded the West to intervene in Libya but demanded the United Nations to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians.

Bahrain News Agency | News Qatar to take part in military operation against Libya

Qatar operates 12 Mirage 2000 multi-role jet fighters, 9 single seat and 3 two-seaters. I wonder how many they will send or if they will send some of their AlphaJets.
Ah Allied Force with their civilian libyan protection movement and guess what their targets are the same civilians.

Only if you believe that lunatic and his minions. So far they have not proven trustworthy.

Next you will hear a few thousand troops move into libya in the name of civilian evacuation and protection and there another occupation.

Only if they are Arab League troops. The Americans, British, and French are too busy elsewhere.
In the end, the losers will be Libyan people no matter Qaddafi is gone or not.

The west will be happy to test their new weapons or dropped their bombs that are going to expire soon anyway there.

The small tribe who held power in the past v.s. the big tribes who did not hold power in the past will for sure to have a power struggle to grab the top positions.

All the hatred resulting from past inequality will burst into reality fighting. Another Pandora's box is open.

Only if you believe that lunatic and his minions. So far they have not proven trustworthy.

Only if they are Arab League troops. The Americans, British, and French are too busy elsewhere.
The Qatari Prime Minister asserted that the Arab League had not demanded the West to intervene in Libya but demanded the United Nations to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians.
Qatar to take part in military operation against Libya

Qatari Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs Shaikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al Thani said Qatar would take part in the military operation being carried out against Libya. He also added in an interview with Al Jazeera following Paris summit yesterday that the aim of the Qatari decision is to stop mass killing of citizens in Libya.

"Qatar will take part in the military operation out of belief in the need for Arab states to contribute for the situation has become unbearable in Libya," he said describing the situation as a declared war and urging to stop it very quickly.

"Qatar's stance has been obvious from the start and is based on rejection of any harm to the Libyan people and stopping bloodbath in Libya," he added.

The Qatari Prime Minister asserted that the Arab League had not demanded the West to intervene in Libya but demanded the United Nations to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians.

Bahrain News Agency | News Qatar to take part in military operation against Libya

That's what i am saying in this thread - Pakistan should deploy its jets in Libya to protect civilians.

Yes, Bahrain, Yemen, etc.
We can vote for our leaders now for better or for worse. The "hundred (sic) of thousand of Iraqy (sic) civilians" were mostly killed by other Iraqis using stupid religious reasons as an excuse.

If you don't know anything about Iraq other than what leftists and extremists tell you, then shut up.
I don't denied religous extremists was not part of the problem. Do you deny the western militaries has nothing to do with the destruction and death of Iraqy civilians and oil did not play any part of the invasion?
I don't denied religous extremists was not part of the problem. Do you deny the western militaries has nothing to do with the destruction and death of Iraqy civilians and oil did not play any part of the invasion?

1. The coalition forces went out of their way to avoid civilian casualties. Far fewer Iraqis were killed by them than by Saddam's pre-war orders or by the insurgents, "foreign fighters," and religious extremists.

2. I do not think oil had anything to do with the invasion.
One thing is clear,Libya despite having scores of airdefence systmens like kub/buks ,are being battered by coalition SEAD operations.Air defence systems without a decent airforce are useless.
And where is the libyan navy, why arent we seeing any naval battles?
this bs better not cost us another $850 billion over 8 years

It has all the likings of a long war. This war does not have a stated objective. The goal has changed from no-fly to regime change.
One thing is clear,Libya despite having scores of airdefence systmens like kub/buks ,are being battered by coalition SEAD operations.Air defence systems without a decent airforce are useless.
And where is the libyan navy, why arent we seeing any naval battles?

The Libyan navy is not suicidal.
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