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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

9.42am GMT: The defence secretary Liam Fox has detailed some of the weaponry used against Gaddafi in Operation Odyssey Dawn.

We made clear that if Gaddafi did not comply with the UN Security Council Resolution 1973, it would be enforced through military action. Our armed forces have therefore participated in a co-ordinated international coalition strike against key military installations.

"We have launched Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles from a Trafalgar Class submarine and Stormshadow missiles from Tornado GR4s. The fast jets flew 3,000 miles from RAF Marham and back making this the longest range bombing mission conducted by the RAF since the Falklands conflict.

"This operation was supported by VC10 and Tristar air-to-air refuelling aircraft as well as E3D Sentry and Sentinel surveillance aircraft.

"HMS Westminster is off the coast of Libya and HMS Cumberland is in the region ready to support operations. Typhoon aircraft are also standing by to provide support.

"This action has provided a strong signal – the international community will not stand by while the Libyan people suffer under the Gaddafi regime."
11:28am Libya Time: Gaddafi is speaking now, carried on Libyan state TV, though he is not visible in the picture.

Gaddafi vows to fight for all the land of Libya. "We will not allow the enemies to come defeat us, we have already defeated the Italians," he says.
Libya claims French plane shot down, Paris denies
Posted: 20 March 2011 0545 hrs


TRIPOLI: Libyan state television said a French warplane was shot down on Saturday in the Njela district of Tripoli, as the West launched air strikes against the forces of Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi.

"Libyan air defences have shot down a French plane in the Njela neighbourhood of Tripoli," it said in the report, without giving further details.

The French military swiftly denied the report.

Western powers on Saturday launched attacks from the air and sea against Gaddafi's forces under a UN Security Council resolution to impose a ceasefire in a month-long showdown between loyalists and rebels.

Libya claims French plane shot down, Paris denies - Channel NewsAsia
what he is doing is indeed not good but what outsiders are doing is clearly a an announced unjust war against Libya.

what a world these western killers never stop killing human
what he is doing is indeed not good but what outsiders are doing is clearly a an announced unjust war against Libya.

what a world these western killers never stop killing human

so then do what?you cant have it both ways.

and i dont see many muslim nations ready to step up in which case you wouldnt condemn the military operation against libya.
so then do what?you cant have it both ways.

India has his fare share of genocides of minorities, disputed Kashmir region is one example.

Why is india allow to procure nukes and a cut in afghan development funds while it is killing Muslims from last 60 years.

India is also involved in regional terrorism... ranging from Srilanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan & now in Afghansistan.
so then do what?you cant have it both ways.

Leave it to Libyans they should solve it. Attack by NATO, US and western countries on a sovereign country has no valid legal basis.

Somalia is in mess, Uganda is in mess but none of the superpowers are interested in helping helpless people there.

if tomorrow there is such situation in France will Libya be allowed to attack France ?
so then do what?you cant have it both ways

have what?

dont interpret voices against western military strikes in stupid ways to suit your arguments.

the west has been "having it both ways" with despots for a long time.

military action is not the only solution.

peace and stability is whats most important.

typical of the west they pursue destabilizing paths, the whole region is covered in blood, and they still want more.
Libya had a rebel opposition that had control of half the country.

may i remind you the Arab League and the middle eastern countrys in the UN supported the no fly zone.

also 2-3 arab nations are expected to participate although im against western intervention i question what your opinions would be if a Muslim/Arab lead intervention was launched.
The initial stages of the operation to enforce the no-fly zone "has been successful", says Admiral Michael Mullen, US military chief.

Kenneth Fiddler, a spokesman for the Germany-based US Africa Command, said 19 US jets, including three B2 bombers dropped 40 bombs "on a major Libyan airfield" at dawn today. he didn't specify which airfield, or how many of the "military targets" were destroyed.



Gaddafi's last push on the Benghazi city late Friday night & Saturday morning killed 94 people according to one hospital in Benghazi.

have what?

dont interpret voices against western military strikes in stupid ways to suit your arguments.

the west has been "having it both ways" with despots for a long time.

military action is not the only solution.

peace and stability is whats most important.

typical of the west they pursue destabilizing paths, the whole region is covered in blood, and they still want more.

how is the country being in civil war support peace and stability?

If the west and "christian" powers wanted blood they could just destroy the entire middle east.
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