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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

when ever anti-peace forces of the world see a weak country, they invade.
qazafi has successfully divided and destroyed libya. the future of the country seems not good as they have differences based on tribal lines.
Alhamdolillah a very good start ..Insha-Allah this will bring hypocrites to the targets ..so that we can easily wipe them off the face of the earth....May Allah SBWT destroy each and every Munafiq in this world along with the evilz...Insa-Allah
and make us his real and true obedient followers....:)
I though only a no fly zone was to be established.
So now they are actually doing ground support as well.

Fighting war without declaring one? Do they just decided to bypass it altogether.
more more more rain on gaddafi.

bom bom bom

All that is being done or will yet be done is provided for and allowed under the UN mandate of earlier this week.
I think Lbiya will unite against the foregin invasion, they have to otherwise they will be doomed and evil eye will step its foots there too. and it wont be easy to get rid of them....

What invasion? I see no invasion, I see people who after decades of repression started to demonstrate for changes. Gaddafi in turn attacked them which resulted in the demonstrators taking up arms and parts of the military joining the opposition.
5.05pm: A French fighter jet has fired on a Libyan military vehicle in the first reported strike in the international campaign to enforce a no-fly zone, AP reports.

French defence ministry spokesman Thierry Burkhard said the strike was reported around 1645 GMT Saturday. Burkhard says the target was confirmed as a military vehicle, but it was not clear what kind.

5.08pm: As many as 20 French planes are involved in operations to enforce the no-fly zone over Libya, PA reports.

Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper said "extensive" allied aerial operations will start soon, involving his own country's planes, along with a naval blockade of Libya.

5.30pm: The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is being moved to international waters off the coast of Libya, according to Le Monde. It will leave the French port of Toulon on Sunday and will be in place within 48 hours.

5.46pm: Al-Jazeera is reporting that French war planes have destroyed four Libyan tanks in air strikes to the south west of Benghazi.
qazafi has successfully divided and destroyed libya. the future of the country seems not good as they have differences based on tribal lines.

Ahmad, what do you see as the end game in Libya? Partition on Tribal lines? Gaddafi's support seems solid within his tribal base in the west.
All that is being done or will yet be done is provided for and allowed under the UN mandate of earlier this week.

just bomb him US dont care law and UN got to hell we all know .just drop 1500 jdams on tripoli military HQ qaddafi palaces and other military units.go ahead usa.
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