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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

So what you are saying is the rebels are in the wrong? if so then the same must be true for Egypt and Tunisia? And by the way China abstaining on the vote is just like voting for. Since they knew very well that the measure would pass. Explain why they did not vote No and nix the whole thing?

I've no idea. I am not the CCP.

And Yes, the rebels are wrong. These rebels are not your simple protesters with sticks and rocks. They are using tanks and artillery. What is going on in Libya is like a civil war. That is THEIR business. What if the "international community" decided to back up one of the sides during the American Revolution?
I really hope Gadhafi's military is able to shoot them all down and delivery a bloody nose to all of them. It's ridiculous how the UN led by the US is again trying to invade yet another Islamic nation.

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Too bad those Islamic countries cannot unite together; they are being picked off one by one by a gang of Democratic countries and no one wants to step in and help.

Including China :china:
French military jet opens fire in Libya

A French plane has fired the first shots in Libya as enforcement of the UN-mandated no-fly zone begins. The target was a military vehicle, the French defence ministry said.

It came hours after Western and Arab leaders met in Paris to agree a course of action to confront Col Gaddafi.

"Our air force will oppose any aggression," said French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Earlier, pro-Gaddafi forces attacked the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.

However, the Libyan government has denied launching any assault

The French plane fired the first shot in Libya at 1645 GMT and destroyed its target, according to a military spokesman.

French planes also flew reconnaissance missions over "all Libyan territory", French military sources said earlier.

Around 20 French aircraft were involved in Saturday's operation, a defence ministry official told the Reuters news agency.

Other air forces and navies are expected to join the French.

The US would use its "unique capabilities" to reinforce the no-fly zone, said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, warning that further delays would put more civilians at risk. However, Mrs Clinton said again that the US would not deploy ground troops in Libya.

A naval blockade is also being put in place, said Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. France is sending its Charles De Gaulle aircraft carrier to the Libyan coast, a military spokesman said.

In other developments:

Italy has offered the use of seven of its military bases which already house US, Nato and Italian forces
Canada says its fighter jets have now reached the region but will need two days to prepare for any missions
The new UN resolution authorises "all necessary measures" to protect Libyan civilians.

The international community was intervening to stop the "murderous madness" of Col Gaddafi, Mr Sarkozy said.

"In Libya, the civilian population, which is demanding nothing more than the right to choose their own destiny, is in mortal danger," he warned. "It is our duty to respond to their anguished appeal."

The rebels' leader had earlier appealed to the international community to stop the bombardment by pro-Gaddafi forces.

A jet also appears to have been shot down over Benghazi. A rebel spokesman was quoted as saying the downed jet was a rebel plane.

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AdvertisementIan Pannell in Benghazi: "The fighter jet... span out of control and plummeted to the ground"
Reports from Benghazi suggest hundreds of cars packed with people were fleeing eastwards as fighting spread

The United Nations refugee agency says it is preparing to receive 200,000 people fleeing the fighting, amid reports of hundreds of cars full of people heading for the Egyptian border, while others are attempting to flee on foot.

The first families had arrived at the Egyptian border, extremely frightened and traumatised, saying some of their homes have been completely flattened said UNHCR spokeswoman Elizabeth Tan.

However, the BBC's Ben Brown, who is at the border, says so far there are a handful of families, in addition to the migrant workers who have been there since the crisis started.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said the world must "speak with one voice" on Libya.
French reconnaissance jets are clearly scoping out targets in Libya. I would assume there have been special forces on the ground as well, assessing potential targets.

The planning parts of enforcing this UN resolution have been very complex - we may be talking about 100 planes involved - so once you begin enforcing that no-fly zone, you need to think about enforcing it 24 hours a day to ensure no Libyan jets get up in the air, dividing up the tasks and the bases that are going to be used.

British jets will be performing a range of tasks, with RAF Tornadoes aiming at targets on the ground, Typhoons performing air-to-air sorties, and Awacs planes and Sentinel R1s helping with mapping the ground and reconnaissance.

The supposition is that an awful lot of the operation will be based in southern Italy and the Mediterranean.

BBC News - Libya: French plane fires on military vehicle
Do you ever read or think?

Try it, it will help you understand yourself better!

Including China :china:

I am not China, just Chinese. I WISH China would step in but like I said, "no one wans to step in and help".
I've no idea. I am not the CCP.

And Yes, the rebels are wrong. These rebels are not your simple protesters with sticks and rocks. They are using tanks and artillery. What is going on in Libya is like a civil war. That is THEIR business. What if the "international community" decided to back up one of the sides during the American Revolution?

They did....without French help the American revolution would most likely have failed.
I guess french army has not seen action for quite some time and some of its ammos will expire.

So why not drop them on libya's soil for some fun?

As far as for humanitarian crisis, well, that is just an excuse. I did not see french to raise one fingure on Yemen or some other major incidents around the world.
Qaddafi is certainly the biggest loser on this earth. He went for a ceasefire the moment he heard the allied forces are coming for him, Pathetic.
I am not China, just Chinese. I WISH China would step in but like I said, "no one wans to step in and help".

Chinese abstained from voting .
If she had vetoed the strikes wouldnt have happened .
First go blame u r government then arab nations
Chinese abstained from voting .
If she had vetoed the strikes wouldnt have happened .
First go blame u r government then arab nations

China is only the 3rd party -.-

Islamic countries have to unite. That is something only they can do.
I guess french army has not seen action for quite some time and some of its ammos will expire.

So why not drop them on libya's soil for some fun?

As far as for humanitarian crisis, well, that is just an excuse. I did not see french to raise one fingure on Yemen or some other major incidents around the world.
About French ammos don't exagerate. They are in Afghanistan and they are in many operations and i think one guy from Legion étrangère here on this forum who comesoften can confirm. I meet many military men here because i have some friends here in parachutist divisions. They are well trained. It is not a major army like US but the formation is very good like England.

No UNO didn't decide so. about being on Libya's soil.

Yemen Bahrain > the problem of US interests there i guess
Anyway Libya is linked to Italia and then Europe by meditereanean common sea. France is much interested by projects of cooperations there.
It is a good new this crazy guy will be down.

Anyway Kadhafi having problems with US not Bahrain or Yemen regimes...
But you could say they could attack Iran then? why they don't do it ? It is just that Kadhafi was about exterminating it own population
and get very very strange and wrong interviews nowadays
i remember this joke that people got drug in their cofee by Westerns that's why they are rioting :Dlol
I think Lbiya will unite against the foregin invasion, they have to otherwise they will be doomed and evil eye will step its foots there too. and it wont be easy to get rid of them....
I am not China, just Chinese. I WISH China would step in but like I said, "no one wans to step in and help".

Help whom? You mean this guy who says, ''We will come house by house, room by room. It's over. The issue has been decided. ...We will find you in your closets. We will have no mercy and no pity.''

Although you should read it yourself, but since you appear too rigid in your position, let me help you - The United States did not start anything by itself. The resolution against the regime was first properly adopted by the UN, and then lead by the French and the English, with the ports provided by Italy.

Now about Oil - If you haven't noticed, the price of Oil is down to 98 from 107, after the UN resolution was passed. If Gaddafi were to keep winning against the rebels, Oil was slated to touch 120 by next week.

Do you understand its implications on manufacturing based economy of China, which imports 50% of Oil from the Middle East? In comparison, the US Oil imports from the Middle East barely constitute 1/4th of all its Oil imports. I hope you remember when China had highest trade deficit (in the last 3 years) in the first quarter of this year because of the rebellions in Egypt and Tunisia.
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