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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

Qadaffi was sitting at home when US gave weapons to malitia and said go start killing and lotting people in Libya - yea I don't suppose they got those heavy guns and anti tank weapons from ebay did they ....

The US did not give anything to the protesters. Libyan military units that refused to fire on civilians joined the protests.

Last time I checked Libya was doing well infact Italy was giving it 6 billion dollars annually to make sure no immigrants came to italy from libya

Ka-Daffy may have been doing well, but his people were not seeing that money.

The no fly zone is just another step for US and british to gain control of oil resource in Libya -

I suppose you are fine with Muslims dying at the hands of Muslims? Nevermind, you do not think that Muslims have anything to do with it, do you?

Why don't the American and British go and liberate Palestine ? Oh wait may be because Jesus will not come unless Israel is formed yep ... that is what they teach in their fundamentalist churches - no wonder no Christian American President dare say nothing against his faith

Do you think that all American Christians are "fundamentalists?" Does that mean that all Arabs are Wahabbi? At least in America, Christians do not kill other Christians over religious differences.

This whole UN thing is none sense - drama - because we all know , Libya has no S300 and they don't have airforce so the BRAVE soliders are going to liberate Libya how convinent lol

The American President said "no ground forces." It could be that the Libyan people intend to liberate themselves, given a chance.
F-22 jets May Be First Enforcer of Libyan No-Fly Zone

With the United Nations authorization for an internationally monitored no-fly zone over Libya, it seems clear that the United States will play a role enforcing it.

It is not yet clear exactly that U.S. military's role would be. The White House has made clear it wants help in particular from other countries in the Middle East. All planning could be altered by reports of a truce between Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi and rebel forces in Benghazi.

But Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norman Schwartz provided a House panel with some insights on what the United States could do, beginning with the deployment of F-22 stealth fighters, which can avoid Libyan air defenses. While some have said that the implementation of a no-fly zone could begin within hours, Schwartz said it would take "upwards of a week" to implement a no-fly zone.

As for what the U.S. could offer to help: "It would entail numerous assets. Certainly fighter aircraft, F-16, F-15, both air to ground and anti- radiation capabilities." He said the F-22 stealth fighter "would be useful, and I would have the expectation that at least in the early days it certainly would be used." F-22's are based only in the U.S.

Fighter jets need support, however. In addition, surveillance aircraft and tankers to fuel all the other planes would be needed. Schwartz called the mobilization of a "total force sort of application."

"You've going to have RC-135s, you're going to have surveillance kinds of capabilities that would be used to surveil both the integrated air defense system and others areas as tasked. You'll have tankers to support the short-legged platforms.

You would have Compass Call and other capabilities that, again, can jam communications and affect the effectiveness of the integrated air defense and so on. And you would have undoubtedly some bomber aircraft that would give you long dwell over specific target areas.

Compass Call is the name given to a specialized C-130 that provides electronic jamming of radars, communications, etc. RC-135's are specialized intelligence gathering aircraft that specializes in communications intercepts.

"So the bottom line, if we do this, this is a complete kind of a total force sort of application of our air and space capabilities," he said.

KBOI News/Talk 670 - Boise, Idaho

They really don't need F-22's and I'm sure the French are itching to show how well their Rafale's perform. In fact it is a good opportunity for them to show case them to spur sales.
Maybe I do not understand the situation. The uprising in Tunisia reflected the will of the Tunisian people, right? The uprising in Egypt reflected the will of the Egyptian people, right? But the uprising in Libya reflects the will of the United States and Israel?

I beg your pardon, but that is just stupid.

19 March 2011 Last updated at 03:14 ET Help Leaders from the US, the UK, France, and Arab countries are to meet in Paris to discuss military action in Libya.

The summit comes after the UN Security Council approved a resolution that allows "all necessary measures", short of an invasion, to protect civilians in the north African country.

On Friday, Col Muammar Gaddafi's government declared a unilateral truce but there were reports that government offensives in rebel-held towns were continuing.
bomb this stupid i am waitng for watch that bing bang on his palace.i dont know why west and usa late in good jobs always and hurry in bad jobs.
but I am happy for India's sake that it is quickly becoming adept at the game of big powers namely two face,non-intervention etc.

ok, good honesty, just dont start moaning about colonialism and imperialism when the time comes, you are only moaning that you are impotent with power, not of any decent honest principle.
i wonder how they will split up the oil.

will it be a 1/3,1/3, 1/3 split between us, french and british oil companies?
ok, good honesty, just dont start moaning about colonialism and imperialism when the time comes, you are only moaning that you are impotent with power, not of any decent honest principle.

Huh, You just dont make sense.
Jordan, Morocco, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are the Arab nations attending Saturday's summit in Paris on action in Libya, a diplomat told AFP.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari will also attend in his capacity as current head of the Arab League. The League's Secretary General Amr Moussa will also take part.
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