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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

So atlast F-22s will see some action too
Reactionary diplomacy of a spineless country. Long live Colonial mentality.

Mind your words - we dont need to be your 53 rd state. I guess you already have two poodles namely Canada and UK for that.

We vote on what is best for us.

And how in the name of blistering barnacles did this prove our colonial mentality when we have abstained from a vote which was supported by all colonial powers. You dont make sense dude.

well in terms of serving india's interest they have got it spot on, i have to say indians put pakistani diplomacy to shame.

but one thing to remember, now that india is essentially ignoring what gadaffi is doing they have to remain consistent in being non interventionist because then they will be indulging in the same hypocrisy that they and others nations complain the west does.................................thats something to remember, because i know i will :)

Please do remember ; but I am happy for India's sake that it is quickly becoming adept at the game of big powers namely two face,non-intervention etc. :)
Gerard Araud, the French envoy to the UN, said he expects military intervention in Libya within hours of a Paris summit on Saturday.
A US national security official on Friday said forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, continued to advance towards the eastern rebel stronghold of Benghazi despite the ceasefire proclamation.

Rebels in Benghazi braced amid rumours that pro-Gaddafi forces were within striking distance of the city and planning an evening assault. Hundreds of men, some on pick-up trucks mounted with machine-guns, flooded out of the city in response to a call from the rebel-run radio to man their posts.
I say he is very smart ; He has played his cards perfectly.

Too clever by half.

He is a buffoon. He will not die a very peaceful death, that much is sure. All his smartness will count for nothing and his arse will likely be bombed despite his smartness.
Gaddafi's rant at 3:05 Libya time:

Speaking after the response by Moussa Koussa, Libya's foreign minister, on Friday, Gaddafi said there was no justification for the UN resolution aimed at ending violence in Libya.

This is blatant colonialism. It does not have any justification. This will have serious consequences on the Mediterranean and on Europe.
In 2011 they are colonising us, massacring us, and imposing one no-fly zone after the other and one military attack after another. What is this racism? What is this hatred?
well in terms of serving india's interest they have got it spot on, i have to say indians put pakistani diplomacy to shame.

but one thing to remember, now that india is essentially ignoring what gadaffi is doing they have to remain consistent in being non interventionist because then they will be indulging in the same hypocrisy that they and others nations complain the west does.................................thats something to remember, because i know i will :)

Libya is far away. Doesn't directly effect us.

In our immediate neighborhood, we try and do the best we can.
Too clever by half.

He is a buffoon. He will not die a very peaceful death, that much is sure. All his smartness will count for nothing and his arse will likely be bombed despite his smartness.

No Vinod ; with Qaddaffi declaring a ceasefire and none of the UN Sec. Council resolutions saying he must be ousted from power ,under what pretext will the Brits/French/US go ahead with their intervention ? I guess they now dont have any valid reasons for attacking Libya.

My feeling is Qadaffi will declare ceasefire, agree to the UN resolutions (including an arms freeze, but then is there any shortage of weapons in Africa ?) and promise to take care of the civilians while slowly weeding out the core group of rebels.

Looks like he learned lesson from 2003 Iraq.

Or maybe he is still the buffoon and it is actually his son Saif who is actually calling the shots . That guy is known to be shrewd ?
No Vinod ; with Qaddaffi declaring a ceasefire and none of the UN Sec. Council resolutions saying he must be ousted from power ,under what pretext will the Brits/French/US go ahead with their intervention ? I guess they now dont have any valid reasons for attacking Libya.

My feeling is Qadaffi will declare ceasefire, agree to the UN resolutions (including an arms freeze, but then is there any shortage of weapons in Africa ?) and promise to take care of the civilians while slowly weeding away the core group of rebels.

Looks like he learned lesson from 2003 Iraq.

I know that he is trying what he can to escape.

The pretext can be and will be created if the West wants to oust him. These little games can't save him. He already has the blood of thousands on his hand.

In GW-1, USA played with Saddam and he did exactly what USA wanted him to. This guy may play a bit smart but if the West is serious, he will dance as per their tunes.
I know that he is trying what he can to escape.

The pretext can be and will be created if the West wants to oust him. These little games can't save him. He already has the blood of thousands on his hand.

In GW-1, USA played with Saddam and he did exactly what USA wanted him to. This guy may play a bit smart but if the West is serious, he will dance as per their tunes.

I am saying with the current set of UN Resolutions, then can't do anything if he agrees with them as they dont call for his ouster. Lets see how this one pans out. But it has got all the elements of a thriller.

Where is my popcorn ? :pop:

Awesome analysis by this Russian. He is saying no one knows who these rebels are. They popped up from nowehre. He is saying a Europeans Special Forces are probably with the rebels. There is no way to verify the footages of the CNN and same. A UN no fly zone based on CNN and Al Jazeera. I was wondering why Hilary was showering AL Jazeera with kind and warm words !!!

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