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Liaquat Ali Khan - The most reputed Prime Minister of Pakistan


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
Today is the death anniversary of the most reputed Prime Minister of Pakistan "Sir Liaquat Ali Khan"


May Allah have mercy upon him and bless him and grant him Jannat​
was it necassary to drag Zardari in this thread? you are derailing the thread from the very foundations.... edit your post removing Zardari's comment :angry:
Allah khan sahb k darajaat buland farmai Ameen.
thank you zaki, never seen those pics before.
I have the deepest respect for Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan. He was a great man but if I were to summarize even the objective history on him, I'd have to say he was controversial in many aspects - not least of which is his handling of Pakistan post Jinnah's death - and hence "reputed" is a term best left unused. This does not mean that I have any less respect for him, in fact I happen to have quite a significant archive of his photos in my collection.

Sad day since we'll never find who hired Said Akbar. Gurmani? Foreign powers collaborating with the then bureaucratic0military establishment? Afghans? Deep, deep mystery.

More than Nawab sahab, I respect Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan. What she did for women in Pakistan, nobody has since and perhaps can do. The female battalion of the Muslim Guards (Muslim Leagues' paramilitary force) was raised by her and she spent all her life buildings schools and colleges for women. Jamaat-e-Islami published two pamphlets against her, labeled her of "immoral" and "weak character" by putting up pictures of her riding a horse and drinking what appeared to be some liquid in an event. Mullahs hate the best of Pakistanis. Hats off to the couple.
Actually, one knows little of Pak leaders besides the dictators and the recent civilian ones.

Objective information on them may be worth sharing.
Actually, one knows little of Pak leaders besides the dictators and the recent civilian ones.

Objective information on them may be worth sharing.

He is the one who agreed on ceasefire in Kashmir back in 1948 when It was decided that a free and impartial plebiscite would be held under the supervision of the UN (some peoples often call his biggest mistake)

He is the one who established relationships with the United States and chosen USA before U.S.S.R as our strategic ally

You can read more about him from the wiki link

Liaquat Ali Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is the one who agreed on ceasefire in Kashmir back in 1948 when It was decided that a free and impartial plebiscite would be held under the supervision of the UN (some peoples often call his biggest mistake)

That was the biggest mistake.

The man had too much trust in the United Nations :tdown:
Had he lived long , he would have for sure laid the foundations of a democratic Pakistan ? ...He was a true shaheed in my opinion ? , lived like a leader , died with honour ...had nothing to hide ... also he left two whole zillas of land in India ... Someone told me that Pakistan's embassy in India was the personal property of Shaheed -e-millat ...cant confirm it though ... anyway what a clean , truthful leader he was ... world apart from today's cheats and frauds.
I love his name 'Liaquat'. He was also the first Finance Minister of India in the interim government of India prior to independence of both India and Pakistan in 1946. Born in Karnal, Haryana. Clan - Jatt.
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