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LHC suspends life imprisonment of Hanif Abbasi, orders to release him on bail

Lahore high court is corrupt & part of mafia. Just thow them money and take decision.

indian ko bolo balakot ki jaga lhc ko ura do pakistani yeh ahsan kabi nai bhule ge
Whole rawalpindi was in peace after arrest of this drug smuggler & groups of mafia.
Remember what our
Prophet Muhammad'(SAW)
saying :

"Many a community ruined itself in the past as they only punished the poor and ignored the offences of the exalted. By Allah, if Muhammad's (My) daughter Faatimah would have committed theft, her hand would have been severed." [Al-Bukhari]
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Remember what Allah
saying :

"Many a community ruined itself in the past as they only punished the poor and ignored the offences of the exalted. By Allah, if Muhammad's (My) daughter Faatimah would have committed theft, her hand would have been severed." [Al-Bukhari]
This is not possible today. Cutting hand is serious violation of human rights. Today you can easily buy 4 witness by paying bribes. Even you can buy judges let leave alone witness on other side for a moment
.People will start taking personal revengue, and World will not accept this.
And you cannot reverse this punsihment as hand is already cut by authority. This law is impractical today.
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LHC again. Where a Mumtaz Qadri when you need one?
lawhore high court wtf any action against LHC???

LHC again. Where a Mumtaz Qadri when you need one?
They will never come on streets for national issues. Jamat e islami leaders, and all other islamic parties are not concerned about it. Their duty is just to go mosque & come home and earn donation.
Lahore high court at it, yet again comes to Godfather's pets rescue, a convicted charsi allowed to go free on bail wah jee wah, excellent standards set by Lohaar high court, I have lost hope in Pakistans system only the powerful and rich can get away with anything, the whole system needs cleaning from top to bottom, the current system will lead no prosperity to Pakistan.
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