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LHC directs govt to inform Maryam of its decision regarding removal of her name from ECL

next proxy is Pakistani courts, the servants of PMLN
Judicial activism only for wealthy people..... rest all garbage.

May be @Xestan can help us here

So, what's the problem here, the LHC asking the Govt. to tell Maryam about her status on the ECL or that the LHC has ordered her name off the list? Are both the same things?
So, what's the problem here, the LHC asking the Govt. to tell Maryam about her status on the ECL or that the LHC has ordered her name off the list? Are both the same things?

But under which law?
Understand that the process of accountability has been reversed one more time in the name of balancing. No one's to be blamed for this. Emotional Pakistani society is not mature enough to understand the importance of accountability and the sacrifices that are required as part of it. For example when Hazrat Umar (R.A) ordered 100 lashes for his own Son because he comitted adultery, that meant an example for the society to understand accountability. Pakistani society is too weak mentally for that yet.

However -1 points for establishment to inflate the accountability balloon and letting it deflate too soon. This means we have officially ended any chance of real accountability for atleast next 2 decades until a new revolution starts it again.

For now enjoy the Topi Drama until establishment prepares a new truck di batti
Lahore high court asks explanation from police about why they arrested lawyers who attacked the hospital in Lahore.
Well isn't it obvious why?
And why instead of punishing the lawyers the court is wasting public money and court time in investigating their arrest and considering their bail?
Are they above the law?
Dedicated to Judiciary of Pakistan

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