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Lets Track Him: Bilawal's Man - Murtaza Wahab for Karachi

This country is destined for amazing things.

All these liberals, desi zionists who think that they can do corruption as they own the land will meet their due karma. It's just a matter of time.

A man who studied and groomed in British designed schools, still managed to be the founder of Muslim state. That's how Allah is best planner of all.

Karachi condition is irrelevant now, bigger things will come in future and for betterment of Pakistan as well as Islam.
Btw, here's a picture of Quaid-e-Azam smoking a cigar.:pakistan:

This country is destined for amazing things.

All these liberals, desi zionists who think that they can do corruption as they own the land will meet their due karma. It's just a matter of time.

A man who studied and groomed in British designed schools, still managed to be the founder of Muslim state. That's how Allah is best planner of all.

Karachi condition is irrelevant now, bigger things will come in future and for betterment of Pakistan as well as Islam.
Btw, here's a picture of Quaid-e-Azam smoking a cigar.:pakistan:

View attachment 768347

Somking is injurious to health. And cigars were his personal choice doesn't mean we romanticise it and make the already clueless youth turn into chain smokers
Somking is injurious to health. And cigars were his personal choice doesn't mean we romanticise it and make the already clueless youth turn into chain smokers

There's far more dangerous drug that's in your hand right now, it's called smartphone.
Wondering how sudden change of mind comes and they start thinking about welfare of Karachiites.
Right after Bilawal returns from US visit?

Seems the outsiders have found weak spot in financial capital of country and they want to exploit it next.

May Allah have mercy on Karachi and Pakistan. Ameen
One could surely get the wrong idea from the title of the Topic: Lets Track Him: Bilawal's Man

I instantly said to myself, "Why?!!"

I'm from KHI & I want these scums to be gone forever.
Yeah these are good things in reading but in reality its just a dream. We lost bangladesh because bhutto was power hungry and original muhajir kept asking to eliminate quota system and this generation also asking the same. Did it happen? no and Will it happen? NO and that is the cause of problem everyone knows but no one will do it and will keep throwing stones to those who is asking for elimination of quota system. Leave this question if they are muhajir or whatever, focus on what they been asking which is the root cause.
I don't think u read the whole conversation...u r just butting in towards the end...having missed the whole point.

Instead of telling me to "leave this question"...either u should leave this participation in the discussion with me...or at least bother to read what the conversation was.
I don't think u read the whole conversation...u r just butting in towards the end...having missed the whole point.

Instead of telling me to "leave this question"...either u should leave this participation in the discussion with me...or at least bother to read what the conversation was.
I know you are against the quota system and every sane person here will say the same but You are missing the main point which i am trying to make. Why they use muhajir card? because of not given the rights. Did anyone in power bother to give rights to ppl living in karachi? NO. So in this case they would use whatever they have to to gets their right. 40+ years is a long wait to just have basic rights. If anyone here to blame is ppp and those who gifted karachi to ppp. Nothing else matter. after 10 years there will be a thread here running the same discussion.
I know you are against the quota system and every sane person here will say the same but You are missing the main point which i am trying to make. Why they use muhajir card? because of not given the rights. Did anyone in power bother to give rights to ppl living in karachi? NO. So in this case they would use whatever they have to to gets their right. 40+ years is a long wait to just have basic rights. If anyone here to blame is ppp and those who gifted karachi to ppp. Nothing else matter. after 10 years there will be a thread here running the same discussion.
Brother I'll say again...go back and read all my posts on this thread...and I think there were some others too on another thread with PakLovesTurkey guy. If not...plz don't waste my time. The argument u r making here..is not my argument. U gotta put it in context.
If u r too hell bent on "Karachi would like to see his own son on top"...doing politics over ethnic lines...playing the card of "Urdu speaking/Muhajir"...then by that reasoning u should call India ur home...since Muhajirs came from there.
...it's only appropriate since u r putting ethnicity above all things and sticking hard to ur roots...then follow through on that in its truest sense and go back to India(ur roots)...
...by electing known looters who have worked to destroy the country every time they were given a chance, U r not doing the country any service.

Before u start jumping up and down...do know that on one side of my family...they are/were Muhajirs(my grandparents from one side migrated from India)...settled in Lahore. The other side of my family is Punjabi...and neither side has problems with any other ethnicities nor do politics along those lines. Therefore I'm mixed...both Punjabi and Urdu speaking.

Ethnic identity is a source of pride...but when u take it to the extremes to the point where u r willing to destroy the country...that's where it's traitorous behavior. I wouldn't care if a person I was electing was Pathan, Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Muhajir, Kashmiri, Hazara, etc. The only requirement would be "is he/she good for Pakistan(at whatever level of the government)?"...
...if the answer is yes...I will vote for that person.

As for "where Urdu guys will compete in? In FATA?"
Yes...so long as retards like u don't exist...a true Pakistani will not care whether or not his fellow Pakistani is Urdu speaking or any other ethnicity. The only metric would be...what that person can do for the country? From district level all the way to running the whole country...that's the only metric.

@Areesh this guy really tries hard to put a garb of being thoughtful about his voting choices...but either he is one of those die hard Jiayalas or a complete moron doing politics along ethnic lines at the expense of the country. I'm not sure which is worse.
Y the heck did mqm-like politics get any kick in the first place? B sympathetic to these urdu speaking Pakistanis since they have been wronged to the extreme! Karachi was THE most peaceful city at the time of independence rite up till even the early 80s. Ayub khan the initiator of decade of development vs ayub khan the guy who shifted center of power to Islamabad as well as removed the crem de la crem of Indian Civil services officers from bureaucracy is wat u call 2 extremes.
Go n study impartially wat wrongs were done to a ppl from amongst whom hailed the most competitive, qualified & eminent persons of the day who gave their heart n soul out for stability of the new state yet they were singled out by powers that b since the power grab to b systematically wiped out from power centers of the country.
Y the heck did mqm-like politics get any kick in the first place? B sympathetic to these urdu speaking Pakistanis since they have been wronged to the extreme! Karachi was THE most peaceful city at the time of independence rite up till even the early 80s. Ayub khan the initiator of decade of development vs ayub khan the guy who shifted center of power to Islamabad as well as removed the crem de la crem of Indian Civil services officers from bureaucracy is wat u call 2 extremes.
Go n study impartially wat wrongs were done to a ppl from amongst whom hailed the most competitive, qualified & eminent persons of the day who gave their heart n soul out for stability of the new state yet they were singled out by powers that b since the power grab to b systematically wiped out from power centers of the country.
Oof...just like AZ1 member above...u too? Like him I will tell u to read the whole conversation before jumping in. My discussion was never about Urdu speaking community being wronged or not...or whether or not they were given their due rights. This was about voting for PPPP due to ethnic loyalties.
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