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‘Let them practise what they preach,' Shahidullah Shaid, spokesperson of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan

If you read Iqbal you will find out he was against nationalism which world mostly knows today and we have to stop fighting our own people we lost Bangladesh because of this and we are repeating same mistake in FATA and Baluchistan we need to stop

Agreed 100%. Nationalism is a new shirak of today. But this coming from a mouth of a man whose party kills fellow Muslims in the name of Islam and ultimately benefits our enemies is not that anyone can defend.
It is interesting to note how much these people fear education (apparently "secular" in this instance).

Certainly , it isn't limited to providing gender segregated education as many ignorants would think by his words . It has more to do with teaching a selective curriculum and giving only knowledge which ensures that critical and free thinking is discouraged and their propaganda and stance is upheld and justified . Would they like to teach anything modern and proper sciences at all ? No . Remember the Galileo and the Pope thing ?
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Certainly , it isn't limited to providing gender segregated education as many ignorants would think by his words . It has more to do with teaching a selective curriculum and giving only knowledge which ensures that critical and free thinking is discouraged and their propaganda and stance is upheld and justified - a . Would they like to teach anything modern

Great reference. I find these people even more perplexing because unlike Galileo's era every mullah is enjoying the fruits of this knowledge while simultaneously hating all it represents. Mobile phones, ballistics, I hope on the battlefield they stick to Islamic medicine,. They want to live like the salaf but with the mod cons!

I actually don't find their stance honest at all. It really is ingratitude and hypocrisy of the highest order and I hope it doesn't take Muslims 200 years to get past it...

I think the intellectuals and the achievers need to reclaim the debate throughout the Muslim world. Mullahs need to be challenged politely on their knowledge but everyday people also need to be woken up to the fallacy that more Islam is the medicine for the mullah disease. (I try to do my bit too but it is a long road).

Btw great by-line on your profile, I use it all the time now!
Well just a general comment I think if Taliban does rob banks then I think they don't do anything wrong because these banks are the dens of usury and Riba and Riba is described in Quran as war against Allah and his Rasool salallahu alaihi wasallam and I think those who wage war against Allah and his Rasool alaihi salam then they deserve much worse then just looting their ill-gotten haram wealth.

Thats how the world works, there is no law against it as it is the world's financial workhouse. This is how companies are run, this how your daddy is able to hold a job and keep his money in a bank safe and sound. Dont say these idotic stuff to me. Sure there is wrong in everything. There is wrong in blowing people up in the name of Islam, so is Islam wrong? What logic do you guys come up with?

You clearly disregarded the TTP's drug business and kidnapping and extortion yet you only saw banks. Hahaha. I dont know whether to laugh or cry. America invaded Afghanistan because these assholes would not give up Bin laden. That asshole killed innocent civilians in the most powerful nation on earth. They wanted bin laden but Mullah Omar did not give them Bin Laden when he should have. What Muslim orders the killing of so many innocents under the banner of Islam? They did not give up Bin Laden, what happened? They bombed to shit whatever was left of Afghanistan. The killings of civilians lies entirely on Mullah Omar and his govt as they could have saved a million lives. But no some bullshit about pakhtunwali which is against Islam with so much HARAM disguised as "honor" that people like you ( maybe not you ) take as Islam.

Who suffers? We do because we have a border and a country to save, we cannot believe in this BS Jihad where they are busy killing each others of the same faith right after Soviets leaving. All they wanted was power.

I refuse to accept them as Muslims, for me Pakistan is the only thing that matters.
Come on now don't give me this shit that this is how things work. All the principles of Islamic economics and transactions has been outlined in the Quran and Hadith and there is immense material and research of Islamic jurists and scholars built on that available related to Islamic economics theory and practice. The only reason it does not get implemented is because of the corrupt regimes installed by your American masters occupying the Islamic nations.

Coming on to Bin Laden well the Pakistani chief negotiator with the Taliban has recently revealed in an interview that the video cassette allegedly containing OBL's confession of 9/11 attacks handed over to the Taliban by your American masters would not be sufficient as enough evidence let alone indict someone in a US court of law.

Moreover the Taliban were bombed badly but thank God they neither begged of nor bow down before your masters rather made your masters run with tails between their legs unlike Pakistan who can sell its daughters and even mothers for a miserable sum of $$$ and then also accept it proudly as very aptly put by one of your American master's diplomat.
i guss, you needs to open up your godaammed eyes , & see US & nato forces flying sky high in kabul?
where is the office or any dam madarsa oppened up in who afghanistan by TALIBANS . no where?
in the end same talibans went to QATAR head down to the same americans ?
nice stupid , emotional jokes you posted in your , goddammed post?
right , all lies all twisted facts ?
what TALIBANS has got, in 10 years of war , with USA ?
ohh whole world? right?lolzzz
not a tiny part is in control of theses pakistani blood sucking bastrds ?
time will come , when whole pakistani nation will, kick you out to the TORABORA you belong in the hell?
OBL was a innocent kid, hidding to save his life ? biggest joke the century ever produced? lolzzz
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